Closed Bug 970336 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

test_restrequest.js times out on Android 2.3 emulator


(Cloud Services :: Firefox: Common, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gbrown, Assigned: gps)




(1 file, 2 obsolete files)

xpcshell test services/common/tests/unit/test_restrequest.js intermittently times out on the Android 2.3 emulator.

16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | /builds/slave/test/build/tests/xpcshell/tests/services/common/tests/unit/test_restrequest.js | running test ...
16:48:33  WARNING -  TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /builds/slave/test/build/tests/xpcshell/tests/services/common/tests/unit/test_restrequest.js | Test timed out
16:48:33  WARNING -  TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /builds/slave/test/build/tests/xpcshell/tests/services/common/tests/unit/test_restrequest.js | test failed (with xpcshell return code: -1), see following log:
16:48:33     INFO -  >>>>>>>
16:48:33     INFO -  xpcw: cd /mnt/sdcard/tests/xpcshell/services/common/tests/unit
16:48:33     INFO -  xpcw: xpcshell -r /mnt/sdcard/tests/xpcshell/c/httpd.manifest --greomni /data/local/xpcb/ -m -n -s -e const _HTTPD_JS_PATH = "/mnt/sdcard/tests/xpcshell/c/httpd.js"; -e const _HEAD_JS_PATH = "/mnt/sdcard/tests/xpcshell/head.js"; -e const _TESTING_MODULES_DIR = "/mnt/sdcard/tests/xpcshell/m"; -f /mnt/sdcard/tests/xpcshell/head.js -e const _SERVER_ADDR = "localhost" -e const _HEAD_FILES = ["/mnt/sdcard/tests/xpcshell/services/common/tests/unit/head_global.js", "/mnt/sdcard/tests/xpcshell/services/common/tests/unit/head_helpers.js", "/mnt/sdcard/tests/xpcshell/services/common/tests/unit/head_http.js"]; -e const _TAIL_FILES = []; -e const _TEST_FILE = ["test_restrequest.js"]; -e _execute_test(); quit(0);
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test MAIN run_test pending (1)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 0 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test MAIN run_test finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | running event loop
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_invalid_uri
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_invalid_uri pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_invalid_uri : 26] 2152398858 == 2152398858
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 1 pending (3)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_invalid_uri finished (3)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 0 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_attributes
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_attributes pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_attributes : 37] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_attributes : 38] "" == ""
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_attributes : 39] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_attributes : 40] 0 == 0
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_attributes : 44] 17024 == 17024
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 2 pending (3)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_attributes finished (3)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 1 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_proxy_auth_redirect
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_proxy_auth_redirect pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Installing fake PAC.
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 2 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  System JS : ERROR (null):0 - uncaught exception: 2147500037
16:48:33     INFO -  System JS : ERROR (null):0 - uncaught exception: 2147500037
16:48:33     INFO -  System JS : ERROR (null):0 - uncaught exception: 2147500037
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: GET http://localhost:41045/original
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for GET http://localhost:41045/original returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	GET http://localhost:41045/original 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	GET body: TADA!
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_proxy_auth_redirect/< : 80] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_proxy_auth_redirect/< : 81] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_proxy_auth_redirect/< : 82] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_proxy_auth_redirect/< : 83] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_proxy_auth_redirect/< : 84] "TADA!" == "TADA!"
16:48:33     INFO -  Uninstalling fake PAC.
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 3 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_proxy_auth_redirect finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_forbidden_port
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_forbidden_port pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	WARN	Caught an error in asyncOpen: Component returned failure code: 0x804b0013 (NS_ERROR_PORT_ACCESS_NOT_ALLOWED) [nsIChannel.asyncOpen] Stack trace: dispatch()@resource://services-common/rest.js:334 < get()@resource://services-common/rest.js:202 < test_forbidden_port()@test_restrequest.js:97 < _run_next_test()@/mnt/sdcard/tests/xpcshell/head.js:1394 < do_execute_soon/<.run()@/mnt/sdcard/tests/xpcshell/head.js:507 < <file:unknown>
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 3 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_forbidden_port/< : 101] 2152398867 == 2152398867
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 4 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_forbidden_port finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_simple_get
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_simple_get pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_simple_get : 123] 1 == 1
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_simple_get : 124] "GET" == "GET"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 4 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Processing request
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: GET http://localhost:37114/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for GET http://localhost:37114/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	GET http://localhost:37114/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	GET body: Huzzah!
