Closed Bug 1191481 Opened 10 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Support windows 10 testing in try


(Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard :: CIDuty, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Callek, Assigned: markco)




(8 files, 2 obsolete files)

this bug will * Enable windows 10 in buildbot-configs on try (not by default) * Setup initial windows 10 machines in slavealloc * Add initial windows 10 machines to graph server * Add Slave Health support * <possibly missed items before this bug is closed> Explicitly Not: Trychooser Support [because we're not ready for random devs to use it yet] NOTE: This doesn't track the related work in getting the systems setup, just getting buildbot automation ready to support them
Attached patch [buildbot-configs] win10 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Choosing kim since she had to do new platform work recently, and can also tell me if I missed a step above... Builder list diff: +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test cpp_gtest ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test cppunit ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test crashtest ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test jetpack UnittestPackagedBuildFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test jittest ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test jsreftest ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test marionette ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-1 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-2 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-3 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-4 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-5 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-browser-chrome-1 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-browser-chrome-2 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-browser-chrome-3 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-devtools-chrome-1 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-devtools-chrome-2 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-devtools-chrome-3 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-devtools-chrome-4 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-gl ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-jetpack ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-other ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test mochitest-push ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test reftest ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test web-platform-tests-1 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test web-platform-tests-2 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test web-platform-tests-3 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test web-platform-tests-4 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test web-platform-tests-5 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test web-platform-tests-6 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test web-platform-tests-7 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test web-platform-tests-8 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test web-platform-tests-reftests ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try debug test xpcshell ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test cpp_gtest ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test cppunit ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test crashtest ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test jetpack UnittestPackagedBuildFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test jittest ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test jsreftest ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test marionette ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-1 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-2 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-3 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-4 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-5 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-browser-chrome-1 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-browser-chrome-2 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-browser-chrome-3 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-devtools-chrome ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-e10s-browser-chrome-1 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-e10s-browser-chrome-2 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-e10s-browser-chrome-3 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-gl ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-jetpack ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-other ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test mochitest-push ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test reftest-no-accel ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test reftest ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test web-platform-tests-1 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test web-platform-tests-2 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test web-platform-tests-3 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test web-platform-tests-4 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test web-platform-tests-reftests ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try opt test xpcshell ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try talos chromez ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try talos dromaeojs ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try talos g1 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try talos g2 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try talos other_nol64 ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try talos svgr ScriptFactory +Windows 10 64-bit try talos tp5o ScriptFactory
Attachment #8643899 - Flags: review?(kmoir)
Comment on attachment 8643899 [details] [diff] [review] [buildbot-configs] win10 Note: that list of suites was derived from exactly what we have on win8, presuming that we're swapping all win8 for win10 eventually a 1:1 mapping out-of-the-box felt best.
Attached patch [buildbot-configs] win10_slaves (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This adds the first batch of slaves, these numbers are tweakable easily, but I'm assuming <=10 machines in first-pass right now.
Attachment #8643905 - Flags: review?(arich)
Attachment #8643899 - Attachment description: win10 → [buildbot-configs] win10
Forgot to refresh the diff :/
Attachment #8643899 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8643899 - Flags: review?(kmoir)
Attachment #8643908 - Flags: review?
removes a hunk from other patch
Attachment #8643905 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8643905 - Flags: review?(arich)
Attachment #8643910 - Flags: review?(arich)
Attachment #8643908 - Flags: review? → review?(kmoir)
Comment on attachment 8643910 [details] [diff] [review] [buildbot-configs] win10_slaves (v2) Review of attachment 8643910 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- moving review to kim per amy's request.
Attachment #8643910 - Flags: review?(arich) → review?(kmoir)
We need this for masters to actually be able to reconfig with win10 enabled.
