Closed Bug 12043 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

[PP] Edit - Wallet - Display Signons blank on Mac


(Toolkit :: Form Manager, defect, P3)

Mac System 8.6





(Reporter: paulmac, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: might be a layout/refresh problem)

Edit - Wallet - Display Signons brings up a blank screen that can not be
dismissed and essentially hangs the browser.

This is on 8/16 build, but this bug has been around for quite awhile, and does
not exist on Linux or Windows.

This is an offshoot of bug 9773 that got a little out of control.
As I mentioned in 9773, even on the Mac, Edit/Wallet/Display Signons brings up a butt ugly,
not empty, window with today's build, and rife with OK and Cancel buttons that make the window
go nicely away.  Are you still seeing a blank window?
Yes, using yesterdays M9 candidate build, I still see this. Jay, can you confirm
this for me with Display Signons. I will try today's M10 build to see if it
magically fixed itself.
This is indeed still a problem with Mac M9 candidate build on 8/16 and the first
M10 build 1999081708 on 8/17.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Next day, I've done a clean pull and build, and I'm looking at the Macintosh Edit/Wallet/Display Signons
dialog as I write this.  Sorry, but marking this "works for me" is accurate, though not helpful.  I can't
reproduce the problem.  Can you pin it down to a specific set of conditions?  I, for instance, have no signons
to display (which doesn't an empty window make), and I'm just launching AppRunner and making the
menu selection.
perhaps it's a debug vs release issue or even a machine speed issue. I will hunt
you down and try it out on your machine.
Okay, I just tried it, and it still fails on a just created profile with no
signons. We also tried a release build on dan's machine (8/23 commercial build)
and of course it worked fine. Our results:

paulmac: OS8.51, 233G3, 64MbRAM - fails
claudius: OS8.5, 233G3, 96MbRAM - fails
jpatel: OS8.51, 225Mhz, 64MbRAM - fails
elig: OS8.6, 266G3, 96 MbRAM - fails
danm: OS8.51, PowerComputing233 - works!

Looks like the only difference is dan has a pre-G3 processor

Steve, are you still building on Mac? If so, can you try this? Dan seems to have
a golden machine...
also tried on a Power Computing 225 - fail, so there goes the Power Computing
My mac build environment is busted.  I'll be bringing the machine in this week
for some mac expert to take a look at.  Sorry, I can't try this at present.
Dan, I'm at a loss. I need to re-open this so it doesn't get lost. I have no
idea why it works on your machine but none of the others we tried.

Steve, does the Display Signons screen do anything different than, say, the
Display Cookies page (which displays fine).
The display signon screen and display cookie screen are nearly identical twins.
The major differences are (1) the data that they access and (2) the fact that
display signons has four tabs whereas display cookies has two.
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Clearing WorksForMe due to reopen of this bug.
Whiteboard: trying to find development machine which displays the problem
Target Milestone: M11
Whiteboard: trying to find development machine which displays the problem → might be a layout/refresh problem
This morning, on the fourth machine I tried, I was finally able to see some partially blank Signon windows.
However, all drawing on the Mac is pretty horked today, so I resist drawing conclusions.  However, what
I'm seeing is a window which really is complete; it's just not completely drawn (forcing a refresh of the
Signon window fixes the problem.)  At the moment, it's looking to me like a layout/refresh problem.  But
I'll wait to throw this over the wall to Gecko until the Mac's general malaise is cleared up.  (At which point
I expect I won't be able to reproduce this problem on any development machine.  But I'll thump that goblin
when I reach it.)
*** Bug 10480 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Target Milestone: M11 → M13
Can't reproduce, therefore hard to fix, and wallet has been officially dropped from "beta."
Postponing until after beta.
Closed: 25 years ago25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
this is fixed now :-) Good work dan ;-)
Assignee: danm.moz → nobody
Product: Core → Toolkit
QA Contact: paulmac → form.manager
Target Milestone: M13 → ---
Version: Trunk → unspecified
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