Bug 107146
Opened 23 years ago
Closed 23 years ago
math fonts (ucvmath) not working on the Mac
(Core :: MathML, defect)
(Reporter: hsivonen, Assigned: schofield)
(Keywords: helpwanted)
(2 files, 11 obsolete files)
279.64 KB,
Details | |
51.19 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
Build ID: CVS build, pulled on 2001-10-27 after the Mach-O changes landed on the
Steps to reproduce:
1) Build FizzillaMach with --enable-mathml (I can't try FizzillaCFM, but I
imagine it has the same problem.)
2) Install the Mathematica fonts and MT-Extra
3) Start Mozilla
4) Examine the tests at
Actual results:
The special math chars from the math fonts don't get used. The chars either show
up as question marks or get rendered using Lucida Grande (or Symbol?). The math
fonts get treated as normal MacRoman fonts.
Expected results:
Expected the math fonts to work the way they do on Windows and on GTK platforms.
Additional information:
ucvmath get registered as a component. Also, the mathfont property files get
loaded. The converter code does not appear to run.
See also the thread titled "Font tests? (MathML on Mac OS X)" in n.p.m.mathml.
Comment 1•23 years ago
I have no clue what is Mach-O build.
Reporter | ||
Comment 2•23 years ago
FizzillaMach is a version of Mozilla for Mac OS X that uses the Unix back end
and the Carbon front end and is built using gcc/make instead of CodeWarrior.
My guess is that the problem with ucvmath also shows up in the CodeWarrior/CFM
build and the Mac Classic build, but I am unable to verify, because I can't
build those.
Comment 3•23 years ago
This seems a Mac MATHML issue. you are welcome to fix it but I won't spend time
there for now. Sorry. rbs may help you
Assignee: ftang → henris
Reporter | ||
Comment 4•23 years ago
Marking helpwanted. If someone wants to take this from me, please go ahead.
Keywords: helpwanted
Reporter | ||
Comment 5•23 years ago
Mac OS X 10.1.2 appears to have built-in knowledge about the Wolfram and Design
Science fonts not being MacRoman fonts. I haven't yet been able to figure out
how to use the fonts with OS X's own Unicode implementation, but TextEdit now
falls back to Lucida Grande if I try to apply Math1 to a-z letters.
Comment 6•23 years ago
ATSUI font rendering might help here.
Should this bug be marked dependent on bug 121540?
Assignee | ||
Comment 8•23 years ago
here's a patch to enable ucvmath on mac platforms. i've only tested it on osx,
but i have no reason to believe it wouldn't work on os9. i've also only tested
it with the mathematica fonts and not the tex fonts. to make this work you'll
need to copy "gfx/src/windows/" into
in addition to ucvmath support this patch also enables faster functions to get
bounding metrics than those i submitted for bug #74821
so mathml mostly works now. there are still (at least) 2 problems which may
require separate bug reports:
1. characters with large descents (and possible ascents too) get clipped
improperly when the page scrolls.
2. some spanning characters have gaps in them.
(p.s. i apologize for submitting this patch with ie so it doesn't work for
windows users, but mozilla gives me errors when i try to upload the file)
Assignee | ||
Comment 9•23 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 10•23 years ago
this is the orignal patch plus fixes for two bounding metrics issues.
the first was a problem with the atsui fallback where two characters measured
sequentially with the same font/style/size would have the same bounding metrics
even though they shouldn't have. atsui was not properly invalidating it's
internal caches, so i explicitly invalidated them.
the second issue was with the default mechanism where the right side bearing
was not being calculated properly and was off by a few pixels in some cases.
now it is calculated properly and matches the behavior of other platforms.
Attachment #91970 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #91980 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment 11•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 92003 [details] [diff] [review]
original patch + fixes for a couple of bounding metrics issues
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/gfx/src/mac/nsATSUIUtils.cpp,v
+ // ATSUSetTextPointerLocation won't invalidate atsui's internal cache if
aCharPt is
+ // the same address it already has. therefore, since we are definitely
changing the
+ // text here, we should explicitly invalidate any existing caches
+ ::ATSUClearLayoutCache(oLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning);
Shouldn't you clear the cache *before* doing the setup, i.e,
+ ::ATSUClearLayoutCache(oLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning);
err = ATSUSetTextPointerLocation( oLayout, (ConstUniCharArrayPtr)aCharPt, 0,
1, 1);
Index: nsUnicodeFontMappingMac.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/gfx/src/mac/nsUnicodeFontMappingMac.cpp,v
+#ifdef MOZ_MATHML
+static NS_DEFINE_CID(kCharsetConverterManagerCID,
+static nsIPersistentProperties* gFontEncodingProperties = nsnull;
+static nsICharsetConverterManager2* gCharsetManager = nsnull;
+static class nsFontMappingCleanupObserver *gFontCleanupObserver = nsnull;
+GetEncoding(const char* aFontName, nsString& aValue)
+GetConverter(const char* aFontName, nsIUnicodeEncoder** aConverter)
+GetCCMapThroughConverter(nsIUnicodeEncoder *converter)
+#endif // MOZ_MATHML
You can migrate all these changes (and perhaps the other following
converter-related changes) here:
Some of what you added already exist over there, so it will be less
duplication. That file was a partial attempt to re-use some of the
capabilities that we have for Windows. And since the chunk of code
being added here also comes from the Windows version, we may as well
merge over there. If so, the #idef MOZ_MATHML could be removed since
that code has stood the test of time, and might be used for other purposes
(e.g., on Windows, it is enabled by default and is used to support fonts
such as Webdings, and people such as ftang & shanjian are familiar with
it too).
@@ -83,19 +266,23 @@
- MyFontEnumData(nsIDeviceContext* aDC, PRInt8* pMap, short* pFonts) :
mContext(aDC) {
+ MyFontEnumData(nsUnicodeFontMappingMac* fontMapping, nsIDeviceContext*
aDC) : mContext(aDC) {
Keep "nsIDeviceContext* aDC" as the first argument.
