Closed Bug 999696 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[tarako] OTA update problems


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dietrich, Unassigned)




(1 file)

Attached image 2014-04-22 14.26.05.jpg
In I got to the point of a successful update check. Today I actually had an update. This bug is about what happens when applying an update once receiving the update notification: 1. I initiated the download, and at some point the phone goes completely dead. 2. I had to actually pull the battery and restart to get it going again. 3. Start again at #1. This cycle happened twice. 4. The third time it started off at the "uncompressing" phase. Yay! 5. Eventually it finishes uncompressing, and prompts to restart and apply the update. 6. Phone reboots to the attached screenshot (android undergoing surgery, with warning icon). Relevant log up to that point looks good: I/GeckoUpdater( 522): Progress [ ============================ ] I/GeckoUpdater( 522): Progress [ =============================================== ] I/GeckoUpdater( 522): Progress [ ================================================ ] I/GeckoUpdater( 522): Progress [ ================================================== ] I/GeckoUpdater( 522): Finished applying update E/audio_hw_primary( 88): Error: s_vbpipe_fd(-1) open failed, No such file or directory W/WifiHW ( 83): wifi_command: SIGNAL_POLL D/wpa_supplicant( 541): nl80211: survey data missing! I/GonkAutoMounter( 522): Mounted /system partition as read-only I/Gecko ( 83): *** AUS:SVC readStatusFile - status: applied, path: /data/local/updates/0/update.status E/GeckoConsole( 83): AUS:SVC readStatusFile - status: applied, path: /data/local/updates/0/update.status E/audio_hw_primary( 88): Error: s_vbpipe_fd(-1) open failed, No such file or directory I/Gecko ( 83): *** AUS:SVC UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - Notifying observers that the update was staged. state: applied, status: applied E/GeckoConsole( 83): AUS:SVC UpdateManager:refreshUpdateStatus - Notifying observers that the update was staged. state: applied, status: applied I/Gecko ( 83): UpdatePrompt: Update is ready to apply, registering idle timeout of 600 seconds before prompting. E/audio_hw_primary( 88): Error: s_vbpipe_fd(-1) open failed, No such file or directory E/audio_hw_primary( 88): Error: s_vbpipe_fd(-1) open failed, No such file or directory I/Gecko ( 83): *** AUS:SVC UpdateService:applyOsUpdate - Rebooting into recovery to apply FOTA update: /mnt/sdcard/updates/fota/ E/GeckoConsole( 83): AUS:SVC UpdateService:applyOsUpdate - Rebooting into recovery to apply FOTA update: /mnt/sdcard/updates/fota/ D/librecovery( 83): Rebooting into recovery: --update_package=/updates/fota/ E/audio_hw_primary( 88): Error: s_vbpipe_fd(-1) open failed, No such file or directory E/audio_hw_primary( 88): Error: s_vbpipe_fd(-1) open failed, No such file or directory
Update on the update: It stayed at the warning screen forever. I pulled the battery and rebooted. System is not updated.
Aki, are you not seeing this for Tarako updates?
Flags: needinfo?(aki)
Blocked on bug 989128 ?
Flags: needinfo?(aki)
Depends on: 989128
Bug 989128 has been fixed on my side, please try it again.
Flashed Tarako build 4/23, fixed update channel (see bug 1001068) and detected the 4/24 update. The update applied, and version information in Settings app now says 4/24. Yay! Thanks James!
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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