Bug 1151824
Opened 10 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
Animation inspector play/pause-all button doesn't pause animations on <body>
(DevTools :: Inspector: Animations, defect)
Inspector: Animations
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: pbro, Unassigned, Mentored)
(Whiteboard: [good first bug][lang=js])
(1 file)
1.07 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
- open
- open the inspector
- in the Animations sidebar panel, hit the "All animations" pause button at the top
Expected :) All animations on the page are paused
Actual :( The animation on the <body> node isn't paused
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Comment 1•10 years ago
Probably a simple fix here:
The loop that gets all animations skips the <body> node (it starts looping with its child nodes).
We'll need a new test case in /toolkit/devtools/server/tests/browser/ too.
Mentor: pbrosset
Whiteboard: [good first bug][lang=js]
Comment 2•10 years ago
Hey Patrick, I'd like to get started with this bug. I've already done a few bugs. So, you don't have to worry about setting me up :P
Anyways, I've noticed that bug. It appears when we open the Inspector for the first time in the page. If we click on some other node and click `<body>` again, the bug disappears...
Flags: needinfo?(pbrosset)
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Comment 3•10 years ago
(In reply to Ravi Shankar [:waffles] from comment #2)
> Anyways, I've noticed that bug. It appears when we open the Inspector for
> the first time in the page. If we click on some other node and click
> `<body>` again, the bug disappears...
You are very right, that's because the toggleAll method (called when the pause-all button is clicked) first loops through the animations displayed in the panel and pauses them first before calling the AnimationsActor to pause all existing animations:
It's worth noting that with bug 1151018 fixed, this will work even the first time the inspector is open.
But still, if you select another node (the <div> in the sample page for instance) and then click the pause button, then the animation on the <body> node won't be paused.
So we need to fix the loop in the AnimationsActor's getAllAnimationPlayers method:
Thanks for your interest in this bug, I'll assign it to you. Let me know if the information above is enough to get started or if you have other questions (I'm also available on IRC #devtools, nick pbrosset).
Flags: needinfo?(pbrosset)
Comment 4•10 years ago
Hey Patrick, I noticed that if we prefer `document` to `body`, we're able to eliminate the bug :)
Attachment #8591791 -
Flags: review?(pbrosset)
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Comment 5•10 years ago
Comment on attachment 8591791 [details] [diff] [review]
Review of attachment 8591791 [details] [diff] [review]:
Looks good.
Just a comment about simplifying even further.
Also, can you add a new test for this as suggested in comment 1?
::: toolkit/devtools/server/actors/animation.js
@@ +594,5 @@
> // These loops shouldn't be as bad as they look.
> // Typically, there will be very few windows, and getElementsByTagName is
> // really fast even on large DOM trees.
> for (let window of {
> + let root = window.document || window.document.body;
Yes indeed that's the right idea, we need to use window.document to start iterating through nodes, but we don't need the second branch here. All windows have a document property, so the OR part will never be used.
So I believe, you can keep it simple:
let root = window.document;
Attachment #8591791 -
Flags: review?(pbrosset) → feedback+
Comment 6•10 years ago
Hey Patrick, Sorry that I wasn't around for almost 3 weeks now, as I had my exams back then. Now that my vacation has started, I think I can get back on track again. But, I notice that there has been some major changes to `animation.js`, that I now can't even find `window.document.body`. Can you help me out with what I gotta do next?
Flags: needinfo?(pbrosset)
Comment 7•10 years ago
And, I also noticed that the steps can't be reproduced in my Nightly, that I had built using the current revision. So, I guess the bug's been fixed already... :/
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Comment 8•10 years ago
Oh you're right, a couple of major new features were added recently to the animation-inspector (bug 1155651 in particular I think), and as a result, a bunch of code had to be changed in animation.js, which ended up fixing this bug!
Sorry about that. There are plenty other bugs in the devtools you can help with if you want. In particular, this lists all either good-first or mentored bugs:
Closed: 10 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(pbrosset)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Comment 9•10 years ago
Oh, gee. Thanks Patrick. That helps... :)
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Updated•9 years ago
Component: Developer Tools: Inspector → Developer Tools: Animation Inspector
Updated•7 years ago
Product: Firefox → DevTools
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