@@ -123,22 +310,62 @@
- data->mContext->GetLocalFontName(aFamily, realFace, aliased);
+#ifdef MOZ_MATHML
+ char buffer[256];
+ if(NS_SUCCEEDED(GetConverter(aFamily.ToCString(buffer, 256),
+ getter_AddRefs(mSymbolicFontConverter))))
+ {
+ mSymbolicFontNum = fontNum;
+ }
+#endif // MOZ_MATHML
Use |realFace|, and you can change the signature of GetConverter()
to pass nsString& if it works better that way.
But... apart from these notes, there is a fundamental architectural
that is missing from your patch. (Sorry, part of this is my fault since
I didn't highlighted it when I was giving the indications... I didn't
want to overwhelm you when you were still trying to get the patch to
work at all.).
The statement |mSymbolicFontNum = fontNum| assumes that there is only
one symbolic font. In reality, there can be (and usually there is) a list
of fonts, e.g., "Math1, CMEX10, Math3". So you need to keep a list of
fonts, so that you can switch over them (in that CSS order) when looking
for glyphs, while knowing that not all fonts in the list are necessarily
symbolic. With your current patch, only the first symbolic font will
Another thing is that the character maps (mSymbolicFontCCMap)
need to be cached across fonts/windows/tabs, otherwise they may
consume an inordinate amount of memory (especially in MathML where
rendering involves numerous fonts wich may only change by sizes in
sup/subscripts, etc). The maps don't change when the font sizes
change. So having a hashtable is necessary. For this, you need a
global nsHashTable, or to be more precise nsObjectHashtable in this
case (there are several flavors of hashtable in Mozilla but these
are the easiest to use and are okay here), e.g,
static nsObjectHashtable* gFontMaps = nsnull;
// to be new'ed in InitGlobals() and deleted in FreeGlobals()
// callback function to free the entries when you are done
freeCCMap(nsHashKey *aKey, void *aData, void *closure)
return PR_TRUE;
// create
gFontMaps = new nsObjectHashtable(nsnull, nsnull, freeCCMap, nsnull);
// add
PRUInt16* fontCCmap = GetCCMap(fontName);
nsStringKey hashkey(fontName);
gFontMaps->Put(&hashkey, fontCCmap);
// retrieve
nsStringKey hashkey(fontName);
PRUInt16* fontCCmap = (PRUInt16*)gFontMaps->Get(&hashkey);
// destroy (will loop over the entries and invoke your callback)
delete gFontMaps;
The converters (nsIUnicodeEncoder) are already cached by the Charset
Converter Manager. So no special action needed here.
I will let you have another iteration over the patch before making
further comments I may have.
It is coming along very well.
Attachment #92003 -
Flags: needs-work+
Assignee | ||
Comment 12•23 years ago
here's a revised patch that incorporates the previous suggestions.
as far as the atsui cache clearing goes the order of those two functions does
not matter and produces the same results either way.
ATSUSetTextPointerLocation will never do any layout and therefore will never
validate any internal atsui caches. i can change it if you want me to, but it
does work correctly as is.
Attachment #92003 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #92250 -
Flags: needs-work+
Comment 13•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 92250 [details] [diff] [review]
revised patch
> i can change it if you want me to, but it does work correctly as is.
yes, I feel more comfortable with clearing something before operating
on it. (tip: since you tested the two ways, reviewers like it when
you retain the one preferred by the reviewer rather than undoing
what you experimented to revert to what you had).
+ if(!gCharsetManager)
+ {
+ nsServiceManager::GetService(kCharsetConverterManagerCID,
+ NS_GET_IID(nsICharsetConverterManager2), (nsISupports**)
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAtom> charset;
+ rv = gCharsetManager->GetCharsetAtom(value.get(), getter_AddRefs(charset));
Missing null-check after trying to initialize gCharsetManager
+ if (mapper)
+ return MapperToCCMap(mapper);
+ else
+ return nsnull;
Not all people like an 'else' after 'return', simply use:
return mapper ? MapperToCCMap(mapper) : nsnull;
+ // make sure we have the hashtable
+ if(!gFontMaps)
+ gFontMaps = new nsObjectHashtable(nsnull, nsnull, freeCCMap,
Missing null-check, and return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY if the |new| failed
+ // if it's not already in the hashtable, create it and add it to
the hashtable
+ *aCCMap = GetCCMapThroughConverter(*aConverter);
+ gFontMaps->Put(&hashKey, *aCCMap);
Missing null-check before adding to the hashtable
+class nsSymbolicFontMac
I think there are issues with your patch re:CSS order. Looking at the
code below, your always look for a glyph in the symbolic fonts. So if
somebody wants to render <font face="Times, Symbol">Hello Plus: +</font>,
the "+" sign is going to come from the "Symbol" font, whereas the intention
is that the "+" sign should come from the "Times" font. In general, your
patch will have troubles when characters exist in several fonts (overlapping).
