Closed Bug 984306 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[Tarako] Not build in WebRTC


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: GonkIntegration, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: styang, Unassigned)


      No description provided.
In order to free more ROM size, we consider not to build in WebRTC for Tarako.
Flags: needinfo?(styang)
Flags: needinfo?(slee)
I adds option, --disable-webrtc, in gonk-misc/default-gecko-config to disable compiling webrtc. Here are the sizes of objdir-gecko/dist/b2g,
* enable webrtc: 36,789,415 bytes (36.8 MB )
* disable webrtc: 34,179,641 bytes (34.2 MB)
Flags: needinfo?(slee)
That should be a last resort measure, as we don't want to build different geckos in general. Also that means that the current support for webrtc audio will disappear, hence changing the product scope.
As far as I have heard, I checked with jsmith :  audio p2p communications is preffed on in 1.3 but not video: bug 862026 

I guess the audio portion still takes about 2 MB?
cc-ing Jesup to check if we can build with just the audio subset.
Flags: needinfo?(rjesup)
There is no option to turn off building video support for webrtc (though it can be preffed off).  Doing so would be new development and require non-trivial make system, c++ code and test work, as upstream didn't expect that to be an option.  It's also unclear how much would be saved in the end, though one could roughly approximate it from object files.
Flags: needinfo?(rjesup)
It's a non-trial work and impact a lot. Find other way to save ROM size.
Closed: 10 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(styang)
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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