Closed Bug 209548 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

code cleanup in mozilla/editor


(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: Brade, Assigned: Brade)




(1 file, 15 obsolete files)

68.06 KB, patch
: review+
: superreview+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Attached patch patch 1 (-u8) (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attached patch patch 1 (-w -u8) (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #125846 - Flags: superreview?(kin)
Attachment #125846 - Flags: review?(jfrancis)
joe chugs through review... First comment is for this part of patch: @@ -849,22 +821,19 @@ PRInt32 rangeCount; rv = selection->GetRangeCount(&rangeCount); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return PR_FALSE; for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < rangeCount; i++) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMRange> range; rv = selection->GetRangeAt(i, getter_AddRefs(range)); - if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !range) - continue; //dont bail yet, iterate through them all - nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNSRange> nsrange(do_QueryInterface(range)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !nsrange) - continue; //dont bail yet, iterate through them all + continue; //don't bail yet, iterate through them all PRBool inRange = PR_TRUE; (void)nsrange->IsPointInRange(parent, offset, &inRange); if (inRange) return PR_FALSE; //okay, now you can bail, we are over the orginal selection } } } I think you need to check for an error at least from GetRangeAt. You don't check for error, and yuo don't initialize range, and then you try to qi it. If it's junk, you will bomb.
jfrancis--I need your review on the patch in this bug.
Attached patch changes for libeditor/base (-w) (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #126335 - Flags: review?(timeless)
Attached patch changes v2 for libeditor/base (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #126334 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #126335 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #126335 - Flags: review?(timeless)
Attachment #126376 - Flags: superreview?(kin)
Attachment #126376 - Flags: review?(timeless)
In place where you make this kind of change: - rv = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(kCTransferableCID, nsnull, + rv = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(";1", nsnull, go ahead and make the switch to do_CreateInstance().
- PRInt32 nodeCount,j; [...] - nodeCount = arrayOfNodes.Count(); + PRInt32 nodeCount = arrayOfNodes.Count(); + PRInt32 j; Do we really have to do this? I don't mind moving the declarations so much, but splitting a loop counter and the total count onto two seperate lines for declarations seems like an unneeded addition of lines.
Comment on attachment 125846 [details] [diff] [review] patch 1 (-u8) r=jfrancis modulo my 3 comments in bug report.
Attachment #125846 - Flags: review?(jfrancis) → review+
the 3 comments are #3, #9, and #10
nm about coment 3, i didn't notice it was a comptr and hence inited to null.
Attachment #126376 - Flags: review?(timeless) → review+
Attached patch cleanup of NS_IMPL macros v1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #126488 - Flags: superreview?(kin)
Attachment #126488 - Flags: review?(timeless)
Attachment #126488 - Flags: review?(timeless) → review+
Comment on attachment 126488 [details] [diff] [review] cleanup of NS_IMPL macros v1 ==== Why not leave this all on one line like the rest of your changes? +NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS2(EditTxn, + nsITransaction, + nsPIEditorTransaction) ==== If you feel like it, in nsEditorTxnLog.cpp, nsTSDNotifier.cpp, and nsTextServicesDocument.cpp, you can get rid of the debug refcount code so you can actually use the NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1 macros instead.
