Closed Bug 1236082 Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Increase user identity email address display in Loop panel footer


(Hello (Loop) :: Client, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)

46.3 - Jan 25


(Reporter: crafuse, Assigned: crafuse)



User Story

Display long user ID email addresses in the Loop panel footer.


(3 files, 5 obsolete files)

Maximize email ID display within the Loop panel footer.  Maintain ellipses at the end if very long email ID is display.
Blocks: 1226607
Attached image UID set to 40 characters output. (obsolete) —
Set email truncate to 40 characters.
Comment on attachment 8704435 [details] [review]
[loop] chrafuse:bug-1236082-increase-user-identity-display > mozilla:master

Increased UID email truncation from 24chars to 40chars.
Adjusted test.
Attachment #8704435 - Flags: review?(edilee)
Attachment #8704435 - Flags: review?(dmose)
Attachment #8704424 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8704432 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 8704435 [details] [review]
[loop] chrafuse:bug-1236082-increase-user-identity-display > mozilla:master

I agree with Standard8 and Mike's comments.  Can you take a run at implementing this as suggested in the PR instead?
Attachment #8704435 - Flags: review?(dmose) → feedback+
Attachment #8704435 - Flags: review?(edilee)
Attached image UID CSS 270px width with ellipsis (obsolete) —
Using CSS to set width and overflow-x to be hidden and with ellipsis.
In the HTML it creates a scrollbar element that is not shown, maybe why the truncate was used.
Attachment #8704877 - Flags: review?(mdeboer)
Attachment #8704877 - Flags: review?(edilee)
Attachment #8704435 - Flags: review?(dmose)
Attachment #8704877 - Flags: review?(mdeboer)
Attachment #8704877 - Flags: review?(edilee)
Rank: 35
Priority: P2 → P3
Attachment #8704435 - Flags: review?(dmose)
Attachment #8704877 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached image UID Footer Overflow (obsolete) —
Removed outer containing DIV(.user-details) to overflow just the string directly in the flexed outer container(.user-identity) inside the footer.

Was there and will there be a drop down menu for user-id and/or sign up links.
Some CSS should be removed if not.
Attachment #8705810 - Flags: review?(dmose)
truncate still used:

639:  describe("#truncate", function() {
642:        var output = sharedUtils.truncate(new Array(75).join());
648:        var output = sharedUtils.truncate(new Array(73).join(), 20);
672:        var output = sharedUtils.truncate(new Array(73).join(), 20);

Will not remove util method.
If the only usage of truncate is in tests that make sure truncate is working correctly, we should be able to remove it and the tests.
Comment on attachment 8705810 [details]
UID Footer Overflow

Looking good; need some CSS changes, and then I'd like one more look...
Attachment #8705810 - Flags: review?(dmose)
The new changes have a visual problem: the email address is no longer in the same vertical line as the settings bar.
Attached image UID Align and Measure (obsolete) —
Attachment #8706600 - Flags: review?(dmose)
Attachment #8706600 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8706600 - Flags: review?(dmose)
Attachment #8705810 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8706697 - Flags: ui-review?(sfranks)
Attachment #8706697 - Flags: ui-review?(b.pmm)
Attachment #8706697 - Flags: ui-review?(sfranks)
Attachment #8706697 - Flags: ui-review?(b.pmm)
Attachment #8706697 - Flags: ui-review+
Attachment #8704435 - Flags: review?(dmose)
Attachment #8704435 - Flags: review?(dmose) → review+
Chris: If you force-push to your remote origin branch after any follow-up changes and before merging merge to master, then github will close PRs automatically for you.

Also, don't forget to close the bug ;-)
Iteration: --- → 46.3 - Jan 25
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Flags: qe-verify+
QA Contact: bogdan.maris
Reproduced with 46.0a1 from 2015-12-30, under Windows 7 64-bit.
Verified fixed with latest Nightly 47.0a1 (from 2016-02-02), across platforms [1].

[1] Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit, Mac OS X 10.9.5, Windows 7 64-bit
Flags: qe-verify+
Blocks: 1249552
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