Closed Bug 19437 Opened 25 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Move, delete, and edit bookmarks inline (in menu)


(SeaMonkey :: Bookmarks & History, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: CodeMachine, Unassigned)




(1 file)

OK, I've heard this idea kicking around a bit, and I think German said it would be done, but I don't know of another report on it specifically, so I've put this here for tracking. Basically, you should be able to edit the bookmarks menu without going to "edit bookmarks". So you could right click on a bookmark and get a context menu to allow you to remove it (or edit it for that matter). I also think right drag is the best way to allow moving, since Win98 uses left drag for it's start menu and I find it very annoying.
Summary: Move and remove bookmarks inline. → Move and remove (or edit) bookmarks inline.
There is one justification for this that really matters: there are all too many sites out there that have all of their documents titled with the same title, or with something like "Welcome to Company XYZ - meaningful part of title," and then there are text/plain and other files that won't have a title at all unless given one. It would be so very handy to be able to do that immediately without having to go to the full edit Bookmarks UI first. Hmm. This one has cross-platform implications. With WinNT, in Nav 4.7 one can left click once on a bookmarks folder and it stays open until a click is made elsewhere in the UI or outside the UI. Folders can be opened one click at a time. IIRC, on a Mac, the mouse button must be held down throughout, and the pointer dragged through an accurate path until the final selection is made (from the Apple menu, for instance). The net effect is that on a Mac the only way to make this work would be to use a keyboard modifier along with the (only) mouse button from the start to get to the final bookmark, at which point the context menu would open. For consistency, it would be best if the folder tree could be opened using only the right mouse button from the beginning on other platforms as well. If this is done, it should work from the "Bookmarks" menu, from the "Bookmarks" toolbar drop-down, from any part of the "Personal Toolbar Folder," from the "Bookmarks" tab of the sidebar, and anywhere else they may appear equally, for consistency. Personally, I'd keep this as simple as possible. Rather than showing the complete context menu that appears in Communicator 4.7 when right-clicking on an entry in the Bookmarks window, I'd reduce it to: +------------------------+ | Open in New Window | | Open Link in Composer | +------------------------+ | Edit Bookmarks... | +------------------------+ | Cut | | Copy | | Copy Link Location | | (Paste) | | Delete Bookmark | | Create Shortcut | | Make Alias | +------------------------+ | Bookmark Properties... | +------------------------+ ...leaving out "New Bookmark", "New Folder" and "New Seperator" entirely and replacing them with "Edit Bookmarks" which would bring up that UI. That way, if the user navigates the bookmark folders and then realizes that something more involved may be needed, it would be possible to jump directly to the UI for that. If "Edit bookmarks" were added to the context menu, this could substitute for drag and drop of bookmarks in the main UI, if that is as problematic and difficult to handle in the general case as I suspect it could be, at least for the Mac - especially if the tree was opened to the correct point when the Bookmarks window appeared. I heartily second Matty's proposal - if this existed in Communicator, I'd be using it every day!
Not really worried about the Mac, since this is just shortcut access ... This is what I think should be on the menu Open Bookmark Open Bookmark In New Window Open Link In Composer Delete Rename Add Current Page Above This Bookmark Properties... Maybe put the others as well, but I don't know whether it needs to be complex.
Agree that this would be better kept simple and focussed. Matty's list of items for the context menu looks good to me. All of his additions look good, and the menu looks focussed that way. "Rename" in particular - 95% of the time this is all that gets changed at the Bookmark Properties dialog - and the dialog for "Rename" could always have a button to go there for the other 5% of the time. I'd still put "Edit Bookmarks..." on the list, though.
If it stays as just a bookmarks menu then yeah, but if it is like 4.x it will already be on the main menu.
*** Bug 19475 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Summary: Move and remove (or edit) bookmarks inline. → [RFE] Move and remove (or edit) bookmarks inline.
Target Milestone: M20
IMO the context menu for a bookmark folder should include "new folder", but the menu for a bookmark shouldn't.
But then how would you say "Make a new folder below this bookmark" ?
I think most people will want to keep their bookmarks sorted alphabetically with folders first, or by date with folders first. More useful than "make a new folder below this one" would be "make a new folder and toss this bookmark into it", although that's a little wordy for a context menu.
