Closed Bug 162432 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

In <chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js>, "Error: redeclaration of const MOZILLA_CONTENT_PACK" (in multiple MailNews places)


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugmail, Assigned: sgautherie)


(Keywords: testcase)


(3 files, 2 obsolete files)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-US; rv:1.1b) Gecko/20020722 BuildID: 2002072203 Clicking on a mailto: link on a page resulted in an error message being generated on the JavaScript Console. Reproducible: Couldn't Reproduce Steps to Reproduce: 1. Access a page containing a mailto: URL link 2. Click the link. Actual Results: MailNews opened a new Compose window correctly addressed, but an error message was generated on the JavaScript Console: Error: redeclaration of const MOZ_HELP_URI Source File: chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js Line: 1 Expected Results: MailNews should open a new Compose window without error. I have not included the URL because it is private. I examined the source and it was a simple link, of the type <a href=""></a>.
To help.
Assignee: joki → oeschger
Component: Event Handling → Help
QA Contact: rakeshmishra → tpreston
WFM using and clicking on Ms Terri Preston (a simple mailto link) Mac OS X branch build 2002081305
Confirming on Win2k: built from the trunk 20020926. When I hit "reply group" from a news message, a dialog pops up "An error occurred while creating a message compose window. Please try again. R" and the javascript console displays the "redeclaration" message. I'm going to update my tree and see if this helps.
Severity: normal → major
OS: MacOS X → All
Hardware: Macintosh → All
Benjamin, that's a different bug. In fact, it greatly resembles bug 135576.
...or, the more recent bug 170745.
OK. The "redeclaration" message was appearing, but only as a side-affect of my real bug, which was 170745. So this bug is only about the chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js error... but it is still a cross-platform issue. This is the only declaration of this variable in the source tree.
Severity: major → minor
Confirmed on WinXP SP1 Error: redeclaration of const MOZ_HELP_URI Source File: chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js Line: 1
Severity: minor → trivial
[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; rv:1.3a) Gecko/20021212] I got this JS error, but I don't know how to reproduce.
[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030312] Bug still there.
[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; rv:1.4a) Gecko/20030401] Bug still there. (with v1.3 profile, at least)
I suggest to change the summary to: In <chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js>, "Error: redeclaration of const MOZ_HELP_URI"
Summary: Clicking on link generated error on JavaScript console ("redeclaration of const MOZ_HELP_URI") → In <chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js>, "Error: redeclaration of const MOZ_HELP_URI"; (After clicking on a "mailto:" link)
Win98SE Build 20030625 Seeing this error also, don't know what triggers it at the moment.
Summary: In <chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js>, "Error: redeclaration of const MOZ_HELP_URI"; (After clicking on a "mailto:" link) → Error: redeclaration of const MOZ_HELP_URI; (After clicking on a "mailto:" link)
[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624] (v1.4rc3) Re comment 12: This error happens the first time, after each Mozilla start, '(message) Compose' is opened. This is *very much* like bug 195733 comment 14 ! Could someone come up with a similar solution ? Changing: *Summary: Adding back the filename (Why did you remove it ?), and updating with the actual trigger event. *Severity: trivial -> normal. (useless clutter of the JS console.) *Should this be done too: "Product: Browser -> MailNews" ? PS: I tried to send you a message, but got [ <>: Connected to but sender was rejected. Remote host said: 550 5.0.0 <>... Access Denied To Chicken Shit France ]; which I certainly does not like !
Severity: trivial → normal
Summary: Error: redeclaration of const MOZ_HELP_URI; (After clicking on a "mailto:" link) → In <chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js>, "Error: redeclaration of const MOZ_HELP_URI"; (when opening 'Compose' for the first time in the "session")
Addition to comment 13: Asking for 'blocking1.4.x' flag, hoping to build on bug 195733 comment 19 momentum...
Flags: blocking1.4.x?
moving stuff over to an outside-the-firewall email for the time being, looking for people to pick these Help and doc bugs up for me.
Assignee: oeschger → oeschger
mass reassign of all of Ian Oeschger's bugs to me (R.J. Keller).
Assignee: oeschger → rlk
Flags: blocking1.4.x? → blocking1.4.x-
Brant, didn't you fix this in Firebird Help? Could you fix this in seamonkey?
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.6alpha
Accepting. Brant, do you know the checkin revision on the MozDev tree?
QA Contact: tpreston → stolenclover
I can't reproduce this. Daniel: Can you reproduce?
