Closed Bug 964417 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Firefox Accounts system app should check state before starting flow


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jhirsch, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [qa+])

Currently, when the firefox accounts overlay is opened, it *always* starts at the logged-out screen (please enter email).

We should check if there is a session via FxAccountsIACHelper.getAccount().

If we've got a verified login, show the verified account success screen("you're all set" + OK button).
If we've got an unverified session, show the unverified account success screen ("check your email to verify your account" + OK button).

We could also just bail, but that creates a long strange user flow: click login button -> see the overlay animate in -> see the overlay animate closed, back to app. Perceived performance might be better if we show a success screen.
also related to 963859
Blocks: 941723
Whiteboard: [qa+]
Blocks: 955952
No longer blocks: 941723
Assignee: nobody → ferjmoreno
Blocks: 974096
No longer blocks: 955952
Assignee: ferjmoreno → nobody
Jared, is this behavior current for you? I am not seeing it on master.
Flags: needinfo?(6a68)
Hey Sam - Yeah, I am still seeing this behavior. 

1. sign in through settings app
2. open fxa test client, click 'open flow'
3. flow displays logged-out state
Flags: needinfo?(6a68)
To be clear, after (3), you can go through and re-login. That's what seems odd.
Thanks for the info -- I think the purpose of that button is to always call the flow that way. The Test FXA app is quite old -- not sure if we should retire it, but I AM sure it's OK to ignore any weird behavior in it that has a logical explanation. I'm inclined to Resolve this WFM if we don't see this behavior in Settings, which I don't. OK with you?

ps it might be time to remove Test FXA, or to move the functionality to UITest/API. I favor the former.
I propose setting this bug Resolved/WFM per previous comment.
I propose deleting, in a couple weeks, the TestFXA app, which exercises FxAccountsIACHelper just like Settings (but with a tiny bit more functionality).
I propose replacing it with automated Q/A of Settings. If that leaves a hole, I propose moving the TestFXA functionality into UITest/API.

Seconds? Howls of outrage?
Flags: needinfo?(jparsons)
Flags: needinfo?(6a68)
I'd prefer we not remove the test client until we have 2 certified apps (Settings is 1, FTU doesn't quite count) that use the FxAccountsIACHelper.
Flags: needinfo?(6a68)
OK. I don't know when we will get a second client for FxAccountsIACHelper but that's fine with me.
Closed: 11 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(jparsons)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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