Bug 1851940 Comment 5 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

### Beta/Release Uplift Approval Request
* **User impact if declined**: We'd like to ship this feature (addon suggestions in the urlbar) in 118.
* **Is this code covered by automated tests?**: Yes
* **Has the fix been verified in Nightly?**: No
* **Needs manual test from QE?**: Yes
* **If yes, steps to reproduce**: Please see earlier comment
* **List of other uplifts needed**: These 3 bugs need to be uplifted in the following order: bug 1851940 (this bug), bug 1851941, bug 1851942
* **Risk to taking this patch**: Low
* **Why is the change risky/not risky? (and alternatives if risky)**: This bug turns on addon suggestions in the urlbar for all users in the U.S., so it may be considered medium or higher risk. However, this feature was previously validated with an experiment on 10% of the same user population. The patch itself isn't very complicated, and the feature is well tested both by automated and QA coverage.
* **String changes made/needed**: 
* **Is Android affected?**: No
### Beta/Release Uplift Approval Request
* **User impact if declined**: We'd like to ship this feature (addon suggestions in the urlbar) in 118.
* **Is this code covered by automated tests?**: Yes
* **Has the fix been verified in Nightly?**: No
* **Needs manual test from QE?**: Yes
* **If yes, steps to reproduce**: Please see earlier comment
* **List of other uplifts needed**: These 3 bugs need to be uplifted in the following order: bug 1851940 (this bug), bug 1851941, bug 1851942
* **Risk to taking this patch**: Low
* **Why is the change risky/not risky? (and alternatives if risky)**: This bug turns on addon suggestions in the urlbar for all users in the U.S., so it may be considered medium or higher risk. However, this feature was previously validated with an experiment on 10% of the same user population (references below). The patch itself isn't very complicated, and the feature is well tested both by automated and QA coverage.
* **String changes made/needed**: 
* **Is Android affected?**: No


* [Experimenter ticket](https://experimenter.services.mozilla.com/nimbus/firefox-add-ons-suggestions-experiment/summary) (mockups at the bottom)
* [Feature spec](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XdEfA2Yr7x060hjCFo2dDBHfgBrVwH3on8OvKkRNL24/edit?usp=sharing)
* [Experiment plan](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NM22s4vXJJVMrhMVvUOpXcl_23bYMO8Fy5MuG8A09po/edit?usp=sharing)

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