Re comment 19: [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007] (W98SE) Bug still there (as in comment 13). (I don't check nighlies...)
-> 1.6beta
Target Milestone: mozilla1.6alpha → mozilla1.6beta
[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.6a) Gecko/20031030] (BuildId=2003110115, bug 224340#c19) (W98SE) Variable name changed from MOZ_HELP_URI to MOZILLA_HELP: { Error: redeclaration of const MOZILLA_HELP Source File: chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js Line: 21 } [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007] (W98SE) (I did not notice it before, like in comment 20, but:) Line number changed from 1 to 21: { Error: redeclaration of const MOZ_HELP_URI Source File: chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js Line: 21 }
Summary: In <chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js>, "Error: redeclaration of const MOZ_HELP_URI"; (when opening 'Compose' for the first time in the "session") → In <chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js>, "Error: redeclaration of const MOZ_HELP_URI" (or new MOZILLA_HELP); (when opening 'Compose' for the first time in the "session")
Confirming comment 22. The way i triggered it: in browser do FILE - SEND LINK. However it won't reproduce in this session, xp pro sp1 20031028
Re comment 23: [However it won't reproduce in this session, xp pro sp1 20031028] _Mozilla_ session ?? Then it behaves as expected: [(when opening 'Compose' for the _first_ time in the "session")]. _WXP_ session ?? Then, that's odd indeed...
as to comment reproduces now. My mistake :$
Attached patch (Av1) <contextHelp.js> (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This fixes the problem, and looks cleaner.
Attachment #135142 - Flags: review?(
Comment on attachment 135142 [details] [diff] [review] (Av1) <contextHelp.js> Unfortunately this the the wrong idea. The error occurs because the file gets executed twice; you can use either the JavaScript Debugger or the DOM Inspector to confirm this. You can use lxr to find out which xul files include contextHelp.js; at this point you could do some more digging or you could guess at which file is executing contextHelp.js unnecessarily.
Attachment #135142 - Flags: review?( → review-
Re comment 26: (attachment 135142 [details] [diff] [review]) LXR says that this is the only place where 'MOZILLA_HELP' is defined/used :-) I'm no expert at coding style, still, I was expecting a patch more like the one for bug 195733 :-( ... Well, Neil has already replied ... while I started to write this comment and search LXR :-)) --> contextHelp.js is included in nearly 40 (.xul) files: standby...
Addition to comment 28: I did not find out the cause through LXR: (not as easy as bug 195733 case :-() { <contextHelp.js> is included by: /extensions/help/resources/content/helpMenuOverlay.xul, line 10 /extensions/help/resources/content/test.xul, line 8 /xpfe/browser/resources/content/pageInfo.xul, line 51 /xpfe/components/prefwindow/resources/content/pref.xul, line 58 /mailnews/extensions/smime/resources/content/msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul, line 33 only "window.openDialog(" (or "OpenOrFocusWindow("): /editor/ui/dialogs/content/EdAdvancedEdit.xul, line 55 /editor/ui/dialogs/content/EdImageMap.xul, line 45 /editor/ui/dialogs/content/EdImageProps.xul, line 51 /editor/ui/dialogs/content/EdLinkProps.xul, line 44 /editor/ui/dialogs/content/EdTableProps.xul, line 46 /editor/ui/dialogs/content/EditorPublish.xul, line 46 /editor/ui/dialogs/content/EditorPublishProgress.xul, line 44 /editor/ui/dialogs/content/EditorPublishSettings.xul, line 46 /extensions/cookie/resources/content/p3p.xul, line 55 /extensions/cookie/resources/content/p3pDialog.xul, line 61 /extensions/wallet/cookieviewer/resources/content/CookieViewer.xul, line 45 /extensions/wallet/editor/resources/content/WalletViewer.xul, line 44 /extensions/wallet/signonviewer/resources/content/SignonViewer.xul, line 44 /extensions/wallet/walletpreview/resources/content/WalletPreview.xul, line 39 /xpfe/communicator/resources/content/aboutPopups.xul, line 56 /xpfe/communicator/resources/content/popupManager.xul, line 54 /mailnews/addrbook/prefs/resources/content/pref-directory-add.xul, line 42 /mailnews/addrbook/prefs/resources/content/pref-editdirectories.xul, line 35 /mailnews/base/prefs/resources/content/AccountManager.xul, line 22 /mailnews/base/resources/content/junkMail.xul, line 61 /mailnews/base/resources/content/junkMailInfo.xul, line 58 /mailnews/base/resources/content/msgSelectOffline.xul, line 52 /mailnews/base/resources/content/subscribe.xul, line 43 /mailnews/base/search/resources/content/ABSearchDialog.xul, line 64 /mailnews/base/search/resources/content/FilterEditor.xul, line 57 /mailnews/base/search/resources/content/FilterListDialog.xul, line 42 /mailnews/base/search/resources/content/SearchDialog.xul, line 58 /mailnews/extensions/mailviews/resources/content/mailViewList.xul, line 46 /mailnews/extensions/mailviews/resources/content/mailViewSetup.xul, line 51 /mailnews/extensions/smime/resources/content/msgCompSecurityInfo.xul, line 51 /mailnews/extensions/smime/resources/content/msgReadSecurityInfo.xul, line 49 not by: /extensions/help/resources/content/help.js, line 80 /extensions/help/resources/content/help.js, line 248 /extensions/help/resources/, line 3 } helpwanted ;->
I don't know how it happened, but when I opened the JS.C and I found this error twice ! I'll see if it ever happens again...