+ short getFontID(PRUnichar aChar)
+ {
+ if(mCCMap && CCMAP_HAS_CHAR(mCCMap, aChar))
+ return mFontNum;
+ else if(mNextFont)
+ return mNextFont->getFontID(aChar);
+ else
+ return BAD_FONT_NUM;
+ }
+ PRBool convert(const PRUnichar *aString, PRInt32 *aStringLength, char
*aBuffer, PRInt32 *aBufferLength)
+ {
+ if(mConverter && NS_SUCCEEDED(mConverter->Convert(aString,
+ aBuffer, aBufferLength)) && *aBufferLength)
+ {
+ return PR_TRUE;
+ }
+ else if(mNextFont)
+ return mNextFont->convert(aString, aStringLength, aBuffer,
+ else
+ return PR_FALSE;
Here is what you might do to consolidate your patch:
1.a Declare a font
class nsFontMac
nsFontMac(nsIUnicodeEncoder *aConverter,
PRUint16 *aCCMap,
short aFontNum,
short aScriptNum)
// Note: either the font is symbolic (i.e., non-null converter)
// or it is non-symbolic (i.e, valid script value)
NS_ASSERTION(aConverter || aScriptNum != BAD_SCRIPT, "internal error");
mConverter = aConverter;
mCCMap = aCCMap;
mFontNum = aFontNum;
mScriptNum = aScriptNum;
// the font whose number equals aFontNum does the conversion
PRBool Convert(const PRUnichar *aString, PRInt32 *aStringLength, char
*aBuffer, PRInt32 *aBufferLength)
if (mConverter) { // non-null means this is a symbolic font
return NS_SUCCEEDED(mConverter->Convert(aString, aStringLength,
aBuffer, aBufferLength)) && *aBufferLength);
//...add code to do the conversion with mScriptNum
NS_ASSERTION(mScriptNum != BAD_SCRIPT, "internal error");
UnicodeToTextInfo converter = GetConverterByScript(mScriptNum);
if (converter) {
... etc ...
return PR_FALSE;
// Note: use Caps (AddFont, GetFontID, Convert) in C++. The practice in
// Mozilla is generally to reserve interCaps for IDL or JavaScript functions.
nsCOMPtr<nsIUnicodeEncoder> mConverter;
PRUint16 *mCCMap; // we don't own this buffer, so don't
free it
short mFontNum;
short mScriptNum;
1.b Declare a font list
class nsUnicodeFontMappingMac {
+#ifdef MOZ_MATHML
+ nsAutoVoidArray mFontList;
PRInt8 mPrivBlockToScript [kUnicodeBlockVarScriptMax] ;
short mScriptFallbackFontIDs [smPseudoTotalScripts] ;
static nsUnicodeMappingUtil* gUtil;
2. Change ConvertUnicodeToGlyphs() to pass aFontNum instead
+PRBool nsUnicodeFontMappingMac::ConvertUnicodeToGlyphs(aFontNum,
+ ConstUniCharArrayPtr aString, ByteCount aStringLength,
+ char *aBuffer, ByteCount aBufferLength, ByteCount& oActualLength,
+ ByteCount& oBytesRead, OptionBits opts)
+#ifdef MOZ_MATHML
for (PRint32 i = 0; i < mFontList.Count(); i++) {
nsFontMac* font = (nsFontMac*)mFontList[i];
if (aFontNum == font->FontNum)
return font->Convert(...);
+#endif // MOZ_MATHML
++++ with the fix to GetConverterByScript() to accept aFontNum and to do
++++ the Right Thing (tm) with it...
+ UnicodeToTextInfo converter = GetConverterByScript(aScript);
+ if(converter)
+ {
+ OSStatus err = ::ConvertFromUnicodeToText(converter, 2 *
aStringLength, aString,
+ opts, 0, NULL, 0, NULL,
+ aBufferLength, &oBytesRead, &oActualLength,
+ (LogicalAddress) aBuffer);
+ return (oActualLength > 0 ? PR_TRUE : PR_FALSE);
+ }
+ return PR_FALSE;
3. nsUnicodeFontMappingMac::GetFontID(aChar)
This needs care. There seems to be some voodoo going on in the
existing code using the 'script' of the font. To recover the current
behavior while allowing symbolic fonts to participate in their
corresponding CSS order, I think you can do:
a) get the first symbolic font that can represent the char
b) get the first non-symbolic font that can represent the char
b) the winner is the one that is encountered first in the CSS list.
Programmatically, this means doing the following tweaks:
short nsUnicodeFontMappingMac::GetFontID(PRUnichar aChar) {
short i = BAD_FONT_NUM;
PRInt32 k = -1;
for (PRint32 f = 0; f < mFontList.Count(); f++) {
nsFontMac* font = (nsFontMac*)mFontList[f];
if (font->mCCMap && CCMAP_HAS_CHAR(font->mCCMap, aChar)) {
i = font->mFontNum;
k = f;
nsUnicodeBlock block = GetBlock(aChar);
if (block < kUnicodeBlockFixedScriptMax) {
j = mScriptFallbackFontIDs[gUtil->BlockToScript(block)];
if (i != BAD_FONT_NUM) { // there is also a symbolic font with the char
for (PRint32 f = 0; f < mFontList.Count(); f++) {
nsFontMac* font = (nsFontMac*)mFontList[f];
if (j == font->mFontNum) {
return k < f ? i : j; // winner is the first in the list
if (i == BAD_FONT_NUM)
i = mScriptFallbackFontIDs[ mPrivBlockToScript[ block -
kUnicodeBlockFixedScriptMax] ];
return i;
#else // old code
nsUnicodeBlock block = GetBlock(aChar);
if(block < kUnicodeBlockFixedScriptMax)
return mScriptFallbackFontIDs[gUtil->BlockToScript(block)];
return mScriptFallbackFontIDs[ mPrivBlockToScript[ block -
kUnicodeBlockFixedScriptMax] ];
4. Initialization: all fonts (symbolic or non-symbolic) go in the list
(substitute/mSymbolicFont/mFontList/) to allow honoring the CSS order
i.e., rewrite this part of the patch accordingly. Non-symbolic will
just have a null converter and ccmap.