Attachment #126488 - Flags: superreview?(kin) → superreview+
Comment on attachment 126488 [details] [diff] [review] cleanup of NS_IMPL macros v1 obsoleting patch; this has landed
Attachment #126488 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 126376 [details] [diff] [review] changes v2 for libeditor/base just address these issues: ==== You moved the declaration of |multiple|, but you didn't move the comment that goes with it: // does this property accept more than 1 value ? // we need to know that because of bug 62682 - PRBool multiple = AcceptsMoreThanOneValue(mProperty); - - nsAutoString styleAttr(NS_LITERAL_STRING("style")); - + NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(styleAttr, "style"); result = mElement->HasAttribute(styleAttr, &mUndoAttributeWasSet); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; nsAutoString values; result = cssDecl->GetPropertyValue(propertyNameString, values); if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result; mUndoValue.Assign(values); + PRBool multiple = AcceptsMoreThanOneValue(mProperty); + ==== Can you fix the indentation of the |if| and |else| here too? - nsresult result = NS_OK; + nsresult result; if (mReplaceLength==0) { result = mElement->InsertData(mOffset,mStringToInsert); } else { result = mElement->ReplaceData(mOffset,mReplaceLength,mStringToInsert); } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { result = CollapseTextSelection(); } ==== Since you're touching this stuff, what about switching to COMPtr and using do_QueryInterface()? IMETextTxn* otherTxn = nsnull; - result = aTransaction->QueryInterface(IMETextTxn::GetCID(),(void**)&otherTxn); + nsresult result = aTransaction->QueryInterface(IMETextTxn::GetCID(),(void**)&otherTxn); if (otherTxn && NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) ==== Do we really need to assign into |length| or can we just pass in the result of mStringToInsert.Length()? - nsresult result; PRUint32 length = mStringToInsert.Length(); - result = mElement->DeleteData(mOffset, length); - return result; + return mElement->DeleteData(mOffset, length); ==== Hmmm, the original code here looks like a bug. We should be basing the value of |*aDocumentIsEmpty| on the value of |firstChild|, not just |res|. Also note that GetFirstChild() can return null for |firstChild| and NS_OK. res = rootNode->GetFirstChild(getter_AddRefs(firstChild)); - if(NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) - *aDocumentIsEmpty = PR_TRUE; - else - *aDocumentIsEmpty = PR_FALSE; - + *aDocumentIsEmpty = NS_SUCCEEDED(res); return res; } ==== In GetRootElement() there shouldn't be a need to do a QI to |resultElement| and then do another QI to |mBodyElement| ... you should just be able to QI directly off of |bodyElement|. ==== In GetRootElement() I see you are switching from using a DOMDoc to an HTMLDOMDoc, I'm just concerned that could prevent us from supporting XML docs ... though I see the old code looks for a "body" tag in the DOMDoc. Perhaps we should add a comment or something that says if the QI to domDoc fails, we assume the root element is the root of the doc tree? ==== I don't think .get() is necessary anymore. I see this in a couple of places: - if (node.get() != aRoot) *outFirstNode = node; + if (node.get() != aRoot) ==== You're not going to return the real error if GetNewTransaction() fails? - nsresult result=NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; - if (nsnull != aNode) + if (aNode) { - result = TransactionFactory::GetNewTransaction(SplitElementTxn::GetCID(), (EditTxn **)aTxn); + nsresult result = TransactionFactory::GetNewTransaction(SplitElementTxn::GetCID(), (EditTxn **)aTxn); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { result = (*aTxn)->Init(this, aNode, aOffset); } } - return result; + return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; ==== I don't think this is a copy paste error, there are a couple of places in the code below what you changed that will only be entered if |selStartNode| is not null, and that code operates on both |selStartNode| and |selEndNode|. I would undo this change. result = GetStartNodeAndOffset(selection, address_of(selStartNode), &selStartOffset); if (NS_FAILED(result)) selStartNode = nsnull; result = GetEndNodeAndOffset(selection, address_of(selEndNode), &selEndOffset); - if (NS_FAILED(result)) selStartNode = nsnull; + if (NS_FAILED(result)) selEndNode = nsnull; // Joe or Kin: is this copy/paste error? ==== I probably would've combined these into one |if| expression with ||: + if (!*aResultNode) return NS_OK; + if (!aEditableNode) return NS_OK; + if (IsEditable(*aResultNode)) return NS_OK; + ==== Same here: + if (!aEditableNode) return NS_OK; + if (IsEditable(*aResultNode)) return NS_OK; ==== We shouldn't need .get(): + return (atom1.get() == atom2.get()); ==== In nsPasteCommand::DoCommand() we used to return NS_OK if nothing was done, but your changes make it an error. I'm assuming that was intentional right? ==== I would put the comment before the assignment: + *outCmdEnabled = (editor != nsnull); + // you can select all if there is an editor (and potentially no contents) return NS_OK; ==== Most of the IsCommandEnabled() methods never check for null out params before setting them. ==== Also, why is it an error if the editor doesn't exist in most of the IsCommandEnabled() implementations, but in some it isn't an error? nsInsertPlaintextCommand::IsCommandEnabled() and nsPasteQuotationCommand::IsCommandEnabled() are 2 examples that don't throw an error. ==== Also some DoCommand() implementations return NS_ERROR_FAILURE when nothing happens, and others return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED. Doesn't have to be addressed as part of this patch, but I thought I'd bring it up. ==== I would init |enabled| especially since we aren't checking the return value of |CanPaste()| note that only the text and html versions of CanPaste() init |enabled|, the base version just throws an error without init'ing. NS_IMETHODIMP nsPasteQuotationCommand::GetCommandStateParams(const char *aCommandName, nsICommandParams *aParams, nsISupports *refCon) { nsCOMPtr<nsIEditor> editor = do_QueryInterface(refCon); - PRBool enabled = PR_FALSE; if (editor) { + PRBool enabled; editor->CanPaste(nsIClipboard::kGlobalClipboard, &enabled); aParams->SetBooleanValue(STATE_ENABLED, enabled); } return NS_OK; } ==== In nsSelectionState::SaveSelection() we never check |res| within the |for| loop, we just return the last value it had during the last iteration. That seems bit hokey to me.
