Closed Bug 128851 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

App task bar mail icon doesn't show new POP mail if mail window closed (after logon within session)


(MailNews Core :: Filters, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: marcus, Assigned: naving)



When you receive new mail that is moved into a folder via mailfilter, the green arrow at the left bottom of the window will not show that you have new mail. You have to start the Mail/News-Client and check manualle if you have mail. This works correct, if you receive mail, that is not filtered. Expected: Green arrow in statusline should always show that you have new mail, not only for unfiltered mail Build: 2002030308 Works fine with milestone 0.98
build 2002032108 on Linux I seem to be experiencing similar symptoms. Ever since I started using the message filters feature, biff is neither beeping at me nor showing its little green arrow-- although I can indeed confirm it actually running. I have monitored my mail server, observed incoming messages get stored in my mailbox, and then observed them dissapear as biff downloads them (I have the pref set to download messages automatically)
This works for me with mar25 trunk build, linus rh6.2. I tried POP account with the 'download new mail automatically' option set. New mail arrives, is filtered to folder, sound goes off. Green arrow shows at account level, folder level and in mail icon in task bar. Is your filter destination folder on the same account or are you going to another account?
Reporter: please try on a more current build and if you still have the problem, let us know what kind of account you're using and where/what account your filter destination folder(s) is. There was some recent problems with unread counts being updated ... fixed on mar20 or 21. JPaige -- can you try again on a little later build and let me know?
On win98 IMAP acct as well as on linux, I also see the application task bar mail icon green arrow go on for filtered mail. However, if you receive new mail and some stays in the inbox (not filtered) when you read the new mail in the inbox the task bar's mail icon loses its green arrow even though there is still new mail in the filter destination. The folder and account in mail window still have the green arrow, but task bar icon loses the green.
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows 2000 → All
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: Mozilla does not show new mail when filtered → Mozilla does not show new mail when filtered (taskbar mail icon)
I can confirm comment #4 on Windows Xp, build 2002032503
Addition to my last comment: on build 2002032503, Windows XP, the envelope in the tray tells me that I still have 9 unread mail, although I have already read them (POP3 mail)
Okay. I retested this vigorously with Linux Build 2002032608 I am no longer certain whether the problem I am experiencing is the same one ans the report or a different one, but it is certainly a problem. Permit be to describe: I set my mail-checking interval to 3 minutes. I left one browser window open, and mailnews was closed entirely (but I did make sure to open and close it once first because of bug 71105 ) I then mailed myself from a separate account on a separate computer, and waited much longer than three minutes. No green biff arrow, no biff beep. I then opened mailnews, and my message showed up immediately. I disabled "automatically download any new messages" and repeated the test. Same results, no arrow, no beep I then disabled all of my filters (all of my filters are spam-killers that delete the message, rather than moving it anywhere. None of my test messages would have triggered any of the filters) I got the same results with filters disabled. no beep, no arrow. I then repeated the test once more, leaving mailnews open. In this case, it worked perfectly. After a few minutes, I heard the beep, and the little arrow went green. So, I would conclude that biff/mail-notification is not firing at all unless mailnews is open. The state of ones mail filters, and the state of the automatic-download pref seem to be irrelevant. Whether this is the same problem the reporter was describing, I cannot say.
My tests were with mail open, I didn't get from the description that mail wasn't open. I'll double-check when mail is closed, but it sounds then that this is another report of bug 71105.
<mostly-off-topic> bug 71105 is about the fact that you must start mailnews *AT LEAST ONCE* in order to get logged in to your mail accounts, thus allowing mail notification to work. The symptom I am seeing is that mailnews is not open *RIGHT NOW* mail notification does not work, so if my symnptom is not related to this bug, then it needst to be filed a s a separete bug, it is not a dup of bug 71105 </mostly-off-topic>
We're not on the same wavelength about the report in 71105, but whatever. The issues have been muddied a little and I'll try to clarify the summaries or log any needed separate issues when I get a chance (I'm not currently where I can retest this reported issue, but will do so tomorrow).
In build 2002032708 there is another problem: I get the notifier in the tray the first time I check mail after starting mozilla. The mails get filtered and are moved into the correct folders, which are marked by the green folder. I read all messages and the green marker at the folder disappears, but the envelope in the tray still tells me that I have unread mail, which is not true. I first saw this problem in build 2002032503, but I don't know when it appeared first.
Comment #11 is an entirely different issue. I believe a duplicate... will look for it. As to the original issue here where the message icon in the task bar doesn't get green arrow when filtered mail fires: I just tried again on win98 in mar26 when mail was closed after having logged in within the session. The mail icon in the browser task bar got a green arrow upon 3 different tries of getting filtered mail (again -- mail window was not open). So this worksforme in the trunk. Will leave it up to racham and navin to decide whether we resolve or keep looking into it. I will separate the bug where the green arrow goes away after reading the Inbox/unfiltered messages as stated in my comment #4.
OK, more info, more tries using mar28 commercial trunk build on win98 and linux rh6.2: 1. Works fine for unfiltered or filtered mail when mail window is closed (had been opened,account logged in within session) if IMAP account. 2. Does not work for unfiltered or filtered mail when mail window is closed (had been opened, account logged in within session, automatically download new mail is enabled) if POP account. 3. Works fine if mail window is open for IMAP or POP account. So, I'm thinking this bug should be particular to POP only, mail window closed and that it doesn't matter as to whether the mail is filtered or not... OK with everyone? I'm changing the summary line. Other issues log separately, including message counts or new system tray mail notification and alerts for win32.
Summary: Mozilla does not show new mail when filtered (taskbar mail icon) → App task bar mail icon doesn't show new POP mail if mail window closed (after logon within session)
*** Bug 141043 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
QA Contact: laurel → sheelar
*** Bug 141043 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
the problem I described in comment #7 is covered by bug 134480 "Does not automatically check for new mail if Mail/News window is not open"
QA Contact: sheelar → stephend
Is this a dup of bug 71105?
Depends on: 71105
Yes, this is a dup of bug 71105 *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 71105 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
verified dup
Product: MailNews → Core
No longer depends on: 71105
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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