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_simple_get/request< : 114] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_simple_get/request< : 116] 4 == 4
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_simple_get/request< : 117] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_simple_get/request< : 118] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_simple_get/request< : 119] "Huzzah!" == "Huzzah!"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 5 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_simple_get finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_get
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_get pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get : 135] 0 == 0
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get : 168] [object Object] == [object Object]
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get : 169] 1 == 1
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get : 170] "GET" == "GET"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get : 171] undefined == undefined
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 5 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  System JS : WARNING /mnt/sdcard/tests/xpcshell/services/common/tests/unit/head_helpers.js:32 - reference to undefined property e.result
16:48:33     INFO -  Processing request
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: GET http://localhost:60412/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onProgress : 144] 2 == 2
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onProgress : 145] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onProgress : 147] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onProgress : 148] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for GET http://localhost:60412/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	GET http://localhost:60412/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	GET body: Huzzah!
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 152] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 154] 4 == 4
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 155] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 156] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 157] "Huzzah!" == "Huzzah!"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 158] "GET" == "GET"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 160] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get/onComplete/< : 162] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get/onComplete/< : 163] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 6 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_get finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_get_utf8
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_get_utf8 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 6 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: GET http://localhost:50335/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for GET http://localhost:50335/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	GET http://localhost:50335/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	GET body: Hello World or Καλημέρα κόσμε or こんにちは 世界
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_utf8/< : 200] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_utf8/< : 202] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_utf8/< : 203] "Hello World or Καλημέρα κόσμε or こんにちは 世界" == "Hello World or Καλημέρα κόσμε or こんにちは 世界"
16:48:33     INFO -  Sync.RESTResponse	TRACE	Processing response headers.
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_utf8/< : 205] "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" == "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: GET http://localhost:50335/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for GET http://localhost:50335/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	GET http://localhost:50335/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	GET body: Hello World or Καλημέρα κόσμε or こんにちは 世界
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_utf8/</< : 211] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_utf8/</< : 213] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_utf8/</< : 214] "Hello World or Καλημέρα κόσμε or こんにちは 世界" == "Hello World or Καλημέρα κόσμε or こんにちは 世界"
16:48:33     INFO -  Sync.RESTResponse	TRACE	Processing response headers.
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_utf8/</< : 215] "text/plain" == "text/plain"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_utf8/</< : 216] "utf-8" == "utf-8"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 7 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_get_utf8 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_charsets
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_charsets pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 7 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: GET http://localhost:38264/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for GET http://localhost:38264/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	GET http://localhost:38264/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	GET body: Hello World, I can't speak Russian
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_charsets/< : 248] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_charsets/< : 250] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_charsets/< : 251] "Hello World, I can't speak Russian" == "Hello World, I can't speak Russian"
16:48:33     INFO -  Sync.RESTResponse	TRACE	Processing response headers.
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_charsets/< : 253] "text/plain; charset=us-ascii" == "text/plain; charset=us-ascii"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_charsets/< : 254] "us-ascii" == "us-ascii"
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: GET http://localhost:38264/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for GET http://localhost:38264/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	GET http://localhost:38264/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	GET body: Hello World, I can't speak Russian
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_charsets/</< : 261] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_charsets/</< : 263] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_charsets/</< : 264] "Hello World, I can't speak Russian" == "Hello World, I can't speak Russian"
16:48:33     INFO -  Sync.RESTResponse	TRACE	Processing response headers.
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_charsets/</< : 265] "text/plain" == "text/plain"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_charsets/</< : 266] "us-ascii" == "us-ascii"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 8 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_charsets finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_put
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_put pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put : 281] 0 == 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	PUT Length: 6
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	PUT Body: Hullo?
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put : 314] [object Object] == [object Object]
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put : 315] 1 == 1
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put : 316] "PUT" == "PUT"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put : 317] undefined == undefined
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 8 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Processing request
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: PUT http://localhost:41959/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onProgress : 290] 2 == 2
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onProgress : 291] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for PUT http://localhost:41959/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	PUT http://localhost:41959/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	PUT body: Got it!
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 295] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 297] 4 == 4
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 298] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 299] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 300] "Got it!" == "Got it!"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 302] "PUT" == "PUT"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 303] "Hullo?" == "Hullo?"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 304] "text/plain" == "text/plain"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 306] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put/onComplete/< : 308] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put/onComplete/< : 309] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 9 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_put finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_post
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_post pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post : 330] 0 == 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	POST Length: 6
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	POST Body: Hullo?
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post : 363] [object Object] == [object Object]
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post : 364] 1 == 1
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post : 365] "POST" == "POST"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post : 366] undefined == undefined
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 9 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Processing request
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: POST http://localhost:47960/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onProgress : 339] 2 == 2
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onProgress : 340] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for POST http://localhost:47960/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	POST http://localhost:47960/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	POST body: Got it!