Attachment #126376 - Flags: superreview?(kin) → superreview+
Depends on: 211360
obsoleting patches that have already landed
Attachment #126376 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #126377 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #126943 - Flags: superreview?(kin)
Attachment #126943 - Flags: review?(timeless)
Attachment #126943 - Flags: review?(timeless) → review+
Comment on attachment 126943 [details] [diff] [review] remove CID usage in editor (except in 2 cases), just fix the following: ==== In nsPlaintextDataTransfer.cpp did you mean to use the contract id for the transferable instead of the clipboard? - nsresult rv = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(kCTransferableCID, nsnull, + nsresult rv = nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(";1", nsnull, NS_GET_IID(nsITransferable), (void**)transferable); ==== Same here: - nsCOMPtr<nsITransferable> trans = do_CreateInstance(kCTransferableCID, &rv); + nsCOMPtr<nsITransferable> trans = do_CreateInstance(";1", &rv);
Attachment #126943 - Flags: superreview?(kin) → superreview+
obsolete attachment 126943 [details] [diff] [review] since it has already landed
Attachment #126943 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #127365 - Flags: superreview?(kin)
Attachment #127365 - Flags: review?(kaie)
Comment on attachment 127365 [details] [diff] [review] cleanup NodeIsType; reduce NS_LITERAL_STRINGS; v1 r=kaie However, please consider the following change, the r=kaie still applies if you do: +nsEditor::NodeIsType(nsIDOMNode *aNode, const char *aTagStr) +{ + if (aNode) What about using if (aNode && aTagStr) ? I'm not sure if the string comparison function will do a null check on its own.
Attachment #127365 - Flags: review?(kaie) → review+
Attachment #127365 - Flags: superreview?(kin) → superreview?(jst)
Comment on attachment 127365 [details] [diff] [review] cleanup NodeIsType; reduce NS_LITERAL_STRINGS; v1 >Index: libeditor/base/nsEditor.cpp >+nsEditor::NodeIsType(nsIDOMNode *aNode, const char *aTagStr) >+{ >+ if (aNode) >+ { >+ nsAutoString tag; >+ nsEditor::GetTagString(aNode, tag); >+ if (tag.EqualsIgnoreCase(aTagStr)) >+ return PR_TRUE; hmm... are all tags ASCII? if so, then how about doing this instead: nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> atom = nsEditor::GetTag(aNode); if (atom) { const char *atomVal; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(atom->getUTF8String(&atomVal)) && nsCRT::strcasecmp(atomVal, aTagStr) == 0) { return PR_TRUE; } } return PR_FALSE; this avoids a string copy and string length computation. if all tags are not ASCII, then you have a bug because nsString::EqualsIgnoreCase(const char *rhs) assumes |rhs| is ASCII. >Index: libeditor/html/nsHTMLCSSUtils.cpp >+ if (nsEditor::NodeIsType(aNode, "span")) { you know some compilers/linkers don't coalesce multiple instances of the same string literal. so it might make sense to declare these string constants someplace in libeditor. actually, i don't understand why you don't want to just reference the static atoms directly. then you could just use GetTag and do a straight pointer comparison, right?
Darin is right; we should dump the strings altogether and just use atoms where we can. This patch does that and renames the NodeIsType string version so that it can more easily be removed at a future time.