ScriptCode script = BAD_SCRIPT;
nsCOMPtr<nsIUnicodeEncoder> converter;
PRUint16 *ccmap = nsnull;
res = nsMacUnicodeFontInfo::GetConverterAndCCMap(realFace,
getter_AddRefs(converter), &ccmap)))
if (NS_FAILED(res)) {
script = ::FontToScript(fontNum);
nsFontMac *font = new nsFontMac(converter, ccmap, fontNum, script);
if (font)
=== part of the old patch to rewrite ===
+ aDeviceContext->GetLocalFontName(aFamily, realFace, aliased);
+ if (aliased || (NS_OK == aDeviceContext->CheckFontExistence(realFace)))
short fontNum;
nsDeviceContextMac::GetMacFontNumber(realFace, fontNum);
if(0 != fontNum) {
+#ifdef MOZ_MATHML
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIUnicodeEncoder> aConverter;
+ PRUint16 *aCCMap;
+ getter_AddRefs(aConverter), &aCCMap)))
+ {
+ nsSymbolicFontMac *aSymbolicFont = new
nsSymbolicFontMac(aConverter, aCCMap, fontNum);
+ if(mSymbolicFont)
+ mSymbolicFont->addFont(aSymbolicFont);
+ else
+ mSymbolicFont = aSymbolicFont;
+ }
+#endif // MOZ_MATHML
ScriptCode script = ::FontToScript(fontNum);
- if(BAD_FONT_NUM == data->mFont[ script ])
- data->mFont[ script ] = fontNum;
- FillVarBlockToScript( script, data->mMap);
+ if(BAD_FONT_NUM == mScriptFallbackFontIDs[ script ])
+ mScriptFallbackFontIDs[ script ] = fontNum;
+ FillVarBlockToScript( script, mPrivBlockToScript);
5. HasGlyphFor
in nsUnicodeRenderingToolkit, there is code to do
before doing anything else.
It looks like this function is excluding symbolic fonts (or always pushing
them to the fallback code-path). Double-check here. It seems that the
code of HasGlyphFor() has to be revised to account for symbolic fonts.
+void nsUnicodeRenderingToolkit::GetScriptTextBoundingMetrics(
+ const char* buf,
+ ByteCount aLen,
+ ScriptCode aScript,
+ nsBoundingMetrics& oBoundingMetrics)
+ Point frac = { 1, 1 };
+ Fixed *widths = (Fixed*) nsMemory::Alloc(aLen * sizeof(Fixed));
+ Fixed *lefts = (Fixed*) nsMemory::Alloc(aLen * sizeof(Fixed));
+ Rect *rects = (Rect*) nsMemory::Alloc(aLen * sizeof(Rect));
+ OSStatus err;
It is often the case there is only a single character passed to the
function, and you will be allocating all the time. So for efficiency,
you can use stack variables and only allocate/free on the heap if
the length exceeds what is on the stack.
+ nsBoundingMetrics bounds;
+ bounds.Clear();
No need to clear. The constructor is already doing it.
+ bounds.leftBearing = rects[glyphIndex].left +
+ bounds.rightBearing = rects[glyphIndex].right +
+ bounds.ascent = rects[glyphIndex].bottom;
+ bounds.descent = -rects[glyphIndex].top;
+ bounds.width = FixRound(widths[glyphIndex]);
Any reason to round the numbers here. Doing so might amplify
misalignments, and leave gaps when positionning glyphs
Awaiting next iteration.
Comment 14•23 years ago
typo... I missed an early return in the pseudo-code:
nsUnicodeBlock block = GetBlock(aChar);
if (block < kUnicodeBlockFixedScriptMax) {
j = mScriptFallbackFontIDs[gUtil->BlockToScript(block)];
if (i != BAD_FONT_NUM) { // there is also a symbolic font with the char
for (PRint32 f = 0; f < mFontList.Count(); f++) {
nsFontMac* font = (nsFontMac*)mFontList[f];
if (j == font->mFontNum) {
return k < f ? i : j; // winner is the first in the list
+ return j;
Assignee | ||
Comment 15•23 years ago
>5. HasGlyphFor
>in nsUnicodeRenderingToolkit, there is code to do
>before doing anything else.
>It looks like this function is excluding symbolic fonts (or always pushing
>them to the fallback code-path). Double-check here. It seems that the
>code of HasGlyphFor() has to be revised to account for symbolic fonts.
this is only used in the fallback case where we're not using any special
mappings for symbolic characters.
>Any reason to round the numbers here. Doing so might amplify
>misalignments, and leave gaps when positionning glyphs
the numbers that were being rounded were of type Fixed, which is a type that
has 16 bits of integer data and 16 bits of decimal data. the FixRound()
function was convertering them to integers. i see your point though, so i did
scale all the values by mP2T so we get sub-pixel accuracy.
>Awaiting next iteration.
here you go.
Assignee | ||
Updated•23 years ago
Attachment #92250 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Assignee | ||
Comment 16•23 years ago
sorry, added:
+ return firstNonSymbolicFont;
to comply with your second message
Attachment #92452 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment 17•23 years ago
Is there any connection between these various patches for MathML on Fizzilla and
the ATSUI work on bug 121540 (that will be resurrected, eventually)?
Assignee | ||
Comment 18•23 years ago
it seems to me that they are fairly independent of one another.
Comment 19•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 92453 [details] [diff] [review]
2002.07.23 patch #2
Only a few remaining nits now.
Index: nsUnicodeFontMappingMac.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/gfx/src/mac/nsUnicodeFontMappingMac.cpp,v
+#ifdef MOZ_MATHML
+#include "nsMacUnicodeFontInfo.h"
+#endif // MOZ_MATHML
You might loose the #ifdef here.
+ PRBool HasChar(PRUnichar aChar)
+ {
+ return (mCCMap && CCMAP_HAS_CHAR(mCCMap, aChar));
+ }
This might causes confusion later, as font->HasChar() is
undefined for a non-symbolic font in the list.
I suggest having a GetCCMap(), and ket the caller use
CCMAP_HAS_CHAR() on the result. BTW, mind using GetFontNum()
rather than just FontNum().
