Closed Bug 120118 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Save Page As fails to save html page (smoketest b.28)


(Core Graveyard :: File Handling, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tracy, Assigned: bugs)



(Keywords: smoketest)

seen on commercial builds windows 2002-01-15-06-trunk mac 2002-01-15-03-trunk -goto -Click File | Save Page As -Save the page to the desktop on windows the file is saved, but not as an html document, and the folder containing a few files is also saved as expected. on mac nothing is saved on mac nothign is saved
Blocks: 115634
Keywords: smoketest
methinks this should be ben's, but punt as needed... how is this on linux and moz bits? i'll also check once i get into the office...
Assignee: law → ben
fwiw, this appears to work fine with linux mozilla bits [2002.01.15.08].
i can repro this on mac os x --then again the bits are from 2002.01.15.03 [mozilla and comm]. i imagine builds before 8am will have this. would it be possible to respin the mac os x and/or 9.x bits?
This is broken for me with a linux build pulled at 9:37am pacific time on 2002-01-15.
this is fine on linux 2002-01-15-06-trunk but it fails on mac osx 2002-01-15-03-trunk
tracy, could you repro this with the more recent [8am or later] builds? thx! if those work, this could prolly be downgraded...although boris' experience is rather odd...
oops, i meant to ask: tracy, could you test on post-8am win32 bits, if they exist?
Oh, by the way. Saving HTML only (once the patch to make that work on Linux is applied) works fine. It's just "Save Web Page, Complete" that fails.
It's saved "not as an html document". What *is* it?
In Build ID: 2002011503 on Windows 98, File | Save Page As is using the HTML title as the filename again, while Save Link As is again using the filename as the filename. Is that a separate issue from this bug? Thank you.
Yes. It is. That should be taken to the flame-hell that is the <title> bug.
this is still exhibiting the problem on depend build on windows 2002-01-15-09-trunk
the file gets save as a windows document entitled " at a glance" it should be " at a glance.html"
fooey, still doesn't work on mac os x using 2002.01.15.12 mozilla bits. strange that 'save as web page complete' wfm on linux. even stranger is when i tried 'save as html only' --it still saved as if 'complete' [downloaded the files into a blah_files dir]...
can we back out ben? Does that work?
it doesn't work on os9 2002-01-15-12 either.
This worksforme on Windows XP (using 9am bits).. saving as complete or HTML only.
contentAreaUtils.js backed out. lowered severity to clear smoketest radar.
Severity: blocker → critical
Checking in contentAreaUtils.js; /cvsroot/mozilla/xpfe/communicator/resources/content/contentAreaUtils.js,v <-- contentAreaUtils.js new revision: 1.29; previous revision: 1.28 done
found out what this was. simple change. from: branch.setComplexValue("dir", fp.file); to branch.setComplexValue("dir", fp.file.parent);
*** Bug 120142 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verified fixed with commercial builds: windows 2002-01-16-06-trunk mac 2002-01-16-06-trunk
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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