Attachment #127365 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #127365 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
Attachment #127525 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
Attachment #127525 - Flags: review?(kaie)
Comment on attachment 127525 [details] [diff] [review] cleanup NodeIsType; use atoms; v2 >Index: libeditor/base/nsEditor.cpp > PRBool > nsEditor::NodeIsType(nsIDOMNode *aNode, nsIAtom *aTag) > { >+ if (!aTag) return PR_FALSE; >+ >+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> nodeAtom = nsEditor::GetTag(aNode); >+ return (nodeAtom == aTag); > } oooh... i just thought of something nasty. since content registers its own set of atoms, don't some of those atoms overlap with this set of atoms? and if so, then if any of the atoms (like "b") are already registered, then won't your "b" not get registered? iow, could it be that GetTag returns a pointer to an atom for "b" that is not equal to nsEditProperty::b? doesn't that horribly screw up this comparison? :-( would be good to consult alecf or dbaron on this.
alecf, dbaron: can you guys comment on the above. thx!
I don't see the problem. Initialization of all those static atom variables is done after a lookup in the atom table.
Comment on attachment 127525 [details] [diff] [review] cleanup NodeIsType; use atoms; v2 ==== Since you're doing a bunch of NodeIsTYpe() calls already, I probably wouldn't have bothered changing the checks for "big" and "small" to the Is*() calls since it just adds an extra function call that does the same thing, but it's up to you. Since this same list appears in a couple of places, what we probably need is an IsHTMLInlineStyle() utility method, but that's not required for this checkin. - if (nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("b")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("i")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("u")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("tt")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("s")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("strike")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("big")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("small")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("blink")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("sub")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("sup")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("font")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("span"))) { + if (nsEditor::NodeIsType(child, nsEditProperty::b) || + nsEditor::NodeIsType(child, nsEditProperty::i) || + nsEditor::NodeIsType(child, nsEditProperty::u) || + nsEditor::NodeIsType(child, nsEditProperty::tt) || + nsEditor::NodeIsType(child, nsEditProperty::s) || + nsEditor::NodeIsType(child, nsEditProperty::strike) || + nsHTMLEditUtils::IsBig(child) || + nsHTMLEditUtils::IsSmall(child) || + nsEditor::NodeIsType(child, nsEditProperty::blink) || + nsEditor::NodeIsType(child, nsEditProperty::sub) || + nsEditor::NodeIsType(child, nsEditProperty::sup) || + nsEditor::NodeIsType(child, nsEditProperty::font) || + nsEditor::NodeIsType(child, nsEditProperty::span)) { ==== I'd make your comment an XXX: comment so it stands out, and I'd probably move it above the |if| statement, but it's up to you. - if (nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(node, NS_LITERAL_STRING("body")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(node, NS_LITERAL_STRING("td")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(node, NS_LITERAL_STRING("th")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(node, NS_LITERAL_STRING("caption")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(node, NS_LITERAL_STRING("tr")) || - nsTextEditUtils::NodeIsType(node, NS_LITERAL_STRING("table"))) + if (nsEditor::NodeIsType(node, nsEditProperty::body) || +// brade: should we call nsHTMLEditUtils::IsTableElement here? +// that also checks for thead, tbody, tfoot + nsEditor::NodeIsType(node, nsEditProperty::td) || + nsEditor::NodeIsType(node, nsEditProperty::th) || + nsEditor::NodeIsType(node, nsEditProperty::caption) || + nsEditor::NodeIsType(node, nsEditProperty::tr) || + nsEditor::NodeIsType(node, nsEditProperty::table)) ==== I tend to dislike performing the same checks more than once, but I see that there was some pre-existing code that did these same types of checks: - if (sibling && NodeIsType(sibling, nodeType)) + if (sibling && NodeIsType(sibling, (aSizeChange==1) ? nsEditProperty::big : nsEditProperty::small))
Attachment #127525 - Flags: review?(kaie) → review+
dbaron: thanks for clearing up my confusion.
Comment on attachment 127525 [details] [diff] [review] cleanup NodeIsType; use atoms; v2 >Index: libeditor/base/nsEditor.cpp > PRBool > nsEditor::NodeIsType(nsIDOMNode *aNode, nsIAtom *aTag) > { >+ if (!aTag) return PR_FALSE; >+ >+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> nodeAtom = nsEditor::GetTag(aNode); >+ return (nodeAtom == aTag); > } is |aTag == NULL| really a common case? seems like you could do away with that branch altogether and get the same result. also would it make sense for NodeIsType to be defined in the header file so it could possibly be inlined by the compiler? > PRBool >+nsEditor::NodeIsTypeString(nsIDOMNode *aNode, const nsAString &aTagStr) > { > nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement>element = do_QueryInterface(aNode); > if (element) > { >+ nsAutoString tag; > element->GetTagName(tag); >+ if (tag.Equals(aTagStr, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator())) > return PR_TRUE; > } > return PR_FALSE; > } nit: if you use GetTag again to retrieve the nsIAtom, then you can call nsIAtom::Equals to avoid having to copy out the string value of the atom.
