Closed Bug 118902 Opened 23 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Texts with PostScript fonts are not well painted on the layout (wrong metrix)


(Core Graveyard :: GFX: Mac, defect, P4)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jrblier, Assigned: sfraser_bugs)




(2 files)

As soon as I display PostScript fonts, I can see all kind of spacing glitches. It looks like that the fonts matrix (caracter width, kerning, spaces) are not well calculated. For exemples: -- When a word is bolded, the begining of the word often touch the end of the previous word (not bolded), even if there is a space. -- Lines often are truncated at the end of the window when they are long instead of wrapping at the logical boundary. -- Each letter in the words, although being displayed in their good order, seems to ignore kerning pairs and are enevenly spaced between each other. FURTHERMORE! --Selecting text will select a GOSHT that is narrower than the actual text displayed. On long lines, the selected area will be noticeably shorter than the text displayed. --Selecting text will make the caracter on the line dancing. In some way, it seems that there are two calculation for each fonts that do not fit with each other. One for the supposed position of the displayed text, and one for it's actual position painted on the screen. I have enclosed an attachement in a GIF format of a part of page captured with Mozilla 2002010408. All those bad behaviors do not display when TrueType fonts are used. Neither any of those problems happened in Netscape 1, 2, 3 and 4.
GIF file displaying erratic PostScript fonts painting on the screen. Some text is highlighted to show the differences between the selection and the actual text painted on the screen. It's is more apparent at the end of lines and between text using different style. Some artifacts have been circled in pink to stand out.
Assignee: asa → attinasi
Component: Browser-General → Layout
QA Contact: doronr → petersen
reporter: can you please provide a test case or point to a location so we can test this? Otherwise, we will have to close the bug.
Hi! Here are the steps to reproduce the display bug when using PostScript fonts. I have currectly build 2002020103 that still have this bug. SIMPLE & QUICK TEST 1-Make sure that the Preferences>Appearance>Fonts are SET TO PostScript fonts (please confer to bug 58104 [Resolved] on Macintosh for PostScript fonts usage as well). 2-Point to ANY web page using the Default font. A good test web site being because it is using the defaut font. 3-Select some text. The selection does not reflect the text displayed. 4-Look out for Style changes (ie from normal to bold to italic, etc.) You will notice that there are some overlap (as documented on the attachment. This is the web site I used to capture a GIF file, comment it and save it as an attachment to this bug. ANOTHER TEST WOULD BE 1-Create a basic HTML file and paste a simple test paragraph. 2-Use any technique to apply to it a Postcript font (Adobe Garamond is this case would be excellent). 3-Open the HTML file with Mozilla. 4-Select some text. The selection does not reflect the text displayed. 5-Look out for Style changes (ie from normal to bold to italic, etc.) You will notice that there are some overlap (as documented on the attachment. FURTHER NOTES This bug is not related to any coding and affect ANY Web site that might force PostScript fonts. Fortulatly for us, web site mostly rely on bare bones TruType fonts. This is why this bug affects Macintosh user opting for the PostScript version of "Times", "Helvetica" and "Courier". A lot of Macintosh user prefers the PostScript version of the files. Feel free ton contact me for any more information. - Jacques
This a second Screen Capture saved in GIF. This time using the Bugzilla web site and the PostScript "Times" font defined as the default font in the Appearance>Fonts preferences. Please note the red circles around the bad display behavior.s
Confirming links overlapping text with the Feb 26th build (2002-02-26-03). Verified under OS 9.2.2 with ATM installed (Postscript font specified in Mozilla's Font preferences)
Ever confirmed: true
Priority: -- → P4
Target Milestone: --- → Future
This bug is targeted at a Mac classic platform/OS, which is no longer supported by Please re-target it to another platform/OS if this bug applies there as well or resolve this bug. I will resolve this bug as WONTFIX in four weeks if no action has been taken. To filter this and similar messages out, please filter for "mac_cla_reorg".
This bug now affects Mac OS X builds when using PostScript fonts. Although the first time I noticed this bad behavior I was using 1.8 nigthly builds, I've just tested Firefox 1.7 with some PostScript fonts, and it too displays fonts in a bad way. Some links overlaps text. There are wrong letter spacing, etc. See comment #1 and #4 for a complete description of the problem.
OS: Mac System 9.x → MacOS X
All Mozilla products on the Macintosh are affected. They don't display PostScript fonts perfectly. Mozilla 1.8a4 and Firefox 1.0PR are affected. Bugs 198664 and 201296 are duplicate of this bug. See comment #0 and comment #4 for a complete description of PostScript fonts display bad behaviors.
*** Bug 198664 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 201296 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
We need traction here... any mac people with time to look into this?
Assignee: attinasi → sfraser
Component: Layout → GFX: Mac
QA Contact: chrispetersen
Blocks: 244237
*** Bug 244237 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Added myself in CC, met the reporter at an event in Montreal, QC where I was presenting Mozilla: Sent the reporter some hints on how to improve this report and add more information and confirmations in hopes of having it fixed.
Looks like Firefox 3 will finally fix this bug since ATSUI is now used on the Mac. Fix with Bug 121540. I've tested Gran Paradiso (1.9a2) successfully.
Closed: 18 years ago
Depends on: atsui
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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