Closed Bug 976615 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

MTV3-3G Get to da Choppa Sony PZT Camera choppy panning


(Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard :: Servicedesk, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: soap, Assigned: jaredo)



Video is very choppy when panning camera. Rebooting Crestron and Vidyo did not resolve issue. Please take a look at this. Thank you.
Blocks: 874556
Have you tried rebooting the camera?  If the panning is choppy from both the iPad UI and the IR remote control, the issue is likely with the camera itself.
Oops, yes I forgot I also rebooted the camera itself. The camera itself appears to be moving smoothly, it is the video that looks to be streaming choppy. During conference room checks yesterday Feb 24, it was fine. The issue only started this morning.
Streaming choppy to the far end of a call - or is it also choppy on "self view"?  Either way I'm surprised a Vidyo reboot didn't fix this - I think it's a Vidyo or Network issue.  If it's choppy on "Self View" I suppose a reboot of the camera HD-BaseT extenders would be prudent...
Yes it is both choppy in self-view mode, and also appears choppy streaming to the far end of the call.
Okay, I think we can start with rebooting the transmitter/receiver set for the camera; if that doesn't work it pretty much has to be an issue with the Vidyo endpoint - there is no other A/V equipment in line, the camera is connected directly to the endpoint.

Jared or Mark: can one of you guys drop by and check this out?
I'll stop by after my current service call.
Hi, AVDG believes this is a Vidyo box issue. It seems to be intermittent and for now it doesn't impact use or performance in any critical way. Will close this bug, and if any other issues arise we'll open a new one. Thanks for the help Jared.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Infrastructure & Operations
Product: Infrastructure & Operations → Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard
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