Why not simplify the problem of needing to rename bookmarks by making a popup come up when you add a bookmark where you can rename the link if necessary and select the folder to put it into. The way netscape does it now with no confirmation that the bookmark has been added is confusing to new users. Also having a "New Bookmark" or "New Folder" added is going to be confusing without a confirmation because they'll be unsure of whether it was added and have to look around for it in order to change the name. Could you have something like a link bar at the top of bookmark managing where you could type in a url or bookmark/folder name to add at selected location. It'd be nice too if you don't have to remember the name of the pg if you know the url have it auto lookup the name., what you suggest is really a distinct Request for Enhancement, unrelated to creating a context menu for the bookmarks menu items. Having occasionally used IE, where there is always a confirm/edit dialog after adding to Favorites, I find it annoying to need another step each time. I'd probably start hitting [Enter] without looking since most sites I bookmark don't *need* their titles adjusted, and then need to go back and fix the title in those cases where it does need attention. To put it another way, what is proposed here would still get used even if there was a facility to edit the title while filing the bookmark -- especially if the dialog to do so was mandatory. There is already bug 19922, "RFE: a [non-mandatory] way to add/edit page title *while* filing bookmark"; if you wish to propose that such a dialog be made mandatory, please file a new RFE. Your other ideas should also be filed in distinct RFEs if you wish them to be considered.
Move to "Future" milestone.
Target Milestone: M20 → Future
*** Bug 38749 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Depends on: 47599, 50504, 50505
*** Bug 50502 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
No longer depends on: 47599
Summary: [RFE] Move and remove (or edit) bookmarks inline. → [RFE] Move, delete, and edit bookmarks inline (in menu)
Just for the record: None of what Sean said about Mac menus on 1999-11-23 is true for any version of Mac OS which Mozilla supports. As of Mac OS 8.0, menus do not require a single drag; and in no version of Mac OS can menu items have their own context menus. I'm not sure if it's even possible in XPToolkit, come to that.
Since Don has left, Vishy is taking his bugs in bulk, pending reassignment. thanks, Vishy
Assignee: don → vishy
nav triage team: As mpt says, context menu for a menu item is not possible on the mac (well, not without lots of OS hacking). Not doing this for beta1, though we are trying to fix bookmarks management for beta1 in other ways.
Keywords: nsbeta1-
> context menu for a menu item is not possible on the mac no reason not to do it on other platforms.
QA Contact: don → sairuh
over to bookmarks...
Assignee: vishy → ben
Component: XP Apps → Bookmarks
QA Contact: sairuh → claudius
How about drag and drop instead of (or as well as) context menus? Drag a bookmark onto the trash to delete, drag it around the menus to put it elsewhere. One possibility is a "customize" state or the like where *all* menu items are movable, deletable, etc., and when in that state a drag'n'drop source with additional/previously deleted menu items would likewise be available for adding to the interface. (Likewise buttons could be editable, draggable, etc. in this mode.) By making it a separate mode, one could implement the menus via simulation, so OS restrictions on menu handling would be irrelevant. Tricky, though.
Andrewb, see the blocking bugs.
*** Bug 80290 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Now we can edit bookmarks/folders an the personal toolbar (right click opens a menu), but only which are on the toolbar itself. If the bookmark is inside a folder we still cannot edit it/move it location itside the folder etc.
*** Bug 86626 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 93803 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
--> me
Assignee: ben → blake
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla0.9.6
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla0.9.5
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.5 → mozilla0.9.6
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla0.9.7
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.7 → mozilla0.9.8
Blocks: 112900
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.8 → mozilla0.9.9
*** Bug 114962 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I think it's similar RFE so I won't submit a new bug for it. The problem is that when I bookmark a local directory a folder is created in Bookmarks. It is fine and helps navigating local directories a lot except the fact that this folder isn't updated when disk directory changes. However it gets updated when Mozilla is restarted. It is very important that there would be a 'Refresh folder' option in the pop-up menu for a bookmark/folder. And my 2c: I'd like plain popup menus, not D&D or something. Menu containing: +------------------------+ | Open in New Window | | Open in New Tab | <- this is missing from toolbar popup | Refresh Folder | +------------------------+ | Rename Bookmark | | Delete Bookmark | | Bookmark Properties... | +------------------------+ would suffice IMHO. All other things can be done from within bookmark editor . And no, please don't add another window appearing each time a bookmark is created. It was very annoying in IE. Max
*** Bug 120242 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.9 → mozilla1.0.1
-> default owner
Assignee: blaker → ben
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0.1 → ---
From personal toolbar, opened the folder in New Window, the bookmarks can not be deleted. And the move won't delete it too, it just makes a new copy. But the 'copy' of a bookmark, copy and paste somewhere in subdir or just there, could be deleted.