-static PRBool FontEnumCallback(const nsString& aFamily, PRBool aGeneric, void
+static PRBool RealFontEnumCallback(const nsString& aFamily, PRBool aGeneric,
void *aData)
+ MyFontEnumData* data = (MyFontEnumData*) aData;
+ return data->mFontMapping->FontEnumCallback(aFamily, aGeneric,
+PRBool nsUnicodeFontMappingMac::FontEnumCallback(
+ const nsString& aFamily, PRBool aGeneric, nsIDeviceContext
Why bother with an extra hop. I think retaining/upgrading the earlier
callaback is fine. Plus, keeping it static makes it more robust
against future changes in the class/params, since it forces people to
take a closer look.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIUnicodeEncoder> aConverter;
+ PRUint16 *aCCMap = nsnull;
+ ScriptCode script = ::FontToScript(fontNum);
+#ifdef MOZ_MATHML
+ // if this fails, aConverter & aCCMap will be nsnull
+ nsMacUnicodeFontInfo::GetConverterAndCCMap(realFace,
getter_AddRefs(aConverter), &aCCMap);
+#endif // MOZ_MATHML
Use |converter|, |ccmap|. The 'a' prefix is conventionnally used to
denote 'a'rguments of functions
+ PRInt32 firstSymbolicFontIndex = mFontList.Count();
Simply use firstSymbolicFontIndex = -1; (or, if you like, = 0, and use it
as the runnng index -- but that will make the code a bit more verbose...).
Index: nsUnicodeFontMappingMac.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/gfx/src/mac/nsUnicodeFontMappingMac.h,v
+#ifdef MOZ_MATHML
+#include "nsIUnicodeEncoder.h"
+#endif // MOZ_MATHML
Do you need this include? The .ccp file is including the header.
+ {
+ widths = (Fixed*) nsMemory::Alloc(aLen * sizeof(Fixed));
+ lefts = (Fixed*) nsMemory::Alloc(aLen * sizeof(Fixed));
+ rects = (Rect*) nsMemory::Alloc(aLen * sizeof(Fixed));
Missing null-checks:
if (!widths || !lefts || !rects) {
if (widths)
if (lefts)
if (rects)
+ }
Did you try to compile with MathML turned off to verify that it doesn't
the build, and is back to the previous behavior?
Attachment #92453 -
Flags: needs-work+
Comment 20•23 years ago
-> re-assigning to who is fixing the bug.
Assignee: hsivonen → schofield
Comment 21•23 years ago
Little extra...
+ ScriptCode script = ::FontToScript(fontNum);
+#ifdef MOZ_MATHML
+ // if this fails, aConverter & aCCMap will be nsnull
+ nsMacUnicodeFontInfo::GetConverterAndCCMap(realFace,
getter_AddRefs(aConverter), &aCCMap);
+#endif // MOZ_MATHML
Should be:
+#ifdef MOZ_MATHML
+ // if this fails, aConverter & aCCMap will be nsnull
+ nsMacUnicodeFontInfo::GetConverterAndCCMap(realFace,
getter_AddRefs(converter), &ccmap);
+#endif // MOZ_MATHML
+ ScriptCode script = (converter)? BAD_SCRIPT : ::FontToScript(fontNum);
(to enforce the invariant that the script of a symbolic font is undefined)
Assignee | ||
Comment 22•23 years ago
>Why bother with an extra hop. I think retaining/upgrading the earlier
>callaback is fine. Plus, keeping it static makes it more robust
>against future changes in the class/params, since it forces people to
>take a closer look.
it's nice to have access to the private instance variables. i changed it to a
static class function, is that acceptable?
>Did you try to compile with MathML turned off to verify that it doesn't
>the build, and is back to the previous behavior?
i'll get back to you on this.
Attachment #92453 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Assignee | ||
Comment 23•23 years ago
>>Did you try to compile with MathML turned off to verify that it doesn't
>>the build, and is back to the previous behavior?
>i'll get back to you on this.
i have verified that this code still builds and functions properly with mathml disabled (via -
-disable-mathml flag to configure script).
Comment 24•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 92573 [details] [diff] [review]
2002.07.24 patch
> i changed it to a static class function, is that acceptable?
Patch looks good and is ready to go IMO, now that you have also verified that
non-MathML builds don't break. Could you do the following tweak to
bullet-proof the function and ensure that when the
function succeeds, it indeed means that both 'converter'
*and* 'ccmap' are there.
+nsMacUnicodeFontInfo::GetConverterAndCCMap(const nsString& aFontName,
nsIUnicodeEncoder** aConverter,
+ PRUint16** aCCMap)
+ if(NS_SUCCEEDED(GetConverter(aFontName, aConverter)) && *aConverter)
+ {
+ // make sure we have the hashtable
+ if(!gFontMaps)
+ {
+ gFontMaps = new nsObjectHashtable(nsnull, nsnull, freeCCMap,
+ if(!gFontMaps)
+ }
+ // first try to retrieve the ccmap for this font from the hashtable
+ nsStringKey hashKey(aFontName);
+ *aCCMap = (PRUint16*) gFontMaps->Get(&hashKey);
+ if(!*aCCMap)
+ {
+ // if it's not already in the hashtable, create it and add it to
the hashtable
+ *aCCMap = GetCCMapThroughConverter(*aConverter);
+ if(!*aCCMap) {
>>>>> *aConverter = nsnull;
>>>>> return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
gFontMaps->Put(&hashKey, *aCCMap);
>>>>>> return NS_OK;
+ }
+ }
>>>> return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
Comment 26•23 years ago
Oops... misplaced 'return'
+ // first try to retrieve the ccmap for this font from the hashtable
+ nsStringKey hashKey(aFontName);
+ *aCCMap = (PRUint16*) gFontMaps->Get(&hashKey);
+ if(!*aCCMap)
+ {
+ // if it's not already in the hashtable, create it and add it to
the hashtable
+ *aCCMap = GetCCMapThroughConverter(*aConverter);
+ if(!*aCCMap)
+ {
+ *aConverter = nsnull;
+ }
+ gFontMaps->Put(&hashKey, *aCCMap);
------ return NS_OK;
+ }
++++++ return NS_OK;
+ }
Also, while you are at it, I will just go ahead and merge these two since 'rv'
isn't propagated and nobody cares about its precise value from there on.
