Closed Bug 1289011 Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Handle clip-path: fill-box | stroke-box | view-box correctly


(Core :: Layout, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox51 --- fixed


(Reporter: u459114, Assigned: u459114)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)


(Keywords: dev-doc-complete)


(10 files, 1 obsolete file)

In current implementation, we did not handle fill-box and stroke-box correctly. In [1], they are treated as border-box. [1]
QA Contact: cku
Assignee: nobody → cku
QA Contact: cku
fill-box: calls nsIFrame::GetVisualOverflowRectRelativeToSelf()? stroke-box:
Attached file Test case
Summary: Handle clip-path: fill-box | stroke-box correctly → Handle clip-path: fill-box | stroke-box | view-box correctly
CSS masking spec said: For SVG elements without associated CSS layout box, the used value for content-box, padding-box, border-box and margin-box is fill-box. For elements with associated CSS layout box, the used value for fill-box, stroke-box and view-box is border-box. I will fix this TODO in this bug as well
Attachment #8785234 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8786005 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786006 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786007 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786008 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786009 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786010 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786005 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786006 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786007 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786008 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786009 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786010 - Flags: review?(cam)
The way of view-box computing is not correct. Repatching.
Attachment #8786005 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786006 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786007 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786008 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786009 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786010 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8786185 - Flags: review?(cam)
Comment on attachment 8786007 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 3. Handle view-box. ::: dom/svg/SVGSVGElement.h:291 (Diff revision 2) > using nsINode::GetElementById; // This does what we want > already_AddRefed<SVGAnimatedRect> ViewBox(); > already_AddRefed<DOMSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio> PreserveAspectRatio(); > uint16_t ZoomAndPan(); > void SetZoomAndPan(uint16_t aZoomAndPan, ErrorResult& rv); > + virtual nsSVGViewBox *GetViewBox() override; Nit: While you're here, please associate \* with the type, i.e. nsSVGViewBox\* GetViewBox().
Comment on attachment 8786005 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 1. Implement ComputeHTMLReferenceRect.
Attachment #8786005 - Flags: review?(cam) → review+
Comment on attachment 8786005 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 1. Implement ComputeHTMLReferenceRect. ::: layout/svg/nsCSSClipPathInstance.h:52 (Diff revision 1) > > already_AddRefed<Path> CreateClipPathInset(DrawTarget* aDrawTarget, > const nsRect& aRefBox); > + > + > + nsRect ComputeHTMLReferenceRect(DrawTarget* aDrawTarget); Do we need this aDrawTarget argument? We don't seem to use it here, or in the later patches.
Comment on attachment 8786006 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 2. Implement ComputeSVGReferenceRect. ::: layout/svg/nsCSSClipPathInstance.cpp:82 (Diff revision 1) > + mClipPathStyle.GetReferenceBox() == StyleClipPathGeometryBox::Content || > + > + mClipPathStyle.GetReferenceBox() == StyleClipPathGeometryBox::Padding || > + mClipPathStyle.GetReferenceBox() == StyleClipPathGeometryBox::Margin || > + mClipPathStyle.GetReferenceBox() == StyleClipPathGeometryBox::Fill); > + r = mTargetFrame->GetVisualOverflowRectRelativeToParent(); Nit: I would add a "break;" to the end of this case (and in ComputeHTMLReferenceRect too) so that we don't accidentally fall through if we add another case after it. ::: layout/svg/nsCSSClipPathInstance.cpp:105 (Diff revision 1) > default: // Use the border box > + MOZ_ASSERT( > + mClipPathStyle.GetReferenceBox() == StyleClipPathGeometryBox::NoBox || > + mClipPathStyle.GetReferenceBox() == StyleClipPathGeometryBox::Border || > + mClipPathStyle.GetReferenceBox() == StyleClipPathGeometryBox::Fill || > + > + mClipPathStyle.GetReferenceBox() == StyleClipPathGeometryBox::Stroke || > + mClipPathStyle.GetReferenceBox() == StyleClipPathGeometryBox::View); > r = mTargetFrame->GetRectRelativeToSelf(); > } You could move these value checks into cases, if you want this to be a bit more concise. Like: default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("unknown StyleClipPathGeometryBox type"); // fall through case StyleClipPathGeometryBox::NoBox: case StyleClipPathGeometryBox::Border: ... case StyleClipPathGeometryBox::View: r = mTargetFrame->GetRectRelativeToSelf(); break; Similarly for ComputeSVGReferenceRect. ::: layout/svg/nsCSSClipPathInstance.cpp:122 (Diff revision 1) > - nsRect r = ComputeHTMLReferenceRect(aDrawTarget); > + nsRect r = mTargetFrame->GetContent()->IsSVGElement() > + ? ComputeSVGReferenceRect(aDrawTarget) > + : ComputeHTMLReferenceRect(aDrawTarget); I think using IsSVGElement() isn't exactly the right thing to test, because that will return true for an outer <svg> element, but such elements do have a an associated CSS layout box. (The nsSVGOuterSVGFrame participates in the CSS layout of its parent, and can have borders, margin and padding set on it. Even in SVG documents where this <svg> element is the root.) So I think instead we can use: mTargetFrame->IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eSVG) && !mTargetFrame->GetType() == nsGkAtoms::svgOuterSVGFrame Some other interesting cases that are important to note: * <foreignObject> doesn't have an associated CSS layout box, although it does have CSS layout descendants, so we are right to use ComputeSVGReferenceRect for it. * text content children (<tspan> and <tref>), which get nsInlineFrames (which are not SVG frames), however clip-path is defined not to apply to text content children anyway, so we shouldn't get in here for them