Attachment #8643922 - Flags: review?(kmoir)
Attached file raw SQL for slavealloc
This does the slavealloc inserts. Tested on staging slavealloc, heres the final outcome from that on staging: mysql> select * from slaves where name like 't-w1064-%';troid=@distro_id, bi +---------+-----------------+----------+--------+---------+-----------+------+---------+-------+--------+----------+------------- ----+---------+------------------+------------------------+--------------+ | slaveid | name | distroid | bitsid | speedid | purposeid | dcid | trustid | envid | poolid | basedir | locked_maste rid | enabled | current_masterid | notes | custom_tplid | +---------+-----------------+----------+--------+---------+-----------+------+---------+-------+--------+----------+------------- ----+---------+------------------+------------------------+--------------+ | 21522 | t-w1064-ix-0001 | 42 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 2 | 63 | C:\slave | N ULL | 0 | NULL | Created in Bug 1191481 | NULL | | 21523 | t-w1064-ix-0002 | 42 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 2 | 63 | C:\slave | N ULL | 0 | NULL | Created in Bug 1191481 | NULL | | 21524 | t-w1064-ix-0003 | 42 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 2 | 63 | C:\slave | N ULL | 0 | NULL | Created in Bug 1191481 | NULL | | 21525 | t-w1064-ix-0004 | 42 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 2 | 63 | C:\slave | N ULL | 0 | NULL | Created in Bug 1191481 | NULL | | 21526 | t-w1064-ix-0005 | 42 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 2 | 63 | C:\slave | N ULL | 0 | NULL | Created in Bug 1191481 | NULL | | 21527 | t-w1064-ix-0006 | 42 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 2 | 63 | C:\slave | N ULL | 0 | NULL | Created in Bug 1191481 | NULL | | 21528 | t-w1064-ix-0007 | 42 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 2 | 63 | C:\slave | N ULL | 0 | NULL | Created in Bug 1191481 | NULL | | 21529 | t-w1064-ix-0008 | 42 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 2 | 63 | C:\slave | N ULL | 0 | NULL | Created in Bug 1191481 | NULL | | 21530 | t-w1064-ix-0009 | 42 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 2 | 63 | C:\slave | N ULL | 0 | NULL | Created in Bug 1191481 | NULL | | 21531 | t-w1064-ix-0010 | 42 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 2 | 63 | C:\slave | N ULL | 0 | NULL | Created in Bug 1191481 | NULL | +---------+-----------------+----------+--------+---------+-----------+------+---------+-------+--------+----------+------------- ----+---------+------------------+------------------------+--------------+ 10 rows in set (0.01 sec) mysql>
Attachment #8643962 - Flags: review?(kmoir)
I chose these values based on the following SQL and these thoughts: * We should call the OS name for win 10 the full spelled out way, easier to parse * Speeds chosen based on existing values for the hardware (same hardware as win8) * We are turning on e10s tests as well, so I presume we need e10s values. but we're not doing metro testing so not adding things for that. If this SQL passes review+feedback, I'll write an official patch for the graphs repo as well, but this is for now. mysql> select * from os_list; +----+-----------------------------------+ | id | name | +----+-----------------------------------+ | 23 | Android 2.2 | | 20 | Android 2.2 (Native) | | 29 | Android 4.0.4 | | 18 | CentOS (x86_64) release 5 (Final) | | 6 | CentOS release 5 (Final) | | 14 | Fedora 12 - Constantine | | 15 | Fedora 12 x64 - Constantine | | 55 | MacOSX 10.10 | | 57 | MacOSX 10.10 (e10s) | | 7 | MacOSX 10.5.2 | | 13 | MacOSX 10.5.8 | | 21 | MacOSX 10.6 (rev4) | | 51 | MacOSX 10.6 (rev4) (e10s) | | 17 | MacOSX 10.6.2 (rev3) | | 22 | MacOSX 10.7 | | 24 | MacOSX 10.8 | | 53 | MacOSX 10.8 (e10s) | | 39 | MacOSX 10.9 | | 3 | MacOSX Darwin 8.8.1 | | 4 | MacOSX Darwin 9.2.2 | | 9 | Nokia n810 | | 16 | Nokia n900 | | 5 | Ubuntu 7.10 | | 10 | Ubuntu 9.04 (x64) | | 33 | Ubuntu HW 12.04 | | 41 | Ubuntu HW 12.04 (e10s) | | 35 | Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 | | 43 | Ubuntu HW 12.04 x64 (e10s) | | 27 | Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64) | | 1 | WINNT 5.1 | | 45 | WINNT 5.1 (e10s) | | 37 | WINNT 5.1 (ix) | | 8 | WINNT 5.2 | | 2 | WINNT 6.0 | | 12 | WINNT 6.1 | | 25 | WINNT 6.1 (ix) | | 47 | WINNT 6.1 (ix) (e10s) | | 19 | WINNT 6.1 x64 | | 31 | WINNT 6.2 x64 | | 49 | WINNT 6.2 x64 (e10s) | | 38 | WINNT 6.2 x64 (metro) | +----+-----------------------------------+ 41 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from machines where name LIKE "t-w864-ix-138%"; +-------+-------+---------------+-----------+-----------------+-----------+------------+ | id | os_id | is_throttling | cpu_speed | name | is_active | date_added | +-------+-------+---------------+-----------+-----------------+-----------+------------+ | 9769 | 31 | 0 | 2.67 | t-w864-ix-138 | 1 | 1414180388 | | 11787 | 49 | 0 | 3.14 | t-w864-ix-138.e | 1 | 1415296731 | | 9849 | 38 | 0 | 2.67 | t-w864-ix-138.m | 1 | 1414180435 | +-------+-------+---------------+-----------+-----------------+-----------+------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Attachment #8644150 - Flags: review?(kmoir)
Attachment #8644150 - Flags: feedback?(jmaher)
This is *un* tested, however I did confirm that "Windows 10" is an available OS choice in bugzilla.
Attachment #8644152 - Flags: review?(coop)
Comment on attachment 8644150 [details] raw SQL for graph server this looks great.
Attachment #8644150 - Flags: feedback?(jmaher) → feedback+
Attachment #8643908 - Flags: review?(kmoir) → review+
Attachment #8643910 - Flags: review?(kmoir) → review+
Attachment #8643922 - Flags: review?(kmoir) → review+
Attachment #8643962 - Flags: review?(kmoir) → review+
Attachment #8644150 - Flags: review?(kmoir) → review+
Per Q in an e-mail: <Callek> Q: so, my buildbot configs are all listing the "proper" hostname for win10 right now, and I know you almost have t-w864-102 ready... are you expecting 1-2 [more] human days from that being ready (or less) before you can get me at least one with the proper hostname, or should I add 102 explicitly to the w10 config for my needs shortterm? His reply: >> For now I would add thst host by it's windows 8 name to the win 10 configs. It should be ready to start testing now. There may be a config change to the graphics but that will come up if gpu accelerated tests fail. <<
Attachment #8644517 - Flags: review?(kmoir)
Attachment #8644517 - Flags: review?(kmoir) → review+
Comment on attachment 8644150 [details] raw SQL for graph server INSERT INTO os_list VALUES (NULL, "Windows 10 64-bit"); SELECT @win10_id:= LAST_INSERT_ID(); ## 58 in both staging and prod INSERT INTO os_list VALUES (NULL, "Windows 10 64-bit (e10s)"); SELECT @win10_e10s_id:= LAST_INSERT_ID(); ## 59 in staging, 60 in prod
Attachment #8644150 - Flags: checked-in+
Comment on attachment 8643962 [details] raw SQL for slavealloc Ran this SQL on prod DB
Attachment #8643962 - Flags: checked-in+
Attachment #8643908 - Flags: checked-in+
Attachment #8643910 - Flags: checked-in+
Attachment #8644517 - Flags: checked-in+
Attachment #8645078 - Flags: review?(emorley)
Comment on attachment 8645078 [details] [review] [treeherder] PR for adding win10 support Looks good, ty :-) Have squashed and tweaked the commit message (it referenced adding support to Try; this PR works for all repos), and will rebase + merge manually.
