Closed Bug 10432 Opened 26 years ago Closed 25 years ago

No Re-Start required during Install and First Run process


(SeaMonkey :: Installer, defect, P1)

Windows 95


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kevinyen, Assigned: cathleennscp)



(Whiteboard: [PDT+])

So far no re-start is required. As soon as anything needs a re-start, let us know so we can fix it. Daver says this is huge. thx, kevin
Blocks: 11020
Target Milestone: M12
this is a tracking bug. right now, we're looking good on no-restart. setting target milestone to M12 to make sure we're still good for B1.
adding Sean and Samir to the cc list. we need to keep an eye on this bug. if, for any reason, a reboot is required, try hard to make it happen after activation process.
adding Sean and Samir to the cc list. we need to keep an eye on this bug. if, for any reason, a reboot is required, try hard to make it happen after activation process.
Blocks: 12806
Target Milestone: M12 → M13
moving to M13. looking good so far.
Michael said that in this morning's install, he got a dialog saying that a re-start was needed (though I don't think it actually re-started). He was installing Typical on NT. I couldn't reproduce it on my machine (tried Custom and Typical), but am commenting here for record keeping. Michael -- if you see it again and I'm not around, can you copy/paste what's in the console? maybe that will provide a clue. thx, kevin
The proposed fix of 19165 means a re-start is required after installation, before seamonkey can run. This has three very negative repurcussions: 1. Will waste 200people x 5minutes = 1000 minutes a day of CPD 2. Will significantly hinder the installation/use of the latest builds 3. And... see below, which I snipped from an email "As you may know, all 5.0 users will go through Activation. Activation is a NC registration process heavily integrated with the Seamonkey installation process; it is being framed/positioned as a natural part of the software setup process, and not as website or product registration. This approach is expected to drive massive NC memberships, courtesy of client. Two key points of the approach are: 1. The Activation screens look like typical client dialogs (not a webpage), but will actually be served from NC Activation 2. When the Installer is done, seamonkey will automatically launch and present Activation -- this way Activation looks to be a part of the installation/setup process. (Note: Activation is run from Seamonkey, not Installer. but user will think it's Installer). I believe the current fix of bug 19165 involves requiring a re-start before Seamonkey can run. This will break the illusion of #2. This "no re-start" is something we've been tracking for a while now in bug 10432. thx, kevin
Depends on: 19165
The proposed fix of 19165 means a re-start is required after installation, before seamonkey can run. This has three very negative repurcussions: 1. Will waste 200people x 5minutes = 1000 minutes a day of CPD 2. Will significantly hinder the installation/use of the latest builds 3. And... see below, which I snipped from an email "As you may know, all 5.0 users will go through Activation. Activation is a NC registration process heavily integrated with the Seamonkey installation process; it is being framed/positioned as a natural part of the software setup process, and not as website or product registration. This approach is expected to drive massive NC memberships, courtesy of client. Two key points of the approach are: 1. The Activation screens look like typical client dialogs (not a webpage), but will actually be served from NC Activation 2. When the Installer is done, seamonkey will automatically launch and present Activation -- this way Activation looks to be a part of the installation/setup process. (Note: Activation is run from Seamonkey, not Installer. but user will think it's Installer). I believe the current fix of bug 19165 involves requiring a re-start before Seamonkey can run. This will break the illusion of #2. This "no re-start" is something we've been tracking for a while now in bug 10432. thx, kevin
Assignee: cathleen → dveditz
Whiteboard: [PDT-]
Putting on PDT- radar. Will release note for dogfood. Need to know, how did this requirement for restart get introduced? dveditz? Do you know?
Jan -- See my comments two sections up for the need for this requirement. Basically, it's Activation. thx, kevin
Or if Jan's asking why we have to restart *now* when we didn't before, skip up a few more sections to the bit about bug 19165. Post M11 the code started using some feature that caused old MSVCRT (system) DLL to crash. rather than figure out what we added or a workaround apparently the developers decided we should just install the lastest MSVCRT without the crashing bug. Installing a system .DLL forces people to reboot. This is compounded by an unimplemented feature in XPInstall that will eventually check the windows file versions and skip installing when the file is already up to date. But we hadn't gotten around to implementing that yet (we weren't installing any system .DLL's so it wasn't a high priority), so we install the file EVERY TIME, needed or not.
Summary: [Dogfood] No Re-Start required during Install and First Run process → [Beta] No Re-Start required during Install and First Run process
Whiteboard: [PDT-]
Just came from PDT mtg. Two items: 1. PDT agrees that this bug absolutely has to be fixed for Beta1 (but is not nec for dogfood). This is mandatory. 2. Currently, you don't really have to re-start when the dialog comes up. So, picking this up after dogfood. -kevin
Priority: P3 → P1
*** Bug 21815 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Depends on: 21882
spam: added self to cc list and added 21882 to dependency list.
Assignee: dveditz → cathleen
Reassigning to Cathleen as a management issue, 21882 is the technical bug. (dveditz using dbragg's machine)
Blocks: 23222
Target Milestone: M13 → M14
Summary: [Beta] No Re-Start required during Install and First Run process → [BETA] No Re-Start required during Install and First Run process
looking good. bug 19165 (Win32 - App won't start with old MSVCRT.DLL) & bug 24373 (msvcrt.dll, msvcirt.dll no longer required in install) are both fixed.
Keywords: beta1
Per last comments and PDT mtg...this is fixed. marking Resolved/Fixed for a verification. Putting on PDT+ radar for beta1.
Summary: [BETA] No Re-Start required during Install and First Run process → No Re-Start required during Install and First Run process
Whiteboard: [PDT+]
Cathleen, If you will mark resolve/fixed, I will verify, no recent commercial builds have required re-starts on Win32
okay! marking this resolved FIXED.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
and verified
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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