Closed Bug 1103834 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[FFOS2.0][Woodduck][FDN]The PIN2 code interface is not friendly when edit dddelete FDN contacts.


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Vendcom, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sync-1, Assigned: wenquan.zhong)



(Whiteboard: [POVB])


(2 files)

40.99 KB, text/plain
439.19 KB, text/plain
REPRODUCING PROCEDURES: 1.Insert a SIM that support FDN function 2.Enter Settings -> call settings -> Fxed dialling numbers -> Enable fixed dialing number -> ko1 3.Authorized number -> add/edit/delete FDN number 4.Input a wrong PIN2 code -> ko1 EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR: 1.MS should inform user when PIN2 code is wrong. ASSOCIATE SPECIFICATION: TEST PLAN REFERENCE: TOOLS AND PLATFORMS USED: USER IMPACT: REPRODUCING RATE:100% For FT PR, Please list reference mobile's behavior:
hi mozilla: I tend to add a alert when user input wrong pin2.
Hi Gary, Could you please help to check the problem? Thanks!
Blocks: Woodduck
Flags: needinfo?(gchen)
Hi all, I think it is UX design, in current design we will show "The PIN2 code is incorrect" with red color. We won't change our UX desgin in this phase, in my opinion if you really think it is not friendly please fix it on your local branch. Thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(gchen)
hi mozilla: In this interface(add/edit/delete FDN number) ,if you input wrong pin2.there is any tips to tell user and the MP back to "Authorized number" interface.It doesn't show "The PIN2 code is incorrect" with red color.
hi mozilla: 目前我测试当删除一个FDN number时,界面会弹出PIN2码的输入界面,输入pin2码错误时会执行gaia/app/settings/js/simcard_dialog.js中的updateFdnContact()方法,执行req.onerror = function onerror(e) 中的判断var wrongPin2 = /IncorrectPassword/.test(; 但是获取的wrongPin2一直是false而且req.error.name的值是GenericFailure。(在高通平台返回值是IncorrectPassword).
hi mozilla: are there any news about this PR?
Gary, could you please help with comment 5?
Flags: needinfo?(gchen)
Blocks: Woodduck_P2
blocking-b2g: --- → 2.0M?
hi Josh: there are any news about this pr?
Hi all, I found this issue only can be reproduced on v2.0m + woodduck , it doesn't occurs on flame with v2.0m. It means gecko might return wrong information to gaia, according our logical gecko should return '' which contains `IncorrectPassword` string, seems '' doesn't match `IncorrectPassword` in woodduck device. So I think it should be gecko issue, can you help to find someone check with it? Thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(gchen) → needinfo?(chen.ding)
hi mozilla: are there any news about this PR?
Hi Shawn, Can you help to check comment 9? Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(chen.ding) → needinfo?(sku)
Hi Partner: Please help provide log for me to check.
Flags: needinfo?(sync-1)
hi mozilla: 在flame上能够返回正常的值“IncorrectPassword”,然后根据这个值会停留在输入界面并通知用户输入错误。但是在v2.0m + woodduck上会直接返回到上一界面,不会通知用户输入错误,查看信息此时返回的值是“GenericFailure”。 目前需要在用户输入错误后提示用户输入错误,而不是返回上一界面不提示任何信息。
Created an attachment (id=1093197) log
Created an attachment (id=1093197) log
Attached file log
Created an attachment (id=1093197) log
Same as comment 13, Generic failure was returned. This should ask rild/modem to check why not IncorrectPassword (3), but GenericFailure (2) was returned. I/Gecko ( 165): RIL Worker: [0] Solicited response for request type 28, token 489, error 2 I/Gecko ( 165): RIL Worker: [0] Handling parcel as REQUEST_SIM_IO I/Gecko ( 165): -*- RadioInterface[0]: Received message from worker: {"requestId":"id{83ffe847-134e-4d5c-99bd-c5881baf96c0}","contactType":"fdn","contact":{"alphaId":"hvc","number":"*99#","contactId":"898601149231009231167","pbrIndex":0,"recordId":7},"pin2":"1258","rilMessageClientId":0,"rilMessageToken":91,"rilMessageType":"updateICCContact","errorMsg":"GenericFailure"}
Flags: needinfo?(sku) → needinfo?(wudduc)
Whiteboard: [POVB]
Flags: needinfo?(
hi mozilla: any update so far?
Flags: needinfo?(wudduc)
Flags: needinfo?(wenquan.zhong)
Flags: needinfo?(
Hi Wenquan, Please check comment 17. Thanks.
Dear friend, please help to provide the radio log for me, thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(wenquan.zhong)
hi mozilla: I hava upload log
Created an attachment (id=1101198) log
Created an attachment (id=1101198) log
Attached file log
Created an attachment (id=1101198) log
Hi WenQuan, Please check log provided per comment 24. Thanks!
blocking-b2g: 2.0M? → 2.0M+
Flags: needinfo?(sync-1) → needinfo?(wenquan.zhong)
Assignee: nobody → wenquan.zhong
I have fixed this issue and will release the patch to TCL, thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(wenquan.zhong)
Per comment 26. Close.
blocking-b2g: 2.0M+ → ---
Closed: 10 years ago
Component: Gaia::Settings → Vendcom
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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