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 344] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 346] 4 == 4
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 347] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 348] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 349] "Got it!" == "Got it!"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 351] "POST" == "POST"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 352] "Hullo?" == "Hullo?"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 353] "text/plain" == "text/plain"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 355] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post/onComplete/< : 357] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post/onComplete/< : 358] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 10 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_post finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_delete
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_delete pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_delete : 379] 0 == 0
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_delete : 409] [object Object] == [object Object]
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_delete : 410] 1 == 1
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_delete : 411] "DELETE" == "DELETE"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_delete : 412] undefined == undefined
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 10 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Processing request
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: DELETE http://localhost:45497/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onProgress : 388] 2 == 2
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onProgress : 389] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for DELETE http://localhost:45497/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	DELETE http://localhost:45497/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	DELETE body: Got it!
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 393] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 395] 4 == 4
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 396] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 397] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 398] "Got it!" == "Got it!"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 399] "DELETE" == "DELETE"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [onComplete : 401] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_delete/onComplete/< : 403] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_delete/onComplete/< : 404] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 11 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_delete finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_get_404
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_get_404 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 11 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Processing request
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: GET http://localhost:52439/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for GET http://localhost:52439/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	GET http://localhost:52439/resource 404
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	GET body: Cannae find it!
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_404/< : 426] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_404/< : 428] 4 == 4
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_404/< : 429] false == false
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_404/< : 430] 404 == 404
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_404/< : 431] "Cannae find it!" == "Cannae find it!"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 12 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_get_404 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_put_json
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_put_json pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	PUT Length: 52
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	PUT Body: {"some":"sample_data","injson":"format","number":42}
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 12 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Processing request
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: PUT http://localhost:58299/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for PUT http://localhost:58299/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	PUT http://localhost:58299/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	PUT body: 
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_json/< : 452] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_json/< : 454] 4 == 4
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_json/< : 455] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_json/< : 456] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_json/< : 457] "" == ""
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_json/< : 459] "PUT" == "PUT"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_json/< : 460] "{"some":"sample_data","injson":"format","number":42}" == "{"some":"sample_data","injson":"format","number":42}"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_json/< : 461] "text/plain" == "text/plain"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 13 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_put_json finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_post_json
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_post_json pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	POST Length: 52
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	POST Body: {"some":"sample_data","injson":"format","number":42}
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 13 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Processing request
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: POST http://localhost:58325/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for POST http://localhost:58325/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	POST http://localhost:58325/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	POST body: 
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_json/< : 482] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_json/< : 484] 4 == 4
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_json/< : 485] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_json/< : 486] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_json/< : 487] "" == ""
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_json/< : 489] "POST" == "POST"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_json/< : 490] "{"some":"sample_data","injson":"format","number":42}" == "{"some":"sample_data","injson":"format","number":42}"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_json/< : 491] "text/plain" == "text/plain"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 14 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_post_json finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_put_override_content_type
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_put_override_content_type pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	HTTP Header content-type: application/lolcat
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	PUT Length: 9
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	PUT Body: O HAI!!1!
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 14 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Processing request
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: PUT http://localhost:55930/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for PUT http://localhost:55930/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	PUT http://localhost:55930/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	PUT body: 
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_override_content_type/< : 507] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_override_content_type/< : 509] 4 == 4
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_override_content_type/< : 510] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_override_content_type/< : 511] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_override_content_type/< : 512] "" == ""
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_override_content_type/< : 514] "PUT" == "PUT"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_override_content_type/< : 515] "O HAI!!1!" == "O HAI!!1!"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_put_override_content_type/< : 516] "application/lolcat" == "application/lolcat"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 15 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_put_override_content_type finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_post_override_content_type
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_post_override_content_type pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	HTTP Header content-type: application/lolcat
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	POST Length: 9
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	POST Body: O HAI!!1!
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 15 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Processing request
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: POST http://localhost:52697/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for POST http://localhost:52697/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	POST http://localhost:52697/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	POST body: 
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_override_content_type/< : 532] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_override_content_type/< : 534] 4 == 4
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_override_content_type/< : 535] true == true
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_override_content_type/< : 536] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_override_content_type/< : 537] "" == ""
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_override_content_type/< : 539] "POST" == "POST"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_override_content_type/< : 540] "O HAI!!1!" == "O HAI!!1!"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_post_override_content_type/< : 541] "application/lolcat" == "application/lolcat"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 16 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_post_override_content_type finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_get_no_headers
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_get_no_headers pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 16 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Processing request
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: GET http://localhost:36716/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for GET http://localhost:36716/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	GET http://localhost:36716/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	GET body: 
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_no_headers/< : 560] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_no_headers/< : 562] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_get_no_headers/< : 563] "" == ""
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 17 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_get_no_headers finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_changing_uri
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_changing_uri pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 17 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Processing request
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: GET http://localhost:58159/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for GET http://localhost:58159/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	GET http://localhost:58159/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	GET body: 
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_changing_uri/< : 587] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_changing_uri/< : 588] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 18 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_changing_uri finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_request_setHeader
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_request_setHeader pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	HTTP Header x-what-is-weave: more awesomer
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	HTTP Header another-header: Hello World
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 18 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Processing request
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: GET http://localhost:39716/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for GET http://localhost:39716/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	GET http://localhost:39716/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	GET body: 
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_request_setHeader/< : 607] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_request_setHeader/< : 609] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_request_setHeader/< : 610] "" == ""
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_request_setHeader/< : 612] "more awesomer" == "more awesomer"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_request_setHeader/< : 613] "Hello World" == "Hello World"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 19 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_request_setHeader finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_response_headers
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_response_headers pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 19 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: GET http://localhost:33893/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for GET http://localhost:33893/resource returned status code 0
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	DEBUG	GET http://localhost:33893/resource 200
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	GET body: 
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_response_headers/< : 632] null == null
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_response_headers/< : 634] 200 == 200
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_response_headers/< : 635] "" == ""
16:48:33     INFO -  Sync.RESTResponse	TRACE	Processing response headers.