> Unfortunately this the the wrong idea. The error occurs because the file gets > executed twice; you can use either the JavaScript Debugger or the DOM Inspector should be happening a lot more than that :). Got an idea on how to prevent this? The file is executed many times throughout mozilla, but I didn't know that they would collide because of that.
Target Milestone: mozilla1.6beta → Future
Attachment #135142 - Attachment is obsolete: true
[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113] (W98SE) Bug still there. (for the record) Updating: +(K) helpwanted
Keywords: helpwanted
/mailnews/extensions/smime/resources/content/msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul is one suspect. It puts a Security toolbar button on the Mail Compose window. It shouldn't have reference to contextHelp.js
Attachment #135142 - Attachment description: Patch → (Av1) <contextHelp.js>
Keywords: helpwanted
Summary: In <chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js>, "Error: redeclaration of const MOZ_HELP_URI" (or new MOZILLA_HELP); (when opening 'Compose' for the first time in the "session") → In <chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js>, "Error: redeclaration of const MOZILLA_CONTENT_PACK" (when opening 'Compose' for the first time in the "session")
Re comment 33: Nice catch ! I guess that it was added because of { <> 151 if (0 == buttonPressed) { 152 openHelp("sign-encrypt"); 153 } } But I verified that, having no certificate, the help still opens after answering 'Yes', for both 'Encrypt This Message' and 'Digitally Sign This Message' :-) (as it should, since we are solving a 'redeclaration' ;->) Then, safe to remove, as the overlay is used here only: { <> /mailnews/extensions/smime/, line 5 -- content/messenger-smime/msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul (resources/content/msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul) /mailnews/extensions/smime/resources/content/, line 30 -- <RDF:li>chrome://messenger-smime/content/msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul</RDF:li> } { <> 29 <RDF:Seq about="chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/messengercompose.xul"> 30 <RDF:li>chrome://messenger-smime/content/msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul</RDF:li> 31 </RDF:Seq> }
Attachment #139340 - Flags: review?(
Updating: *(P) Browser -> MailNews *(C) Help -> Mail Window Front End *(T.M.) Future -> v1.7a -(K) helpwanted
Component: Help → Mail Window Front End
Product: Browser → MailNews
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla1.7alpha
Comment on attachment 139340 [details] [diff] [review] (Bv1) <msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul> [Checked in: Comment 56] Thanks also to Daniel for tracking down the problem.
Attachment #139340 - Flags: review?( → review+
Attachment #139340 - Flags: superreview?(sspitzer)
I'm a little confused. Is the problem only in this JS file, or others? I've seen this problem when loading Composer and other apps, not just MailNews. Are you 100% sure that this is the correct fix? I don't see all the Mozilla apps linking to MailNews like this (since MailNews might not be built).
Re comment 37: > I'm a little confused. Is the problem only in this JS file, or others? This bug is about { "Error: redeclaration of const MOZILLA_CONTENT_PACK" } (3rd const name since it was filed). May be you think about some other "Error: redeclaration of const {...}" !? > I've seen this problem when loading Composer and other apps, not just MailNews. Well, could you provide testcase(s) ? If exact same error message, add a comment here; if different error(s), search/file separate bug(s). > Are you 100% sure that this is the correct fix? I'm quite positive that this will fix this bug report, with its one and only testcase: { when opening 'Compose' for the first time in the "session" }. Then I could be wrong: let's wait for r & sr. > I don't see all the Mozilla apps linking to MailNews like this (since MailNews might not be built). Sure...