Attachment #8645078 - Flags: review?(emorley) → review+
Attachment #8645078 - Flags: checked-in+
Attachment #8644152 - Flags: review?(coop) → review+
Comment on attachment 8644152 [details] [diff] [review] [slave health] win10 Review of attachment 8644152 [details] [diff] [review]: -----------------------------------------------------------------
Attachment #8644152 - Flags: checked-in+
Assigning to Q for remaining work of getting windows10 ready for developers to use on Try. if that initial list exceeds this bugs configuration I can assist in extending. But I am no longer working on or tracking this project.
Assignee: bugspam.Callek → q
The following tests have passed green on the new mdt based systems: try_win10_64_test-chromez try_win10_64_test-chromez-e10s try_win10_64_test-crashtest try_win10_64_test-dromaeojs try_win10_64_test-g1 try_win10_64_test-g1-e10s try_win10_64_test-g2 try_win10_64_test-jittest try_win10_64_test-marionette try_win10_64_test-mochitest-1 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-3 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-browser-chrome-1 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-browser-chrome-2 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-browser-chrome-3 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-browser-chrome-4 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-browser-chrome-5 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-browser-chrome-6 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-devtools-chrome-1 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-devtools-chrome-2 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-devtools-chrome-3 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-devtools-chrome-4 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-devtools-chrome-5 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-devtools-chrome-6 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-devtools-chrome-8 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-e10s-browser-chrome-5 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-e10s-browser-chrome-7 try_win10_64_test-mochitest-jetpack try_win10_64_test-mochitest-push try_win10_64_test-svgr try_win10_64_test-svgr-e10s try_win10_64_test-tp5o try_win10_64_test-tp5o-e10s try_win10_64_test-web-platform-tests-1 try_win10_64_test-web-platform-tests-2 try_win10_64_test-web-platform-tests-3 try_win10_64_test-web-platform-tests-4 try_win10_64_test-web-platform-tests-reftests try_win10_64-debug_test-cppunit try_win10_64-debug_test-crashtest try_win10_64-debug_test-jittest try_win10_64-debug_test-jsreftest try_win10_64-debug_test-marionette try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-1 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-3 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-5 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-browser-chrome-1 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-browser-chrome-2 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-browser-chrome-3 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-browser-chrome-4 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-browser-chrome-5 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-browser-chrome-6 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-browser-chrome-7 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-devtools-chrome-1 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-devtools-chrome-2 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-devtools-chrome-3 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-devtools-chrome-4 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-devtools-chrome-5 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-devtools-chrome-6 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-devtools-chrome-7 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-devtools-chrome-8 try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-gl try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-jetpack try_win10_64-debug_test-mochitest-push try_win10_64-debug_test-web-platform-tests-1 try_win10_64-debug_test-web-platform-tests-2 try_win10_64-debug_test-web-platform-tests-4 try_win10_64-debug_test-web-platform-tests-5 try_win10_64-debug_test-web-platform-tests-6 try_win10_64-debug_test-web-platform-tests-7 try_win10_64-debug_test-web-platform-tests-8 try_win10_64-debug_test-web-platform-tests-reftests
The following tests have warnings on the new windows 10 MDT based machines: try_win10_64-debug_test-reftest try_win10_64-debug_test-web-platform-tests-3 try_win10_64-debug_test-xpcshell try_win10_64_test-mochitest-e10s-browser-chrome-4 try_win10_64_test-reftest try_win10_64_test-reftest-no-accel try_win10_64_test-xpcshell
Of the tests in comment 26 the 2 xpcshell tests are known failures. I am looking into the rest now.
See Also: → 1261710
We're ignoring these jobs when Nagios checks what the backlog of pending work is (via bug 1261710). We should remove that again when Win 10 goes live in production.
Assignee: q → mcornmesser
I am not sure why this got moved to me, but we are moving directly to TaskCluster with Win 10 without doing buildbot support. Therefore I am closing the bug won't fix.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Component: Platform Support → Buildduty
Product: Release Engineering → Infrastructure & Operations
Product: Infrastructure & Operations → Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard
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