Closed Bug 1011321 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Slowness on many activities for accounts hosted on Mavericks Server


(Thunderbird :: Untriaged, defect)

30 Branch
Windows Vista
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ccvanduker, Unassigned)



User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0 (Beta/Release) Build ID: 20140314220517 Steps to reproduce: We have a Mac running Mavericks and the MacOS server software which hosts about ten email accounts for Thunderbird. Various Windows machines (XP, Vista, Win7) are configured so that any user can access his email on any computer through Thunderbird. Actual results: Although all other activities we perform on the server happen at normal speed (30%-70% of link speed, depending on whether the connection is gigabit or 100-baseT), most actions within Thunderbird -- sending email, moving large groups of messages (e.g. ~200) from one folder to another all top out at about 5% of link speed on 100baseT connections, and about 1% of link speed on gigabit. Expected results: We should be seeing much faster performance. As a test, I copied one user's mail directory to a Windows machine and shared the folder. I then redirected the Thunderbird account on another machine to that shared folder, and I saw normal performance (10x faster or more, with network utilization within a "typical" range in Task Manager).
Blocks: TB31found
Sorry, I'm no longer able to reproduce this problem because we've moved from Mavericks over to a NAS box for hosting our email, and that resolved the problem. The Thunderbird problems may have been the first of some other problems we were beginning to have with that server with slowness and data corruption. I did not have a chance to do the requested test before switching over to the new server, but for what it's worth, we were not running any plug-ins in Thunderbird on any of the machines.
Flags: needinfo?(ccvanduker)
Chris, thanks for the update. Safe mode likely would not have helped, so no problem. Another user with AFP file system and problem on version 24 has reported that version 31 is fine. So I'm comfortable closing this. But I'll do so as incomplete, because no one explicitly tested for this bug report.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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