Closed Bug 201296 Opened 22 years ago Closed 20 years ago

With Times there is insufficient space between a hyperlink and the unlinked text that precedes it.


(Core Graveyard :: GFX: Mac, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: franic, Assigned: sfraser_bugs)





(1 file)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030408 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030408 In the page at, go to the "URL" section of the web form. You will see the phrase " need to read the Mozilla Web Developer FAQ, which explains..." The words "read the," which are not hyperlinked, and the word "Mozilla," which begins a hyperlink, are jammed together. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Go to a web site with links 2. 3. Actual Results: Links will be jammed together. Expected Results: There should be correct spacing. This also happens when regular text is placed next to boldface text..
Reporter, what font are you using as your default font? (Font & Size)
->Gfx:Mac (sounds like a text measurement problem, perhaps?)
Assignee: font → sfraser
Component: Layout: Fonts and Text → GFX: Mac
The fonts should be the defaults, since I deleted the ~/Library/Mozilla folder on my OS X system prior to filing the report.I have the PostScript Type 1 version of Times installed.Here they are:Fonts for: WesternProportional: Serif - 16Serif: TimesSans-serif: HelveticaCursive: Apple ChanceryFantasy: GadgetMonospace: Courier - 13Minimum font size: NoneAllow documents to use other fonts: checkedDisplay Resolution: 96 dpi-Ernie
I got the following email from the reporter, with an attached PDF. It looks like a more readable form of the previous comment: >The fonts should be the defaults, since I deleted the >~/Library/Mozilla folder on my OS X system prior to filing the report. > >I have the PostScript Type 1 version of Times installed. > >Here they are: > >Fonts for: Western >Proportional: Serif - 16 >Serif: Times >Sans-serif: Helvetica >Cursive: Apple Chancery >Fantasy: Gadget >Monospace: Courier - 13 > >Minimum font size: None >Allow documents to use other fonts: checked >Display Resolution: 96 dpi > >-Ernie > >Attached is a PDF demonstrating the problem created from the OS X >print-to-PDF command: (In the future, please enter comments and screenshots (see "Create a New Attachment" above) into bugzilla yourself rather than sending them by email and making me do it.)
Are you describing a problem that shows up using Print-to-PDF, or while looking at web pages?
It's a problem looking at web pages. I just used the print-to-PDF function to demonstrate what I was seeing. Sorry about the attachment...just a newbie...(-:
bug 198664 is hanging out there unconfirmed. Sounds and looks like the same problem, although I haven't run into it on my end. I'd dupe this to that but I don't know enough about font rendering to know if this is one problem and its just that only a few fonts run into it or if the problem is specfic to individual fonts (I'd guess the first)
Summary: There is insufficient space between a hyperlink and the unlinked text that precedes it. → With Times there is insufficient space between a hyperlink and the unlinked text that precedes it.
I think this is the same problem that folks discovered in bug 198664.
I'm not seeing this problem on Mozilla 1.8a4 (8/28/04 build) running MacOSX 10.3.5 using "Times" as the Serif font at the reported URL or any other URL's I've run across. -- David Lawhon
(In reply to comment #9) I've been out of the loop over a year on this one. Never thought I'd hear about it again... anyway, I believe the issue is tied to use of third-party font managers (in my case, Suitcase) and replacing the Apple default versions of fonts such as Helvetica and Times with Adobe's PostScript versions. > I'm not seeing this problem on Mozilla 1.8a4 (8/28/04 build) running MacOSX > 10.3.5 using "Times" as the Serif font at the reported URL or any other URL's > I've run across. > > -- David Lawhon
This bug is a duplicate of Bug 118902. This one have screenshots. A while ago it involved only Classic builds. But now all Mac OS X builds (Mozilla and Firefox) can't properly display PostScript fonts. The Default Mac OS X uses a TrueType font file. However, a lot of user will replace it with a PostScript version. Doing so will generate a lot of display glitches when using Mozilla products.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 118902 ***
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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