Closed Bug 1123179 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[Text Selection] Email subject not scrollable


(Core :: DOM: Selection, defect, P2)




blocking-b2g 2.2+
Tracking Status
firefox36 --- wontfix
firefox37 --- wontfix
firefox38 --- fixed
b2g-v2.2 --- verified
b2g-master --- verified


(Reporter: twen, Assigned: pchang)




(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

### STR
0. Prerequisite: Set up an email account.
1. Open email app.
2. Tap pencil icon to compose a new email.
3. Enter a long message in subject that extends out of screen
4. Tap on subject to bring out caret
5. Drag caret left to the beginning of the line

### Actual
Caret can't scroll to the left  

### Expected
Caret scrolls to the beginning of the subject

Note: scroll to the right will auto select and auto scroll to the end of the line

### Version
Gaia-Rev        d4dac29613076bdba3cb8adc217deadb08a2ac20
Build-ID        20150107160220
Version         37.0a1
Device-Name     flame
FW-Release      4.4.2
FW-Incremental  eng.cltbld.20150105.192724
FW-Date         Mon Jan  5 19:27:36 EST 2015
Bootloader      L1TC00011880
### Version
Gaia-Rev        f5b3d1b6cfa3e702033f613915ae637cb735cbfb
Build-ID        20150118162501
Version         37.0a2
Device-Name     flame
FW-Release      4.4.2
FW-Incremental  eng.cltbld.20150118.195525
FW-Date         Sun Jan 18 19:55:36 EST 2015
Bootloader      L1TC000118D0
QA Whiteboard: [textselection]
Hi Teri, you said the caret can't scroll to the left, is it caused by the edge gesture? The whole email app also moved to the left of the screen? Thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(twen)
Attached video MOV_2498.mp4
Yes, I think it's edge gesture. I have recorded a video for better understanding. 
Please see attachment.
Flags: needinfo?(twen)
Email app did not move, only the scrolling did not happen. Thanks.
Assignee: nobody → pchang
Priority: -- → P2
Based on below log, the touchcaret will be hidden when hits the scrollable frame. This issue could be fixed after enabling touchcaret for scrollable frame.

I/PRLog   (26080): -1225604780[b6a4a080]: TouchCaret (b360a400): SyncVisibilityWithCaret:373 : SyncVisibilityWithCaret
I/PRLog   (26080): -1225604780[b6a4a080]: TouchCaret (b360a400): IsDisplayable:462 : Caret does not show in the scrollable frame!
I/PRLog   (26080): -1225604780[b6a4a080]: TouchCaret (b360a400): SetVisibility:169 : Set visibility hidden
I/PRLog   (26080): -1225604780[b6a4a080]: TouchCaret (b360a400): UpdatePositionIfNeeded:389 : UpdatePositionIfNeeded
If touchcaret drag mode is active, it is possible that touchcaret becomes visible inside a scrollable frame for next frame.
Attachment #8554430 - Flags: review?(roc)
Triage: feature blocker
blocking-b2g: --- → 2.2+
Update author name
Attachment #8554430 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8555741 - Flags: review+
Attachment #8555741 - Flags: approval-mozilla-b2g37?
Comment on attachment 8555741 [details] [diff] [review]
bypass touchcaret visibility check inside a scrollable frame when drag mode is active

Review of attachment 8555741 [details] [diff] [review]:

[Approval Request Comment]
Bug caused by (feature/regressing bug #):
User impact if declined: User can't scroll the text in subject filed
Testing completed: Verify the test case passed in local
Risk to taking this patch (and alternatives if risky): no risk
String or UUID changes made by this patch: none
waiting for m-c landing before considering the approval.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla38
Attachment #8555741 - Flags: approval-mozilla-b2g37? → approval-mozilla-b2g37+
QA Whiteboard: [textselection] → [COM=Text Selection]
This issue is verified fixed on Flame Master and 2.2.

Result: The subject scrolls automatically when the user moves the caret to the beginning of the line.
Device: Flame Master (KK, 319mb, full flash)
Build ID: 20150220010206
Gaia: e4f7c67378e33e83f88d38ddb4a6c2cabf1423c3
Gecko: 1b4c5daa7b7a
Gonk: e7c90613521145db090dd24147afd5ceb5703190
Version: 38.0a1 (3.0)
Firmware Version: v18D-1
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:38.0) Gecko/38.0 Firefox/38.0

Device: Flame 2.2 (KK, 319mb, full flash)
Build ID: 20150220002501
Gaia: ce79d35b92261e7cbfeaefebf87859ebeb0979b4
Gecko: b864abe1c6b3
Gonk: e7c90613521145db090dd24147afd5ceb5703190
Version: 37.0a2 (2.2)
Firmware Version: v18D-1
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:37.0) Gecko/37.0 Firefox/37.0
QA Whiteboard: [COM=Text Selection] → [QAnalyst-Triage?][COM=Text Selection]
Flags: needinfo?(ktucker)
QA Whiteboard: [QAnalyst-Triage?][COM=Text Selection] → [QAnalyst-Triage+][COM=Text Selection]
Flags: needinfo?(ktucker)
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