+ nsresult rv = GetConverter(aFontName, aConverter);
+ if(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && *aConverter)
+ if(NS_SUCCEEDED(GetConverter(aFontName, aConverter)) && *aConverter)
No longer depends on: atsui
OS: MacOS X → All
Summary: ucvmath not working with Fizzilla → math fonts (ucvmath) not working on the Mac
Comment 28•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 92636 [details] [diff] [review]
2002.07.24 patch #3
Attachment #92636 -
Flags: review+
Comment 29•23 years ago
+ ScriptCode script = (converter ? BAD_FONT_NUM : ::FontToScript(fontNum));
Should'nt this be BAD_SCRIPT ?
OS: All → MacOS X
Comment 30•23 years ago
Attachment #92636 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #92661 -
Flags: review+
Comment 31•23 years ago
Awaiting sr=, will ask drivers approval afterwards.
(After letting the patch to bake a little while, it might be a good idea to
loose some of the #idef MOZ_MATHML to allow everyone to benefit from this
support of arbitrary symbolic fonts.)
OS: MacOS X → All
Assignee | ||
Comment 32•23 years ago
Comment 33•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 92661 [details] [diff] [review]
patch to be checked in
rob, I was wondering about this scaling:
+void nsUnicodeRenderingToolkit::GetScriptTextBoundingMetrics(
+ // scale the metrics by mP2T so everything is in twips rather than points
+ Point numer = { mP2T, mP2T }, denom = { 1, 1 };
mP2T is a |float| and can be a fractional number on certain
devices/display resolutions. Since the fields numer.h and
number.v are integers, the compiler will round the value when
doing the assignment.
So rather than trying to do the scaling deep inside the low-level
functions, let's just propagate the native values, and then do the
scaling on the final result -- as GetTextDimensions() is currently doing.
Updated patch coming up.
Attachment #92661 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment 34•23 years ago
Attachment #92867 -
Flags: review+
Assignee | ||
Comment 35•23 years ago
i don't have strong feelings one way or the other about this issue, though i
considered it a fair amount while implementing it. the only issue with not
putting in the scaling factor is that if there are fractional values they will be
completely lost and rounded to the nearest integer by ::OutlineMetrics().
the integer number of points can then be scaled to app units, but we're
not really gaining any resolution by doing so.
is it better to always go with integer units that will always be off for
fractional values or go with fractional units that may be off by a tiny bit in
some cases (when i was testing i think mP2T was 15.0 so it wouldn't
have been off)?
Comment 36•23 years ago
The value of mP2T = 15.0 that you saw was particular to your environment. There
could be a fractional number on certain devices or display resolutions. If I
remember correctly (haven't double-checked now...), it can be set to an
arbitrary value when the user plays with the slider of "Display resolution" on
the Edit -> Appearance -> Fonts preference dialog.
A further iteration could be to try a scale={1000,1000}, or something that isn't
necessarily related to this uncertain mP2T, and do a fix-up w.r.t. to that
scale, while still keeping the conversion to twips at the last minute.
Alternatively, the helper functions don't necessarily have to return an integer
nsBoundingMetrics struct. Indeed the Get[TextSegment]BoundingMetrics functions
could be changed to return the native |Fixed *aLeftBearing, Fixed
*aRightBearing, etc...| and then do the fix-up to twips at the last minute.
There is room for exprimentation. Bottom-line is: I am okay with any iteration
that you see fit to collapse the sub-pixel gaps later on (i.e., not necessarily
in this bug), including reverting to scale=max{mP2T,1}, max{mP2T,1}}.
Reporter | ||
Comment 37•23 years ago
Does OS X allow sub-pixel positioning of the beginning of a rendered string?
That is, are individually rendered chars locked to full pixels anyway? (Does the
rounding decision affect printing noticeably?)
A big, big thank you for implementing this!
Comment 38•23 years ago
The GDI/QuickDraw/ATSUI/etc are bound to have round-off errors, and there is no
way to ensure perfection in all situations. However, round-off errors in a given
font-engine can hopefully be expected to be uniform within the same font.
Take for example the usual text run. It will use glyphs that are designed to be
drawn horizontally, and they will invariably seat neatly on the baseline (as
designed) if they are drawn at the same y-coordinate, whether or not y is a
fractional number of pixels.
Similarly, if two partial glyphs have been designed to be juxtaposed vertically,
then drawing them at the same x-coordinate will keep them neatly aligned
vertically (as the font designer intended -- except for those broken & poorly
designed fonts that are out there and that cause jagged rendering).
It can indeed be seen on the screenshot that the gap comes from incrementing the
y-coordinate. But to accommodate the Mac, I might possibly further tweak the
stretching code so that it picks a delta-y considerably less than the height of
the glyph to further tighten the overlap between the parts. So as I said, there
is room for experimentation. Let's just avoid premature optimization.
Comment 39•23 years ago
sfraser, did you a chance to follow-up?
Cc:ing some drivers as we need traction if the patch is to stand a chance for
inclusion in 1.1final, while letting a little space for clearing any dust that
might come from the checkin (including possibly fixing the pixel gap in
juxtaposing glyphs, as seen e.g. in Torture Test #14 on attachment 92867 [details] [diff] [review]).
Comment 40•23 years ago
s/did you a chance/did you had a chance/
Comment 41•23 years ago
I'll try and get to this tomorrow.
Comment 42•23 years ago
Index: nsMacUnicodeFontInfo.cpp
+static nsIPersistentProperties* gFontEncodingProperties = nsnull;
+static nsICharsetConverterManager2* gCharsetManager = nsnull;
+static nsObjectHashtable* gFontMaps = nsnull;
+static nsFontCleanupObserver *gFontCleanupObserver = nsnull;
+static PRUint16* gCCMap = nsnull;
Can these statics be pushed inside of factory methods?
