Closed Bug 1002698 Opened 10 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Implement Australis Style Edit Bookmark panel


(Firefox :: Theme, defect)

29 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: zfang, Unassigned)





(1 file)

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #978459 +++

Implement the design in bug 978459
Flags: firefox-backlog?
Whiteboard: [Australis:P-] [ux] p=8 s=it-31c-30a-29b.3 [qa-]
Flags: firefox-backlog? → firefox-backlog+
Whiteboard: p=0
Whiteboard: p=0 → p=5
Zhenshuo, it looks like the blue star is different in the new design. Can you provide the assets that need to be used here on all three platforms (and the different windows styles) ?
Flags: needinfo?(zfang)
(In reply to :Gijs Kruitbosch from comment #1)
> Zhenshuo, it looks like the blue star is different in the new design. Can
> you provide the assets that need to be used here on all three platforms (and
> the different windows styles) ?

For the toolbar button we can use the assets here.

There's no blue star there so I'll create separate ones. Any requirement on the size of the star or it's the same with what's in the Menu panel?
(In reply to Zhenshuo Fang (:fang) - Firefox UX Team from comment #2)
> (In reply to :Gijs Kruitbosch from comment #1)
> > Zhenshuo, it looks like the blue star is different in the new design. Can
> > you provide the assets that need to be used here on all three platforms (and
> > the different windows styles) ?
> For the toolbar button we can use the assets here.
> icons/
> There's no blue star there so I'll create separate ones. Any requirement on
> the size of the star or it's the same with what's in the Menu panel?

I don't know. I was hoping you or shorlander could tell us. :-)
AFAIK the star design that was implemented in bug 969904 is more recent that Shorlander's mockup.
(In reply to Guillaume C. [:ge3k0s] from comment #4)
> AFAIK the star design that was implemented in bug 969904 is more recent that
> Shorlander's mockup.

But I'm not looking at the mockup, I'm looking at, because that's the design linked from the design bug.

I'm also assuming we don't want to actually modify the star button itself - just the edit bookmarks panel, because that's what the summary of the bug says.

Trying to fix the confusion here by updating the URL field.
Sorry I wasn't clear. I think that the star image in the new design (the one by Zfang) is directly taken from Shorlander's mockup. What I was pointing up is that the image implemented by Shorlander in bug 969904 is AFAIK more recent than the original mockup and thus also than the star image in Zfang's mockup.
Side note it would be nice to have the separator between the star/title and the rest of the panel as seen on Shorlander's mockup.
Yes I'm using the same star as in shorlander's mockups, the star is the same one in OSX & Windows.
Shorlander, do you already have the asset for different platforms?
Flags: needinfo?(shorlander)
Attached image bookmarks-noglow.png
I found the original file of the star and hide the glow, use this one for now.
Flags: needinfo?(zfang)
Whiteboard: p=5 → p=5 [qa?]
Whiteboard: p=5 [qa?] → p=5 [qa+]
Some questions:

- can someone provide a hidpi version of the icon?
- should it say "page bookmarked!" even when editing a pre-existing bookmark rather than one you just made?
- the 'remove bookmark' option is now much bigger than the 'done' option; is that intentional? It seems odd.
- can you specify how the padding of the remove bookmark item should work? It currently has more left than right padding, and the right padding doesn't match the left padding of the 'done' item either, so I'm just confused. :-)
- the right corners look very nice on Windows 8 - are we meant to use them as-is on other platforms (earlier Windows, OS X, Linux) as well?
- there is no visible 'cancel' option anymore. Considering the iterations we went through with customize mode, are we sure about that?
Flags: needinfo?(zfang)
Assignee: nobody → bmcbride
Whiteboard: p=5 [qa+] → p=5 s=33.1 [qa+]
(In reply to Zhenshuo Fang (:fang) - Firefox UX Team from comment #8)
> Yes I'm using the same star as in shorlander's mockups, the star is the same
> one in OSX & Windows.
> Shorlander, do you already have the asset for different platforms?

Not sure i understand the question. We currently have:

What do we need instead?
Flags: needinfo?(shorlander)
Removed from Iteration 33.1.
Whiteboard: p=5 s=33.1 [qa+] → p=5 [qa+]
Points: --- → 5
QA Whiteboard: [qa+]
Whiteboard: p=5 [qa+]
Iteration: --- → 33.3
Removed from Iteration 33.3
Assignee: bmcbride → nobody
Iteration: 33.3 → ---
Flags: needinfo?(zfang)
We didn't even get to this for photon, so marking wontfix. We might still fix the photon stuff, but not this one.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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