Target Milestone: --- → Future
*** Bug 140595 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Depends on: 114962
*** Bug 143544 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 115981
No longer blocks: 115981
*** Bug 155653 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 158464
Here's my version of a context menu which is a shortened version IE's (Sort By Name is a feature which I really want to see in Mozilla): +---------------------+ | Open | | Open in Composer | | Open in New Tab | | Open in New Windows | +---------------------+ | Copy | | Copy Link Location | | Cut | +---------------------+ | Delete | | Rename | +---------------------+ | Properties | | Sort By Name | <----------- Please include this! +---------------------+
IMHO "Sort By Name" should be before "Properties" like in MSIE and accelerator should be "Sort &By Name".
I thought that Properties would be used more often than Sort By Name.
As long as nobody shows a sign of having interest to fix this bug, it makes no sense to discuss about the menu structure.
No longer depends on: 114962
*** Bug 163377 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
No longer blocks: 112900
Blocks: 164421
I think this is an important useability bug to be fixed asap
Summary: [RFE] Move, delete, and edit bookmarks inline (in menu) → Move, delete, and edit bookmarks inline (in menu)
Dupes? Depency? bug 176880 (No right-click menu in personal toolbar folders.) bug 50504 (Context menu for bookmarks menus)
*** Bug 173830 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 182412 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
i'm speaking from a phoenix-user's standpoint, so if my comments exclude a few things, it's because i've never used, for example, composer, and i don't know anything about it. i agree that right-clicking on a favorite link/folder in the bookmarks menu should produce something similar to hao lian's suggestion. i would put sort by name back on top of properties, because typically, all property options are at the bottom (at least in windows) and people expect to see it there. also, copying the link should copy the link location anyway, so i don't see a need for a separate option for that. my suggested right-click options would then be: +---------------------+ | Open | | Open in New Tab | | Open in New Window | +---------------------+ | Copy | | Cut | +---------------------+ | Delete | | Rename | +---------------------+ | Sort By Name | | Properties | +---------------------+ sort by name should sort 1 folder by name and then allow you to change the order yourself. the current sort-by-name feature in the bookmark manager wants to sort your entire bookmarks and not allow you to change the order of them at all. being able to have a folder sorted alphabetically and then put my commonly used links on the top is a big usability feature i would love to have back. same with renaming the link. i think it's very taxing to open up the bookmark manager to change the name of a link that is several folders down and that i had just had my mouse over 2 seconds ago and could have just right-clicked. i see that the date on this bug is 1999, which is, quite literally, depressing. not being able to right click on bookmark links was one of the main reasons i held off switching from ie for so long. it's also one of the main reasons i might go back.
Regarding the "Properties" menu entry: it makes sense putting it at the bottom, *because* it is more often used than "Sort...". Things at the beginning and the end of a menu are much more easily detected and clicked than in the middle (from my opinion). Regarding Drag & Drop: If you implement Drag & Drop features to customize favorites or anything else, *please* provide an option (in a menu or in the property sheets), where you can switch this on and off. When using the browser, I don't want to accidently drag a bookmark out of the list and have it disappear or move, when I just wanted to click (activate) it. Many beginners often have trouble clicking while keeping the mouse steady... Providing an option to switch Drag & Drop on or off (a bit like that new option in InternetExplorer, where you can fix the "Links" toolbar) would thus make everyone happy.
No options. Internet Explorer doesn't have an option to switch off dragging in the Favorites menu and I haven't heard any large complaints. Try this functionality in Phoenix, where it's been implemented for a little while now, and you'll find that it's not that obtrusive.
I've always wished it was an option in IE. :/ I think maybe it should only be activated if I press Ctrl.