Depends on: 228502
[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113] (W98SE) Well, well: I just found another/different testcase :->> From bug 228502 comment 1 { Reproductible testcase: 1. Open MailNews 2. Select a folder 3. Tools > Search Messages... <-- Each time ! } Need to investigate this one too... (same as Bv1 ??)
No longer depends on: 228502
Addition to comment 39 (second testcase): From bug 228502 comment 3 { [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20031208] (W98SE) Bug was already there in v1.6b } It happens, even with Bv1 patch. (as expected) Needs more investigation...
Must have been added for { <button label="&helpButton.label;" align="end" oncommand="openHelp('search_messages');" accesskey="&helpButton.accesskey;"/> } but works "better" without it.
Attachment #139619 - Flags: superreview?(sspitzer)
Attachment #139619 - Flags: review?(
Assignee: rlk → gautheri
Keywords: testcase
Summary: In <chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js>, "Error: redeclaration of const MOZILLA_CONTENT_PACK" (when opening 'Compose' for the first time in the "session") → In <chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js>, "Error: redeclaration of const MOZILLA_CONTENT_PACK" (when opening 'Compose' for the first time in the "session"; and other testcase(s))
Re comment 37: (additional) I'm beginning to see what you meant: stay tuned for more patches :->> NB: I'll continue to post one patch for each file, == for each testcase; easier to make, easier to review ... some files have multiple warnings/errors :-(
Comment on attachment 139619 [details] [diff] [review] (Cv1) <SearchDialog.xul> [Checked in: Comment 54] OK, so SearchDialog.xul overlays utilityOverlay.xul (for the offline indicator) which is overlaid by helpMenuOverlay.xul which includes contextHelp.js
Attachment #139619 - Flags: review?( → review+
Summary: In <chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js>, "Error: redeclaration of const MOZILLA_CONTENT_PACK" (when opening 'Compose' for the first time in the "session"; and other testcase(s)) → In <chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js>, "Error: redeclaration of const MOZILLA_CONTENT_PACK" (in multiple MailNews places)
Comment on attachment 139340 [details] [diff] [review] (Bv1) <msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul> [Checked in: Comment 56] Explanation: (with neil's help :-)) --> messengercompose.xul -> utilityOverlay.xul <- <- helpMenuOverlay.xul -> contextHelp.js ! <- <- msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul -> contextHelp.js // removed OK, because <msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul> is only used once: { /mailnews/extensions/smime/resources/content/, line 30 -- <RDF:li>chrome://messenger-smime/content/msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul</RDF:li> }
Comment on attachment 139619 [details] [diff] [review] (Cv1) <SearchDialog.xul> [Checked in: Comment 54] Addition to comment 43: And because <SearchDialog.xul> is only used once: { /mailnews/base/resources/content/mailWindowOverlay.js, line 2161 -- OpenOrFocusWindow(args, "mailnews:search", "chrome://messenger/content/SearchDialog.xul"); }
Forget comment 45: <SearchDialog.xul> is not an overlay, and we don't care how many times it's _called_ :-<
Attached patch (Dv1) <ABSearchDialog.xul ++> (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Fixes {{ Error: redeclaration of const NS_BAYESIANFILTER_CONTRACTID Source File: chrome://messenger/content/mailCommands.js Line: 423 --> ABSearchDialog.xul -> mailWindowOverlay.xul -> mailCommands.js ! -> mailCommands.js // removed Error: redeclaration of const MSG_FLAG_IMAP_DELETED Source File: chrome://messenger/content/mailWindowOverlay.js Line: 28 --> ABSearchDialog.xul -> mailWindowOverlay.xul -> mailWindowOverlay.js ! -> mailWindowOverlay.js // removed Error: redeclaration of const kPersonalAddressbookURI Source File: chrome://messenger/content/msgViewPickerOverlay.js Line: 23 --> ABSearchDialog.xul -> mailWindowOverlay.xul <- <- msgViewPickerOverlay.xul -> msgViewPickerOverlay.js -> kPersonalAddressbookURI // removed (useless !!) -> abCommon.js -> kPersonalAddressbookURI ! (used) { /mailnews/extensions/mailviews/resources/content/msgViewPickerOverlay.xul, line 31 -- <script src="chrome://messenger/content/msgViewPickerOverlay.js"/> /mailnews/extensions/mailviews/resources/content/, line 26 -- <RDF:li>chrome://messenger/content/msgViewPickerOverlay.xul</RDF:li> Question: <mailWindowOverlay.xul> "used" in many places... Answer: Safe to remove, after cross-checking: } Error: redeclaration of const MOZILLA_HELP Source File: chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js Line: 21 --> ABSearchDialog.xul -> utilityOverlay.xul <- <- helpMenuOverlay.xul -> contextHelp.js ! -> contextHelp.js // removed }} When opening "Tools > Search Adresses...". (See bug 232123 for another remaining error !)
