Closed Bug 989865 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago


(Developer Services :: Mercurial:, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: seinlin, Unassigned)


Hi Chris, is it something rel.eng can look into? Thanks
Flags: needinfo?(catlee)
Blocks: 981160
We don't localize gecko for any locales but pt-BR, es, pl. If you want to change that, that's a different project. Note that by bug 967282, the gecko content is probably wrong, too.
No longer blocks: 981160
Flags: needinfo?(catlee)
Flags: needinfo?(hwine)
Axel is correct - l10n repositories are only created on as-needed basis for b2g. All initial coordination and approval happens with the l10n team.
Flags: needinfo?(hwine)
Assignee: registration → nobody
Component: Registration & Management → Infrastructure
This actually has nothing to do with localization at all, moving over to repo stuff.
Component: Infrastructure → Repos and Hooks
Product: Mozilla Localizations → Release Engineering
QA Contact: hwine
Okay, since the bug has made full circle, it sounds like we have a changing business requirement. :) We only mirror gaia l10n repositories to git.m.o on request of the l10n team. To date, we've only mirrored those l10n repos needed by partners to build specific deliverables. The current process served several purposes: a) ensured l10n was in the loop on new gaia/gecko locales b) a conscious decision was made regarding which locales would ship with which versions c) minimizing churn during an evolving build process. The churn (c) has been decreasing, so is no longer a real blocker. However, both the gecko and gaia l10n repos are owned by the l10n team, and we administer the replication per their processes. Axel: can you help me reconcile comment 2 with comment 4? - comment 2 implies we're already mirroring all relevant gecko l10n repos - comment 4 implies you may want to change the rules for which gecko l10n repos get converted. Kai-Zhen: can you clarify the use case for the git version of these? In particular is it related to building b2g for a device, or just having read only access while developing?
Flags: needinfo?(l10n)
Flags: needinfo?(kli)
I talked to Vivien just two days ago about what we ship in terms of gecko l10n on devices, and he was "oh? oh! oh :-(". But didn't have an answer really either. I'm afraid I can't reconcile, tbh. I guess I'd be looking for a product decision on the fx os side, and then we could eventually build out localizations for what's needed. But at this point, nobody seems to know what's "needed", nor does there seem to be a driving force to figure this out.
Flags: needinfo?(l10n)
Hwine, Actually this is requested by partner. AIK, they want to add these urls into their manifest file and then they can use repo to maintain their l10n build. BTW, if gecko-l10n is not a must for Firefox OS build, I think mirror all gaia-l10n is enough. Can anyone help to confirm this?
Flags: needinfo?(kli)
Two points: 1) the l10n repositories are read only. If the partner wants to contribute translations for gecko or gaia, they need to do so via the existing l10n mechanisms which utilize repositories on Axel can provide details on that process. 2) All repositories required for any FFOS localization Mozilla supports are already both: a) on b) referenced in the manifests So, this appears to ultimately be a request for Mozilla to support additional gecko locales for FFOS. And, perhaps a request to change the definition of "supported locale", or define "levels of support". Both of those are decisions needing approval from the product team and l10n team. Once they have approved, the repositories will appear. Axel: if you agree, can you pull this bug into the right product group please? Or correct my thinking?
Flags: needinfo?(l10n)
I think you're right, but I have no idea how one would drive the discussion around gecko localization for fx os. I'd probably just resolve this INCOMPLETE, and reopen if we learn of a discussion and its outcome.
Flags: needinfo?(l10n)
resolving INCOMPLETE based on comment 9, see also comment 8 for the bigger picture. Kai-Zhen - once the product issues are resolved, that new process should make things appear as the partner desires.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Hwine, Thanks!
Product: Release Engineering → Developer Services
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