Closed Bug 1192842 (greenwindows10) Opened 9 years ago Closed 7 years ago

[Tracker] Green Up Firefox 64 tests on Windows 10


(Release Engineering :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Callek, Unassigned)



I have a full try run of windows 10 so far, it all ran in > a day with merely 1 machine. There is obviously more Graphics Work on our side, so not filing bugs for those ones yet, but this will track actionable work as it comes. Please do not push to try targeting windows 10 without a coordination with me, or follow on support to do so.
Depends on: 1192575
Depends on: 1192857
Depends on: 1192844
Depends on: 1193033
Depends on: 1193040
Depends on: 1193447
Depends on: 1192307
Depends on: 1193754
Depends on: 1194763
Touchpoint, progress has been made so far. Pushed a new full-run with based on latest inbound merge from m-c ( ) That push had a red on w8 JIT debug which was fixed by a later commit (but JIT was passing on my last all-run) This run has the patches for Bug 1195499, Bug 1194763, and Bug 1196206 applied. I'll file new bugs (not already filed) based on the results of this run.
Depends on: 1196542
Depends on: 1197053
Depends on: 1197055
I tried running the plugin suite locally in the 64-bit build and received 55 failures. :/
oops, sorry, wrong bug.
Depends on: 1199687
Depends on: 1199877
I'm no longer tracking this unit of work. Once relops completes the work for getting windows 10 at a useable-on-try capacity we plan to have buildduty folks (currently softvision) drive this effort.
Assignee: bugspam.Callek → nobody
Component: Platform Support → Buildduty
Not sure if this is still accurate since we moved to TC. In any case, at a second thought, I think this is out of Buildduty scope and goes under General Automation. Please move back if any Buildduty involment is needed further.
Component: Buildduty → General Automation
This bug was from 2015 and has been superseeded by the migration we've already done for talos tests to w10 and the taskcluster work that's ongoing.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: General Automation → General
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