Comment on attachment 139842 [details] [diff] [review] (Dv1) <ABSearchDialog.xul ++> 'r=?': (see comment 47)
Attachment #139842 - Flags: review?(
Comment on attachment 139842 [details] [diff] [review] (Dv1) <ABSearchDialog.xul ++> In the light of bug 232123 I'm not sure this is the right change for ABSearchDialog.xul; however I do agree with the patch to msgViewPickerOverlay.js
Comment on attachment 139842 [details] [diff] [review] (Dv1) <ABSearchDialog.xul ++> Then, I'll break this patch into 3 pieces: this bug, bug 232123, and a new one...
Attachment #139842 - Attachment description: (Cv1) <ABSearchDialog.xul ++> → (Dv1) <ABSearchDialog.xul ++>
Attachment #139842 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #139842 - Flags: review?(
Fixes {{ Error: redeclaration of const MOZILLA_HELP Source File: chrome://help/content/contextHelp.js Line: 21 --> ABSearchDialog.xul -> utilityOverlay.xul <- <- helpMenuOverlay.xul -> contextHelp.js ! -> contextHelp.js // removed }} When opening "Tools > Search Adresses...".
Attachment #140199 - Flags: review?(
Comment on attachment 140199 [details] [diff] [review] (Dv1b) <ABSearchDialog.xul> [Checked in: Comment 57] Oh right, this loads via utilityOverlay.xul, so it's safe to remove here.
Attachment #140199 - Flags: review?( → review+
Attachment #140199 - Flags: superreview?(sspitzer)
Attachment #139340 - Flags: superreview?(sspitzer) → superreview?(mscott)
Attachment #139619 - Flags: superreview?(sspitzer) → superreview?(mscott)
Attachment #140199 - Flags: superreview?(sspitzer) → superreview?(mscott)
Attachment #139619 - Flags: superreview?(mscott) → superreview+
Comment on attachment 139340 [details] [diff] [review] (Bv1) <msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul> [Checked in: Comment 56] this is really getting quite silly :). Next time, let's wrap up all these one line JS error fixes into just a single bug so one only has to put in one r/sr? :)
Attachment #139340 - Flags: superreview?(mscott) → superreview+
Attachment #140199 - Flags: superreview?(mscott) → superreview+
Comment on attachment 139619 [details] [diff] [review] (Cv1) <SearchDialog.xul> [Checked in: Comment 54] Check in: { 02/06/2004 09:29 mozilla/ mailnews/ base/ search/ resources/ content/ SearchDialog.xul 1.76 }
Attachment #139619 - Attachment description: (Cv1) <SearchDialog.xul> → (Cv1) <SearchDialog.xul> [Checked in: Comment 54]
Attachment #139619 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Is that the lot for this bug now?
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment on attachment 139340 [details] [diff] [review] (Bv1) <msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul> [Checked in: Comment 56] Check in: { 02/07/2004 05:04 mozilla/ mailnews/ extensions/ smime/ resources/ content/ msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul 1.8 }
Attachment #139340 - Attachment description: (Bv1) <msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul> → (Bv1) <msgCompSMIMEOverlay.xul> [Checked in: Comment 56]
Attachment #139340 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 140199 [details] [diff] [review] (Dv1b) <ABSearchDialog.xul> [Checked in: Comment 57] Check in: { 02/07/2004 05:05 mozilla/ mailnews/ base/ search/ resources/ content/ ABSearchDialog.xul 1.10 }
Attachment #140199 - Attachment description: (Dv1b) <ABSearchDialog.xul> → (Dv1b) <ABSearchDialog.xul> [Checked in: Comment 57]
Attachment #140199 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
(In reply to comment #50) > (From update of attachment 139842 [details] [diff] [review]) > Then, I'll break this patch into 3 pieces: this bug, bug 232123, and a new > one... New bug was bug 232597.
Attachment #139340 - Attachment is obsolete: false
Attachment #139619 - Attachment is obsolete: false
Attachment #140199 - Attachment is obsolete: false
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