+static nsresult
+GetEncoding(const nsString& aFontName, nsString& aValue)
+ // if we have not init the property yet, init it right now.
+ if (! gFontEncodingProperties)
It would be nice to move the gFontEncodingProperties into a separate function,
like EnsureFontEncodingProperties();
+ rv = NS_OpenURI(getter_AddRefs(in), uri);
I'm a little unhappy using NS_OpenURI here, for the reason that it can block the
UI thread (see comments at ).
This might hurt startup time. And doesn't this add a new dependency between
gfx and necko?
+ return (*aConverter)->SetOutputErrorBehavior((*aConverter)->kOnError_Replace,
nsnull, '?');
This is a bit ugly. Cleaner to store the converter in a local before returning it.
+// This function uses the charset converter manager to fill the map for the
+// font whose name is given
+static PRUint16*
+GetCCMapThroughConverter(nsIUnicodeEncoder *converter)
The comment should say who owns the returned data, and who's responsible for
deleting it.
+ if(gFontMaps)
+ delete gFontMaps;
if (gCCMap)
- FreeCCMap(gCCMap);
You don't need 'if' tests here. C++ specifies that 'delete NULL' is OK.
Index: nsMacUnicodeFontInfo.h
+ static nsresult GetConverterAndCCMap(const nsString& aFontName,
nsIUnicodeEncoder** aConverter, PRUint16** aCCMap);
Add a comment to say who owns the returned aCCMap.
+static UnicodeToTextInfo gConverters[32] = {
+ nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull,
+ nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull,
+ nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull,
+ nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull
This could be written as
static UnicodeToTextInfo gConverters[32] = {0}.
C will zero out members with non-specified initializers.
+ if ((sc == smArabic) || (sc == smHebrew))
+ return nsnull;
+ NS_PRECONDITION(sc < 32, "illegal script id");
Maybe we need a macro like IS_BIDI_SCRIPT() ?
Whitespace before the NS_PRECONDITION().
+ if(sc >= 32)
Standardize 'if' spacing to: "if ("
+ TextEncoding scriptEncoding;
+ err = ::UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding(sc, kTextLanguageDontCare,
kTextRegionDontCare, nsnull, &scriptEncoding);
+ if ( noErr == err )
+ err = ::CreateUnicodeToTextInfoByEncoding(scriptEncoding, &gConverters[sc] );
Do these converters ever get freed?
+ nsUnicodeFontMappingEntry(
+ nsIUnicodeEncoder *aConverter,
+ PRUint16 *aCCMap,
+ short aFontNum,
+ ScriptCode aScript)
+ {
+ NS_ASSERTION(aConverter || aScript != BAD_SCRIPT, "internal error");
+ mConverter = aConverter;
+ mCCMap = aCCMap;
+ mFontNum = aFontNum;
+ mScript = aScript;
+ }
Please use C++ initializers:
: mConverter(aConverter)
, mCCMap(aCCMap)
+ PRBool Convert(
+ const PRUnichar *aString,
+ ByteCount aStringLength,
+ char *aBuffer,
+ ByteCount aBufferLength,
+ ByteCount& oActualLength,
+ ByteCount& oBytesRead,
+ OptionBits opts)
+ {
+#ifdef MOZ_MATHML
+ if(mConverter)
+ {
+ oActualLength = aBufferLength;
+ if(NS_SUCCEEDED(mConverter->Convert(aString, (PRInt32*)
&aStringLength, aBuffer,
+ (PRInt32*) &oActualLength)) && oActualLength)
Why do we need to do something different from MATHML here? Also, is this a new
between gfx and uconv?
+ oBytesRead = 2 * aStringLength;
sizeof(PRUnichar) * aStringLength?
+ PRUint16* GetCCMap()
If the CCMap is not owned, maybe make it a 'const PRUint16* everywhere, or even
make a
typedef for it.
+ for(PRInt32 i = 0; i < mFontList.Count(); i++)
+ if(aFontNum == entry->GetFontNum())
Spacing here and in lots of other places.
+ MyFontEnumData fontData(aDeviceContext, this);
+ aFont->EnumerateFamilies(nsUnicodeFontMappingMac::FontEnumCallback, &fontData);
Whitespace (tabs?)
+ if(fontMapping.ConvertUnicodeToGlyphs(scriptFallbackFonts[fallbackScript],
aCharPt, 1,
+ buf, STACK_TREASHOLD, outLen, processBytes, kUnicodeLooseMappingsMask))
STACK_TREASHOLD spelled wrong (Yeah, I know it was there already. you might as well
fix it).
Spaces after commas please.
+ while(byteIndex < aLen)
+ {
+ nsBoundingMetrics bounds;
+ bounds.leftBearing = rects[glyphIndex].left +
+ bounds.rightBearing = rects[glyphIndex].right +
+ bounds.ascent = rects[glyphIndex].bottom;
+ bounds.descent = -rects[glyphIndex].top;
+ bounds.width = FixRound(widths[glyphIndex]);
+ if(glyphIndex == 0)
+ oBoundingMetrics = bounds;
+ else
+ oBoundingMetrics += bounds;
+ // for two byte characters byteIndex will increase by 2
+ // while glyph index will only increase by 1
+ if(CharacterByteType((Ptr) buf, byteIndex, aScript) == smFirstByte)
+ byteIndex += 2;
+ else
+ byteIndex++;
+ glyphIndex++;
+ }
This is potentially an O(n^2) operation, since CharacterByteType() has
to run through the entire string from start to byteIndex to get the
byte type. If aLen is often large, it would be better to call
FillParseTable() and then do table lookups.
Comment 43•23 years ago
[To win the time (time difference!), I went ahead and applied the changes].
> Can these statics be pushed inside of factory methods?
