Closed Bug 1194801 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Autophone not submitting results to Treeherder


(Testing Graveyard :: Autophone, defect, P1)



(firefox43 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox43 --- affected


(Reporter: bc, Assigned: bc)



Autophone gets a build's revision from the corresponding txt file, e.g.: which is now a 40 char revision. This causes Treeherder's resultset api to fail to retrieve the result set: I need to only use the first 12 characters in order to be able to pull up the revision hash for the build: camd: maybe treeherder could just ignore everything past the 12 character revision.
From :gps in, we should be using the 40 character revision everywhere. Would it be possible to use the 40 character rev here instead of truncating it to 12?
camd: I'm going to switch to truncating the revision I submit to 12 characters. If we need to change Treeherder, lets do this compatibly. First allow both 12 and 40 characters, then announce the change and the need to update clients before we drop the 12 character support. Do you want to file the Treeherder bug?
Flags: needinfo?(cdawson)
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Hey Bob-- Sure thing. I entered bug 1194908 for this. There are possibly more implications than just a one-line fix in the code of that endpoint -- aren't there always? :) What's your urgency on this? Just trying to prioritize.
Depends on: 1194908
Flags: needinfo?(cdawson)
camd: No urgency now. I have a work around where I trim the revision before submitting to the resultset api. My email alerts still have the full revision in their links to Treeherder but I rather than scatter this change around my code, I'll just manually edit those. This will of course break when Treeherder moves to the 40 char revision, so I'll have to revert the change when you deploy.
Product: Testing → Testing Graveyard
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