Closed Bug 1133500 Opened 10 years ago Closed 8 years ago

[Messages] - Block / Blacklist numbers


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::SMS, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gsvelto, Unassigned)



+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #970827 +++ I'm creating this as a dup of bug 970827 to spur up discussion and possibly cover the actions needed in the messages app to implement this feature. The idea is to implement a mechanism so that the user can blacklist numbers from which messages will be silently rejected. IIRC this is a common feature in other mobile OS and usually covers both calls and messages.
Blocks: 1133501
Hi Gabriele, >The idea is to implement a mechanism so that the user can blacklist numbers from which messages will be >silently rejected. Wouldn't it be better if we provide an option to the user to select if he/she really want to block the messages or to continue getting messages from the blocked contact as I said.Because sms isn't a disturbance to a user and may be user may feel comfortable with getting messages from the blocked user.We may give a small indication on blocked contact thread in thread-list-ui. Thank you :)
Flags: needinfo?(gsvelto)
I think we want a system-wide mechanism for such functionality. But we should not start such wide work before having a clearer idea of what we want for Firefox OS v3.
(In reply to Vishnu Teja [:ythej] from comment #1) > Wouldn't it be better if we provide an option to the user to select if > he/she really want to block the messages or to continue getting messages > from the blocked contact as I said.Because sms isn't a disturbance to a user > and may be user may feel comfortable with getting messages from the blocked > user.We may give a small indication on blocked contact thread in > thread-list-ui. I think this is overly complicated. Just blocking message from specified numbers would cover most of the user needs. That being said as Julien mentioned it's important to have a plan first so that we have an estimate of how long it will take and what will be required. I see that you've followed up on the meta-bug; I think that's the appropriate course of action leaving this bug for actual actions in the SMS app once the implementation plan will be clear.
Flags: needinfo?(gsvelto)
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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