Closed Bug 987534 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[Flame]Cannot send SMS or need much more time (more than 1 minute) to send out


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Vendcom, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mlien, Unassigned)



(3 files)

Attached file logcat.txt
[Reproduction build] v109-2 OEM + v107-3 userdata.img
  Gaia      24a28122f0141a702fcd16f872cb4f0bf41b23b2
  Gecko     876d132c89667ea2b5a21e97450ac211461d0ff1
  BuildID   20140317174747
  Version   28.0
[Reproduce Steps]
  0. Put one SIM in phone
  1. Launch Messages app
  2. Send any message to a valid number
[Expected Result]
  Send message normally and quickly
[Actual Result]
  Seldom send out successfully but need more than 1 minute
  Most of time cannot send SMS
  After target phone received message, message app still show progressing status
It seems that the ril related logs were not enabled.
Would you please help to enable it with the attached script and capture the log again?
We would like to see whether this is modem issue or not.
Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
Component: Gaia::SMS → RIL
Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
From the log, it seems to be a test build with QC_RIL.
Add QC Contact window for further investigation instead.
Component: RIL → Vendcom
Hi Bevis & Mike, 

We were not able to reproduce this issue on our side with v109-2 OEM + v107-3 userdata.img, but we just test with SIM1 under 2G network.

could you help to provide some more info:
1.Which Carrier are you using for test?
2.This issue happen on 3G network or 2G network, or both?
3.Dual SIM function was opened or not? SMS was sent through SIM1 or SIM2
4.How about the content of your SMS, is it short SMS only have several characters?

Need reporter's help to clarify the question in comment 4.
Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
1. TWM (TW Mobile)
2. Network is WCDMA preferred
3. Dual SIM function is off
4. Content just use "SIM Test"
Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
Turn on then turn off airplane mode many times, send SMS problem has different reproduce rate
If get in hard to send SMS situation, reproduce rate is 6/7
If send SMS is fine at beginning, reproduce rate is 0/7
I verify v10B build on four Flame devices
As comment 7 mentioned, it still only one device has this problem
Others are fine

v10B build is default enable DSDS
problematic device's slot one sometimes in searching status
now considering it as specific device issue
verify with v10D, another device is fine
wait for the problematic device result update from partner
quote from T2M's reply:
[Yanan]Already found this device have one capacitor broken on PCB board, that make RF related function abnormal.

it's single device' HW problem. issue closed.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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