Closed Bug 97863 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

unable to save as template from thread pane or standalone window


(MailNews Core :: Composition, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: sspitzer)



(Keywords: platform-parity, regression)

found using 2001.08.31.08-comm bits on linux and mac. i cannot save a msg as a
template from either the thread pane or the mail standalone window.

1. select a msg in either the thread pane, or dbl-click on it to bring up its
standalone window.
2. select File > Save As > Template.
3. check the Templates folder.

results: after step 2, the saving progress dialog never appeared. and the
Templates folder didn't contain the msg i had attempted to save.

the acct i'm using is imap, with all of the special folders stored on the

i think i've seen with an older build, around 8/21. will check. it's definitely
a regression.
yep, also a problem with the 2001.08.21.08 bits i have. interesting, that's the
same build i've found bug 96314 [unable to save unless file given .txt or .html
extension]. related, or just coincidence?

just to clarify: i'm able to save as template while i'm *composing* a message.
Keywords: regression
i retried this on mac, and it's wfm. it's also wfm on winME for nbaca.

tried again on linux using a new profile...still a problem.
OS: All → Linux
Hardware: All → PC
Keywords: pp
when trying to save as template from thread pane [failure], get the following in
console from a debug build [saturday, 9/1 9am-ish]:

  Opening file nsmail.tmp failed 

otoh, when saving as template is successful [ie, from compose window], i see the

SaveAsTemplate from XUL
GenericSendMessage from XUL
Identity = [nsIMsgIdentity: id1]
attachments =
we don't handle eBorderStyle_close yet... please fix me
[New Thread 995]
Disabling Quirk StyleSheet
Trying to position a sizeless window; caller should have called sizeToContent()
or sizeTo(). See bug 75649.
nsWidget::~nsWidget() of toplevel: 41 widgets still exist.

RECEIVE ComposeProcessDone

nsMsgComposeSendListener: Success on the message copy operation!
QA Contact: esther → sheelar
build: 2001-09-04-08 linux

Saving as template a newly composed message is working fine for both pop and
local template folder.

While trying to select an existing message from 3 pane does not save the message
but I don't see any error in the console.  Saving to imap template folder does
not save at all. Trying to save as template to a local template folder gives the
following error dlg" Unable to save the message, please check your file and try
again later" oK button.

While trying to save from a stand alone window to a local template folder gives
the same error. Saving as template from a stand alone to an imap template folder
works but the template folder has the 2 copies of that message saved.  

I am seeing all mixed up results on the above commercial build not a debug build.
reassign and change component
Assignee: sspitzer → ducarroz
Component: Mail Window Front End → Composition
Keywords: nsbranch
Blocks: 99230
moving to nsBranch+ status. JF, do you have cycles to look into this or do you
want to get Cavin involved? He's been very helpful at tracking a lot of template
problems down in the past. 
Keywords: nsbranchnsbranch+
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.5
JF and I just looked at this. We don't think this is an eMojo stopper. 
Keywords: nsbranch+nsbranch-
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.5 → mozilla0.9.6
Blocks: 81690
clearing out a dependency.
No longer blocks: 81690
from bug 96314:

i set the Templates folder to be local, then tried to save a message i was
reading in my inbox as a template [File > Save As > Template]. it failed --got a
dialog saying "unable to save the message. please check your file name and try
again later".
btw, the inbox i was referring to in my 2001-10-03 14:02 comment is an imap inbox.
forgot to mention: the tests in my last couple of comments were done using
2001.10.03.08-trunk comm bits.
taking, I have a fix for this in bug #96314
Assignee: ducarroz → sspitzer
fixed on the trunk for 0.9.5
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla0.9.5
looks great using 2001.10.04.08-trunk comm bits on linux.

* save as template from an imap inbox works when Templates is an imap folder.
* save as template from an imap inbox works when Templates is a local folder.

Thanks Sairuh for verifying this on the trunk build:)
vrfy fixed on the branch with 2001.10.05.04-0.9.4 linux bits, with the same
tests as in my 2001-10-04 14:22 comments.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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