Closed Bug 1076000 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

EOY 2014: Design directory tile


(Mozilla Foundation Communications :: Graphic Design, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: erikad, Assigned: sabrina)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [studiomofo][EOYFR2014][assets])


(3 files)

No description provided.
Priority: P2 Existing directory tile dimensions: 290x180px Corner radius: 12px Referring to this guide: Main thumbnail, logo or single image: TBD (EOY Visual? mozilla logo?) Rollover image or logo: TBD (mozilla logo? unsure if this allows text CTA - see guide above but that guide is specification for partners not internal) Please supply copy or cta for tile and confirm that text is allowed for mozilla tiles
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Adding Paul to this bug since he connects with the Tiles team about foundation tiles. Paul do you have new specs or timelines for EOY from the Tiles team? Feel free to drop that in this bug.
Flags: needinfo?(andrea) → needinfo?(paulj)
Paul, can you find out if copy is allowed in tiles, and if so, flag Andrea to write it. Thanks.
Yes, copy is allowed in tiles. See what we did for Advocacy and Webmaker in last round: Also, sending you an email from Aaron with guidelines.
Flags: needinfo?(paulj)
Andrea, this is P2, but looks like it needs copy from you.
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Whiteboard: [studiomofo][EOYFR2014] → [studiomofo][EOYFR2014][assets]
Copy: Initial view: Help protect the open Web (prefer red) on Rollover: Donate before December 31 (prefer red with Mozilla logo) Bottom label (underneath tile): Mozilla: The nonprofit behind Firefox ** NOTE this tile must be de-activated on January 1 **
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Sabrina, please make a mock-up using the text above and then flag Paul to give to tiles team.
Flags: needinfo?(sabrina)
You may want to reconfirm specs with Paul first.
Flags: needinfo?(sabrina)
Attached image EOY_Tile_Main.png
Attached image EOY_Tile_Hover.png
Attached image Tile Overview
Please review tile and if I am missing anything else for the tiles team to refer to.
Attachment #8522356 - Flags: review?(paulj)
Thanks, Sabrina. Looks good to me. Let's get Andrea's final sign-off and then I will send along to tiles team.
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Looks great! ship it!
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Sorry, Andrea, one more question. What is the link you want this to point to?
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Paul we're still in the midst of form testing, so could we swap the link later on if we find a different form performs better? I don't know how hard that is for Tile team... Here it is:
Flags: needinfo?(andrea)
Good question. I will find out.
Update on this one?
Flags: needinfo?(paulj)
Working with Tiles team to get this up. They are still working on process and will have an ETA for me in the next day or so.
Flags: needinfo?(paulj)
Hey Paul, any update? "Support Mozilla" is fine for a shorter line of text under the tile.
Flags: needinfo?(paulj)
It's moving through the process and now lives in this bug: There lastest question is about bumping off Advocacy tile (Net Neutrality) to make room? Should I break it to Dave or do you want to?
Flags: needinfo?(paulj)
EOY directory tile designs complete - refer to bug #1102507 for implementation phase.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Attachment #8522356 - Flags: review?(paulj)
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