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_response_headers/< : 637] "awesome" == "awesome"
16:48:33     INFO -  Sync.RESTResponse	TRACE	Processing response headers.
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_response_headers/< : 638] "Hello World" == "Hello World"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 20 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_response_headers finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_connection_refused
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_connection_refused pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_connection_refused : 659] 1 == 1
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 20 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	onStartRequest: GET http://localhost:1234/resource
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Channel for GET http://localhost:1234/resource returned status code 2152398861
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_connection_refused/< : 654] 2152398861 == 2152398861
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_connection_refused/< : 655] "NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" == "NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED"
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_connection_refused/< : 656] 4 == 4
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 21 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_connection_refused finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_abort
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_abort pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_abort : 674] undefined == undefined
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_abort : 685] undefined == undefined
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_abort : 689] 8 == 8
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 21 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Not proceeding with onStartRequest, request was aborted.
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Not proceeding with onStopRequest, request was aborted.
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 22 pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_abort finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | test_restrequest.js | Starting test_timeout
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_timeout pending (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 22 finished (2)
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_timeout/< : 717] 2152398862 == 2152398862
16:48:33     INFO -  TEST-PASS | test_restrequest.js | [test_timeout/< : 718] 8 == 8
16:48:33     INFO -  Closing connection.
16:48:33     INFO -  ************************************************************
16:48:33     INFO -  * Call to xpconnect wrapped JSObject produced this error:  *
16:48:33     INFO -  [Exception... "[JavaScript Error: "server_connection is undefined" {file: "test_restrequest.js" line: 721}]'[JavaScript Error: "server_connection is undefined" {file: "test_restrequest.js" line: 721}]' when calling method: [nsITimerCallback::notify]"  nsresult: "0x80570021 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS)"  location: "native frame :: <unknown filename> :: <TOP_LEVEL> :: line 0"  data: yes]
16:48:33     INFO -  ************************************************************
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Not proceeding with onStartRequest, request was aborted.
16:48:33     INFO -  Services.Common.RESTRequest	TRACE	Not proceeding with onStopRequest, request was aborted.
16:48:33     INFO -  10015	277
16:48:33     INFO -  10014	350	com.svox.pico
16:48:33     INFO -  10019	338
16:48:33     INFO -  10011	119
16:48:33     INFO -  1000	64	system
16:48:33     INFO -  10006	193
16:48:33     INFO -  10032	300	com.mozilla.SUTAgentAndroid
16:48:33     INFO -  10001	211
16:48:33     INFO -  10012	242
16:48:33     INFO -  10000	168	android.process.acore
16:48:33     INFO -  10002	264
16:48:33     INFO -  10027	285
16:48:33     INFO -  10031	254	com.mozilla.watcher
16:48:33     INFO -  1001	123
16:48:33     INFO -  10007	226
16:48:33     INFO -  10025	127
16:48:33     INFO -  1000	150
16:48:33     INFO -  \x00
16:48:33     INFO -  <<<<<<<
Attachment #8373377 - Flags: review?(dminor)
The attached patch is empty.
Attachment #8373377 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8373377 - Flags: review?(dminor)
Attachment #8373395 - Flags: review?(dminor)
Presumably the same root cause of Bug 969624, which uses RESTRequest. gps, this is probably worth spending 20 minutes investigating.
Flags: needinfo?(gps)
Attachment #8373395 - Flags: review?(dminor) → review+
Proper fix to reported exception.
Attachment #8375223 - Flags: review?(rnewman)
Assignee: gbrown → gps
Comment on attachment 8373395 [details] [diff] [review]
skip test_restrequest.js on Android 2.3

Let's take the proper fix instead.
Attachment #8373395 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8373395 - Flags: review-
Flags: needinfo?(gps)
Component: General → Firefox: Common
Product: Testing → Mozilla Services
Attachment #8375223 - Flags: review?(rnewman) → review+
Flags: in-testsuite+
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla30
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