Depends on: 160019
*** Bug 197412 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
OK, Phoenix now supports this. I'm guessing it is much more complicated to implement this in Mozilla than it is in Phoenix if this bug has been open for almost four years now.
*** Bug 208836 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: majorbugs
To add the context menu, some small changes are needed to navigatorOverlay.xul But that introduces the problem seen in bug 210910, so bookmarksMenu.js also needs to change. For developers the patch should add a context menu to the bookmarks menu. For non developers, this is how to make the change to an installed Mozilla(v1.5b) 1. jar -xvf (or unzip) chrome/comm.jar 2. Edit content/navigator/navigatorOverlay.xul 3. Change this line <menupopup onpopupshowing="updateGroupmarkMenuitem('bookmarks_groupmark');"> To <menupopup context="bookmarks-context-menu" onpopupshowing="updateGroupmarkMenuitem('bookmarks_groupmark');"> 4. Add context="" to each of the four menu items just below this, ie change <menuitem key="addBookmarkKb" observes="Browser:AddBookmark"/> <menuitem key="addBookmarkAsKb" observes="Browser:AddBookmarkAs"/> <menuitem id="bookmarks_groupmark" observes="Browser:AddGroupmarkAs"/> <menuitem key="manBookmarkKb" observes="Browser:ManageBookmark"/> To <menuitem key="addBookmarkKb" observes="Browser:AddBookmark" context=""/> <menuitem key="addBookmarkAsKb" observes="Browser:AddBookmarkAs" context=""/> <menuitem id="bookmarks_groupmark" observes="Browser:AddGroupmarkAs" context=""/> <menuitem key="manBookmarkKb" observes="Browser:ManageBookmark" context=""/> 5. Find the <!-- bookmarks template --> section, and look for the line <rule iscontainer="true"> Inside this rule there is a "menupopup" node, inside that there is a "menu" node, inside that there is an empty "menupopup" node, i.e. <menupopup /> Change this to be <menupopup context="bookmarks-context-menu"/> 6. Edit content/communicator/bookmarks/bookmarksMenu.js Add a new function (closeAllBookmarks) and call it at the end of destroyContextMenu(), i.e. destroyContextMenu: function (aEvent) { if (content) content.focus() BookmarksMenuDNDObserver.onDragRemoveFeedBack(document.popupNode); // needed on cancel"mousemove", BookmarksMenuController.onMouseMove, false) BookmarksMenu.closeAllBookmarks(document.getElementById("BookmarksMenu").firstChild); }, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Ensure all bookmark popups are closed closeAllBookmarks: function (item) { while (item) { BookmarksMenu.closeAllBookmarks(item.firstChild); if (item.localName == "menupopup") item.hidePopup(); item = item.nextSibling; } }, 7. jar -cv0f (or zip) the content directory back into chrome/comm.jar
Greg: I have applied your patch and don't get any context menu on the Bookmarks-menu.
Mass reassign of my non-Firefox bugs to
Assignee: bugs → ben_seamonkey
I vote for this bug, it is already working in FireFox 0.9
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Candidate for closing with wontfix, since no new features will appear on seamonkey?
Federico: See and please stop spamming bugs this way. -> default owner
Assignee: ben_seamonkey → p_ch
QA Contact: claudius → bookmarks
Not sure if it applies here, but in today's nightly Firefox and the 1.0.2, it can't delete bookmarks at all. Neither from the side panel nor from the manage bookmarks area.
No longer blocks: majorbugs
As far as I can tell, the "move" part of this works. Gavin Sharp told me you can even drag folders if you hold the shift key.
Reassigning as per Bug #32644
Assignee: p_ch → nobody
Stefan's comment #51: > Greg: I have applied your patch and don't get any context menu on the > Bookmarks-menu. See also Bug 50504 comment 108
No longer depends on: 50505
(In reply to comment #57) > As far as I can tell, the "move" part of this works. Gavin Sharp told me you > can even drag folders if you hold the shift key. > (Sigh!) Now if we could just drag folders *without* holding down the shift key, we'd be getting somewhere. Jim H. (aka CuriousJ)
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 50504 ***
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Verified. The reasonable scope of this bug is now working.
No longer blocks: 164421
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