Attachment #127525 - Flags: superreview?(darin) → superreview-
Attachment #127525 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #127754 - Flags: superreview?(darin)
Attachment #127754 - Flags: review?(kin)
Comment on attachment 127754 [details] [diff] [review] cleanup NodeIsType; use atom; v3 [CHECKED IN] sr=darin
Attachment #127754 - Flags: superreview?(darin) → superreview+
Blocks: 212683
Comment on attachment 127754 [details] [diff] [review] cleanup NodeIsType; use atom; v3 [CHECKED IN]
Attachment #127754 - Flags: review?(kin) → review+
Comment on attachment 127754 [details] [diff] [review] cleanup NodeIsType; use atom; v3 [CHECKED IN] obsoleting patch; it was just checked in
Attachment #127754 - Attachment description: cleanup NodeIsType; use atom; v3 → cleanup NodeIsType; use atom; v3 [CHECKED IN]
Attachment #127754 - Attachment is obsolete: true
This broke --enable-plaintext-editor-only builds, as nsEditProperty exists in the html libeditor subdir and is only built for the full editor. nsEditProperty::body and nsEditProperty::br are refered to from nsTextEditUtils.cpp.
Comment on attachment 127908 [details] [diff] [review] patch from brade to fix plaintext-only build r/sr=bryner
Attachment #127908 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #127908 - Flags: review+
checked in fix for --enable-plaintext-editor-only bustage.
Attachment #127969 - Flags: superreview?(tor)
Attachment #127969 - Flags: review?(cmanske)
Comment on attachment 127969 [details] [diff] [review] easy cleanup/optimizations in nsHTMLEditRules.cpp hurray! reduce code size!
Attachment #127969 - Flags: review+
Attachment #127969 - Flags: superreview?(tor) → superreview+
Attachment #127969 - Flags: review?(cmanske)
Attachment #127908 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #127969 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #127982 - Flags: superreview?(tor)
Attachment #127982 - Flags: review?(cmanske)
Attachment #127982 - Flags: review?(cmanske) → review+
Comment on attachment 127982 [details] [diff] [review] Truncate() instead of SetLength(0) [CHECKED IN] sr=bzbarsky
Attachment #127982 - Flags: superreview?(tor) → superreview+
Attachment #127982 - Attachment description: call Truncate() instead of SetLength(0) → Truncate() instead of SetLength(0) [CHECKED IN]
Attachment #127982 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #128011 - Flags: superreview?(tor)
Attachment #128011 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 128011 [details] [diff] [review] more recent version of "patch 1" (1st part) which already has r=jfrancis [CHECKED IN] sr=blizzard
Attachment #128011 - Flags: superreview?(tor) → superreview+
Attachment #128011 - Attachment description: more recent patch (part of the initial patch posted which already has r=) → more recent version of "patch 1" (1st part) which already has r=jfrancis [CHECKED IN]
Attachment #128011 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #125846 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #125847 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 128013 [details] [diff] [review] current leftovers from initial "patch 1" already has r=jfrancis; seeking sr=
Attachment #128013 - Flags: superreview?(kin)
Attachment #128013 - Flags: review+
Attachment #128013 - Flags: superreview?(kin) → superreview?(blizzard)
Attachment #128013 - Flags: superreview?(blizzard) → superreview+
resolving this bug as fixed There is more cleanup to do but it will happen in a new bug since this one already tracks so many changes.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This commit have added a new "might be used uninitialized" warning to brad TBox: +editor/libeditor/text/nsPlaintextEditor.cpp:1905 + `nsresult result' might be used uninitialized in this function Indeed, if aNode is non-null, but nodeAsContent is null (e.g. do_QueryInterface failed), nsPlaintextEditor::GetLayoutObject will return an uninitialized nsresult:,1915,1919-1920#1900
Attachment #125846 - Flags: superreview?(kinmoz)
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