Closed Bug 1077848 Opened 10 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Figure out a way to show the Dialer with Eastern Numerals when Arabic locale is used


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Dialer, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: nefzaoui, Unassigned)




(5 files)

Eastern Arabic Numerals:

While Android does the same thing, and while most of the Arab countries use the Eastern Arabic Numerals instead of the Western Arabic Numerals, it's
> While Android does the same thing, and while most of the Arab countries use
> the Eastern Arabic Numerals instead of the Western Arabic Numerals, it's
It's better to start slowly rolling out the use of Eastern Arabic Numerals by default for the Arabic locale until we figure out (somewhere in the future) how to have like a country-specific Arabic versions.
Hmm.. How does that sound (or look) ? :)
Attachment #8500049 - Flags: feedback?(swilkes)
Looks good to me, Ahmed. Thank you for your work. Craig had also recommend removing the letters from the keypad, but I think we may have another bug for that.
I think we can still do it in this bug since its title doesn't mention a certain specific action to take.
Sorry for spamming, I will post 2 more screenshots.
One with letters hidden (except for the voicemail icon) and the numbers positions are in the same place
One with letters hidden (except for the voicemail icon) and the numbers positions are moved to the center (except for the voicemail icon).
Hopefully it helps UX decide which approach is better.
Attached image dilaerAr_1.png
Dialer, in Arabic, with letters hidden (except for the voicemail icon) and the numbers positions are in the same place.
Attached image dilaerAr_2.png
Dialer, in Arabic, with letters hidden (except for the voicemail icon) and the numbers positions are *moved* to the center (1rem of left margin) (except for the "1" key with it's voicmail icon).
It looks good! That was fast. :) Is this what you personally would expect to see? I think it matches Craig's suggestion. If you think it's appropriate we should get this landed and request uplift. Good stuff!
I personally find it a "little empty" without the letters. I don't know but with letters it seems to give the page like a pattern for the user to know exactly where to tap. So personally I'm in favor of the first screenshot I added to this bug, attachment 8500049 [details] :)
Blocks: 1079586
OK Ahmed - that sounds good. If you feel like it looks a bit empty without the letters, let's leave them in for the time being until we have a better idea. :) Thanks for exercising your judgment.
Attachment #8500049 - Flags: feedback?(swilkes) → feedback+
Thank you :)
Ok so there we go a first patch.
Even though I included the string in the Dialer's directory. I think the smarter way to do this is to put them in a separate .properties file in /shared.
Attachment #8502591 - Flags: review?(etienne)
Attachment #8502591 - Flags: feedback?(l10n)
Also, part of this patch addresses the issue in Bug 1011731.
Should I proceed in 1011731 first, or land from here and mark 1011731 as resolved?
I don't see this shaping up in my head yet.

I'd love to get something consistent for "phone numbers in non-western numerals". The thing where you dial in eastern arabic (or bengali or whatnot) numbers, but see western-arabic numbers in the dialer screen or the contacts.... not sure.

I'm also inclined to think about something more flexible for number format than creating a locale for each variant. Maybe that's a user setting with good localized defaults rather than localized values?

CLDR has supplemental/numberingSystems.xml, with a lot of entries.
Comment on attachment 8502591 [details] [review]
Link to Github pull-request

redirecting :)
Attachment #8502591 - Flags: review?(etienne) → review?(drs+bugzilla)
Comment on attachment 8502591 [details] [review]
Link to Github pull-request

This won't fix the issue in the EmergencyCall or Callscreen apps. Otherwise, it looks ok. I am more comfortable knowing that the l10n team will give feedback on this.
Attachment #8502591 - Flags: review?(drs+bugzilla) → review-
Also, I should mention that these changes should go in mock_dialer_index.html as well.
Attachment #8502591 - Flags: feedback?(l10n)
(In reply to Axel Hecht [:Pike] from comment #12)
> I don't see this shaping up in my head yet.
> I'd love to get something consistent for "phone numbers in non-western
> numerals". The thing where you dial in eastern arabic (or bengali or
> whatnot) numbers, but see western-arabic numbers in the dialer screen or the
> contacts.... not sure.
> I'm also inclined to think about something more flexible for number format
> than creating a locale for each variant. Maybe that's a user setting with
> good localized defaults rather than localized values?
> CLDR has supplemental/numberingSystems.xml, with a lot of entries.

I think I agree with that. A user setting would be A LOT BETTER option here. I think of it as a setting to change how numerals are widely shown through the OS. But IMO that needs work on both Gecko and Gaia sides. Where Gecko takes care of internally converting all the sent numeral through inputs etc to the default "123s" while Gaia shows the option for user.
I still can't think of how to *suddenly* widely change the numerals through the entire system after the user chooses an option?

(In reply to Doug Sherk (:drs) (use needinfo?) from comment #14)
> Comment on attachment 8502591 [details] [review]
> Link to Github pull-request
> I am more comfortable knowing that the l10n team will give
> feedback on this.

Me too. :)
I think multiple fonts is the answer here.
Looping in Simon and Jonathan.

With the Intl.NumberFormat API, we could probably do this, at least on a code-policy side.

Oh our dear bug 866301.
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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