Not much win in doing that. The variables are not exported. They
remain local to that single file. Using factory methods might just
add a bunch of functions which are called only once.
> It would be nice to move the gFontEncodingProperties into a separate
> like EnsureFontEncodingProperties();
Done (using InitEncodingProperties as we do on Windows).
> + rv = NS_OpenURI(getter_AddRefs(in), uri);
> I'm a little unhappy using NS_OpenURI here
Switched to a string bundle to make you smile again :-)
(Added a similar trick to what we do on Windows to avoid a startup hit).
> + return
> nsnull, '?');
> This is a bit ugly. Cleaner to store the converter in a local before
returning it.
Used a tmp (although I don't mind the other form).
> The comment should say who owns the returned data, and who's responsible for
> deleting it.
> You don't need 'if' tests here. C++ specifies that 'delete NULL' is OK.
> + static nsresult GetConverterAndCCMap(const nsString& aFontName,
> Add a comment to say who owns the returned aCCMap.
> This could be written as
> static UnicodeToTextInfo gConverters[32] = {0}.
> C will zero out members with non-specified initializers.
Done (was inherited from exising code which is just copied/pasted to
another location).
> Maybe we need a macro like IS_BIDI_SCRIPT() ?
Same existing code that is shuffled. Retained what was there.
> Whitespace before the NS_PRECONDITION().
Updated (was inherited from exising code).
> + if(sc >= 32)
> Standardize 'if' spacing to: "if ("
Apparently, it looks like schofield just followed the local custom
over there. So no special action taken.
> + TextEncoding scriptEncoding;
> + err = ::UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding(sc, kTextLanguageDontCare,
> kTextRegionDontCare, nsnull, &scriptEncoding);
> + if ( noErr == err )
> + err = ::CreateUnicodeToTextInfoByEncoding(scriptEncoding,
&gConverters[sc] );
> Do these converters ever get freed?
Yes (from the existing code).
> Please use C++ initializers:
> +#ifdef MOZ_MATHML
> + if(mConverter)
> + {
> + oActualLength = aBufferLength;
> + if(NS_SUCCEEDED(mConverter->Convert(aString, (PRInt32*)
> &aStringLength, aBuffer,
> + (PRInt32*) &oActualLength)) && oActualLength)
> Why do we need to do something different from MATHML here?
Have now removed the #ifdef that are secondary.
> Also, is this a new dependency between gfx and uconv?
There is already a dependency to handle the transliteration.
> + PRUint16* GetCCMap()
> If the CCMap is not owned, maybe make it a 'const PRUint16* everywhere, or
> make a
> typedef for it.
Didn't dare to do that as I can't compile to fix the const cast that
might now be needed here and there... Suggesting not worrying about this
since all consumers are internal utils.
> Spacing here and in lots of other places.
Same custom from Rome.
> + MyFontEnumData fontData(aDeviceContext, this);
> + aFont->EnumerateFamilies(nsUnicodeFontMappingMac::FontEnumCallback,
> Whitespace (tabs?)
> STACK_TREASHOLD spelled wrong (Yeah, I know it was there already. you might
as well
> fix it).
> GetScriptTextBoundingMetrics(buf,1,::FontToScript(fontNum),oBoundingMetrics);
> Spaces after commas please.
> This is potentially an O(n^2) operation, since CharacterByteType() has
> to run through the entire string from start to byteIndex to get the
> byte type. If aLen is often large, it would be better to call
> FillParseTable() and then do table lookups.
A string that is measured is the textual content of a DOM node,
<tag>text</tag>, and such a text is usually a single character ('x',
'&alpha') or a function name ('sin', 'cos'), c.f., e.g., the markup at:
So perf issues are not anticipated w.r.t. to the usage of CharacterByteType.
(Perf issues instead arise due the rather deep hierarchy involved in MathML
markup that lead to repeated calls -- although at ony one time, just a short
text is measured).
Attachment #92867 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment 44•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 93520 [details] [diff] [review]
updated patch following sfraser's comments
sr=sfraser (i'm trusting you).
Attachment #93520 -
Flags: superreview+
Attachment #93520 -
Flags: review+
Comment 45•23 years ago
Comment on attachment 93520 [details] [diff] [review]
updated patch following sfraser's comments
a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to 1.1
Attachment #93520 -
Flags: approval+
Comment 46•23 years ago
Checked in. Fingers crossed for build bustages...
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 47•23 years ago
Using the tests at [], this doesn't appear to
work using FizzillaCFM/2002080203. For example, the General/Math/Math1 test
results in a Section Sign (§) being displayed.
Comment 48•23 years ago
Are the changes already in that build?
The place to verify is here:
For example, if you click the link to Math1, you can see a screen capture of its
native character map here:
And you can test if Mozilla is matching that by looking at this page:
Comment 49•23 years ago
Using FizzillaCFM/2002080303 to access
[] still
results in a dialog warning about the Symbol font and, in fact, the MathML
markup lays out correctly, but uses the wrong symbols in the blue-background areas.
Comment 50•23 years ago
Could you open another bug and attach screenshots for what you see (not
everybody -- including myself, has a Mac). There is a known bug with GfxMac that
schofield and I discussed. In order to fix bug 33258, a public API
(CheckFontExistence) was changed on the Mac to special-case the Symbol font and
to return that it doesn't exist:
But this breaks everybody that uses the API. You are getting the warning dialog
because the Mac's CheckFontExistence() is erroneosuly reporting that the Symbol
doesn't exist. We should find a cleaner fix to bug 33258 (perhaps by fixing the
source of the bug which seems internal to nsUnicodeFontMappingMac rather than
tweaking the public API, or perhaps by just removing the special-case now that
symbolic fonts are supported in general).
Could you file other bugs rather than reporting issues here? This bug has
already served its original purpose which was to hook the math fonts.
No longer blocks: 159085
Comment 51•23 years ago
Done, as bug 161048.
You need to log in
before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.