Closed Bug 99404 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

invalid pref text entry is not reset upon switching panels


(SeaMonkey :: Preferences, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cmaximus, Assigned: bugzilla)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


this bug and related bug 99243 are sprung from bug 81415 I thought I filed this already but I can't find it. Apologies if I'm writing dupes to reproduce: 1. Choose Edit-->Preferences. 2. Select the Navigator-->History panel. 3. In either textfield, enter and invalid value e.g. 'p'. 4. Switch panels, e.g. 'Languages' 5. Switch back to the History panel. Actual results: Your invalid entry is still sitting there. Expected results: error checking/validation should happen on the switch and your invalid entry should be reset to the previous value. If remembering the previous value turns out to be challenging, resetting to default values could be a stop-gap measure. 20010910 builds
i'm thinking this might be expected behavior --even though the entry *is* invalid, switching btwn panels should keep the previous state and not change anything. thinking of marking invalid --since i'm not sure how value validation, if any, would occur when switching panels. or, for that matter, after OK'ing the prefs dialog altogether. samir/brian/alecf, what do you think? or, perhaps this could be a nice enhancement?
Claudius, Does the invalid entry get written out to prefs.js? That is, if you restart the browser does it have the invalid entry, default entry, or the original (assuming non-default, valid, user-changed entry)? se, It sounds like you are agreeing with Claudius's description of expected behavior. Claudius says: "... your invalid entry should be reset to the previous value. If remembering the previous value turns out to be challenging, resetting to default values could be a stop-gap measure."
samir, the invalid entry is reset to '0' as part of blake's fix for bug 81415.(I think that setting it to 0 is wrong too and wrote bug 99243) sairuh, we already do this error checking -we have to right, you can't very well have random characters for pref values. The check happens silently after you hit 'OK' my only point with this bug is that maybe we should do the check as soon as you switch away panels. very good error checking in a robust application wouldn't even let you defocus the textfield if it had an invalid entry. _very_ very good checking wouldn't let one type a char that wasn't a num...anyway I digress. I actually consider this bug to be 'minor' and 99243 the be the one of real import. I'm told that bug 66163 may go a long way to solving these issues.
Adding ben, who I understand was responsible for a large part of the preferences dialog support and eddy who was, at least at one time, picking up some part of that. Guys, what can be done about this short of getting bug 66163 taken care of?
*** Bug 61292 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Depends on: 66163
Blake, reassigning this to you, as SGehani sez you're working on validation on blur, which would handle this.
Assignee: sgehani → blakeross
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla1.2
Marking wontfix. I'm going to fix 66163 to handle all these sorts of cases. Our behavior here will match IE's.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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