Closed Bug 1102340 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

"+" symbol is shown on the wrong side of phone numbers


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Dialer, defect, P1)



(blocking-b2g:2.2+, b2g-v2.2 verified, b2g-master verified)

2.2 S5 (6feb)
blocking-b2g 2.2+
Tracking Status
b2g-v2.2 --- verified
b2g-master --- verified


(Reporter: drs, Assigned: nefzaoui)



(Whiteboard: [planned-sprint c=1])


(7 files)

Attached image Screenshot
The "+" symbol is currently shown on the wrong side of phone numbers in RTL mode. Bug 1080828 should provide us with some useful guidance here.
Attached image Screenshot 2
Target Milestone: --- → 2.2 S1 (5dec)
See Also: → 1058790
Assignee: nobody → gsvelto
Whiteboard: [planned-sprint c=?] → [planned-sprint c=1]
Sorry for bugging Doug, but I need to know if someone's working on this? :) Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(drs.bugzilla)
(In reply to Ahmed Nefzaoui [:Nefzaoui] from comment #2) > Sorry for bugging Doug, but I need to know if someone's working on this? :) > Thanks! Nope, feel free to take it.
Flags: needinfo?(drs.bugzilla)
Attachment #8542518 - Flags: review?(drs.bugzilla)
Comment on attachment 8542518 [details] [review] [PullReq] anefzaoui:bug-1102340 to mozilla-b2g:master Three unit tests are failing here, so please fix them, but the approach looks good.
Attachment #8542518 - Flags: review?(drs.bugzilla) → review+
Assignee: gsvelto → nefzaoui
Target Milestone: 2.2 S1 (5dec) → 2.2 S3 (9jan)
Carrying over blocking/priority from similar bug 1058790.
blocking-b2g: --- → 2.2+
Priority: -- → P1
Keywords: checkin-needed
Keywords: checkin-needed The pull request could not be applied to the integration branch. Please try again after current integration is complete.
Gaia is now open.
Keywords: checkin-needed
Keywords: checkin-needed
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment on attachment 8542518 [details] [review] [PullReq] anefzaoui:bug-1102340 to mozilla-b2g:master [Approval Request Comment] [Bug caused by] (feature/regressing bug #): Lack of RTL support [User impact] if declined: attachment 8526109 [details] [Testing completed]: Yes, Device: Flame [Risk to taking this patch] (and alternatives if risky): No risks, tests passing [String changes made]: No string changes made
Attachment #8542518 - Flags: approval-gaia-v2.2?
Attachment #8542518 - Flags: approval-gaia-v2.2? → approval-gaia-v2.2+
Target Milestone: 2.2 S3 (9jan) → 2.2 S5 (6feb)
Flags: in-moztrap+
Hi Doug, On Flame 2.2&3.0, I verify this issue in Call log view and Call information view, "+" symbol is shown on the left side(Verify_RTL_Call Information.png and Verify_RTL_Call log.png).But in dialing view,it is sitll shown on the right side, please see attachments:Verify_RTL_Dailing.png.Did it verify failed? Could you help me to confirm it? Thanks. Reproduce rate:5/5 Foundtime:11:35 Attachment:Verify_RTL_Call Information.png,Verify_RTL_Call log.png, Verify_RTL_Dailing.png,logcat_1135.txt Flame 2.2 build: Gaia-Rev 6e494f1d2676d231abba7dcc2e2822d1170d2d02 Gecko-Rev Build-ID 20150129003432 Version 37.0a2 Device-Name flame FW-Release 4.4.2 FW-Incremental eng.cltbld.20150129.042943 FW-Date Thu Jan 29 04:29:53 EST 2015 Bootloader L1TC000118D0 Flame 3.0 build: Gaia-Rev 9d2378a9ef092ab1fc15c3a9f7fc4171aab59d57 Gecko-Rev Build-ID 20150129010239 Version 38.0a1 Device-Name flame FW-Release 4.4.2 FW-Incremental eng.cltbld.20150129.043711 FW-Date Thu Jan 29 04:37:21 EST 2015 Bootloader L1TC000118D0
Flags: needinfo?(drs.bugzilla)
Attached file logcat_1135.txt
Attached image Verify_RTL_Call log.png
Attached image Verify_RTL_Dailing.png
QA Whiteboard: [MGSEI-Triage+]
Depends on: 1129339
Depends on: 1131246
(In reply to Coler from comment #12) Thanks, good catch. I've filed bug 1131246 for this issue.
Flags: needinfo?(drs.bugzilla) → needinfo?(liuyong)
(In reply to Doug Sherk (:drs) (use needinfo?) from comment #17) > (In reply to Coler from comment #12) > > Thanks, good catch. I've filed bug 1131246 for this issue. Thanks, Doug!
Flags: needinfo?(liuyong)
Summary: "+" symbol is shown on the wrong side of phone numbers → [Nexus 5]"+" symbol is shown on the wrong side of phone numbers
This issue was reproduced on the Flame initially.
Summary: [Nexus 5]"+" symbol is shown on the wrong side of phone numbers → "+" symbol is shown on the wrong side of phone numbers
According to comment 12 & comment 17, this bug is fixed, new bug is tracked on bug 1131246, so close this bug.
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