Attachment #8786006 - Flags: review?(cam) → review+
Comment on attachment 8786007 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 3. Handle view-box. r=me with these comments addressed. ::: layout/svg/nsCSSClipPathInstance.cpp:73 (Diff revision 2) > + case StyleClipPathGeometryBox::View: > + { Nit: the style guide says to put the brace for a case statement on the same line as the case, and for the final break to be within that brace. ::: layout/svg/nsCSSClipPathInstance.cpp:75 (Diff revision 2) > + nsIContent* content = mTargetFrame->GetContent(); > + for (; content; content = content->GetParent()) { > + if (content->IsSVGElement(nsGkAtoms::svg)) { > + break; > + } > + } For this to work with elements inside a <use> shadow tree, we probably want to use GetFlattenedTreeParent(). But maybe use nsSVGElement::GetCtx() instead, which will do this for you. You'll need to cast content to nsSVGElement*, which is safe only if content->IsSVGElement(), but you can assert that since we checked this when deciding to call ComputeSVGReferenceRect. ::: layout/svg/nsCSSClipPathInstance.cpp:90 (Diff revision 2) > + nsSVGViewBox* viewBox = svgElement->GetViewBox(); > + const nsSVGViewBoxRect& value = viewBox->GetBaseValue(); We should use the animated viewBox="" value. Please ensure you have a test for an animated viewBox="" affecting clip-path. ::: layout/svg/nsCSSClipPathInstance.cpp:92 (Diff revision 2) > + r = nsRect(nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(value.x), > + nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(value.y), > + nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(value.width), > + nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(value.height)); Is it correct that we use the x and y of the viewBox here? I thought that the rectangle we need to generate here must be in the same coordinate system as mTargetFrame, and that (0, 0) in that coordinate system is the top-left corner of the viewBox. Can you add a test with a viewBox that has a non-zero origin, to make sure? ::: layout/svg/nsCSSClipPathInstance.cpp:97 (Diff revision 2) > + // No viewBox is specified, uses the nearest SVG viewport as reference > + // box. It looks like the spec doesn't say what to do when there is no viewBox="" attribute specified, but I guess this is the sensible thing to do. Can you file an issue on the spec about this?
Attachment #8786007 - Flags: review?(cam) → review+
Blocks: 1299760
Comment on attachment 8786008 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 4. Handle stroke-box. ::: layout/svg/nsCSSClipPathInstance.cpp:74 (Diff revision 2) > + // XXXCJ In css-masking spec > + // > + // There is no clear definition of how to compute stoke-box for > + // 1. a graphics element without <use> or <image> > + // 2. a container element I think you should read the spec to mean: * "graphics element without <use> or <image>" is handled the same way as "an <a> element with a text content element" * "a container element" is handled the same way as "<use>" i.e., just like "case" statements in a "switch". Also, note that the wording there about "graphics element without <use> or <image>" means "any graphics element, except <use> or <image>". I believe this section was added to the Masking spec before the SVG 2 spec got a definition for stroke bounding box. So for a more complete definition you can see: The result of that is that you should do something with nsSVGUtils::GetBBox(nsSVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeFill | nsSVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeStroke). See SVGTransformableElement::GetBBox, which is the implementation of the DOM getBBox() method.
Attachment #8786008 - Flags: review?(cam) → review-
Comment on attachment 8786009 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 5. shape-box reftest for elements with associated CSS layout box. ::: layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/masking/clip-path-geometryBox-1a.html:14 (Diff revision 4) > + position: absolute; > + left: 10px; > + top: 10px; > + width: 100px; > + height: 100px; > + padding: 40px; > + clip-path: circle(farthest-side) content-box; I'm a bit confused. If I understand correctly, the <div> should have: border/padding box: (10,10) -> (110,110) content box: (50,50) -> (70,70) and then the basic shape, "circle(farthest-side) content-box" should define a circle with radius 10 positioned at the centre of the content box, i.e. at (60,60). But the reference file has a circle of radius 50 positioned at (100,100). What am I missing? ::: layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/masking/clip-path-geometryBox-1a.html:25 (Diff revision 4) > + clip-path: circle(farthest-side) content-box; > + } > + </style> > + </head> > + <body> > + <div/> Self-closing tags like this are not supported in HTML syntax (except for SVG tags, I believe). So if you had another element before the </body> it would become a child of the <div>, not a sibling. So, write this as <div></div>.
Comment on attachment 8786007 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 3. Handle view-box. > We should use the animated viewBox="" value. Please ensure you have a test for an animated viewBox="" affecting clip-path. Bug 1299760 filed. > Is it correct that we use the x and y of the viewBox here? I thought that the rectangle we need to generate here must be in the same coordinate system as mTargetFrame, and that (0, 0) in that coordinate system is the top-left corner of the viewBox. > > Can you add a test with a viewBox that has a non-zero origin, to make sure? Spec said: The reference box is positioned at the origin of the coordinate system established by the ‘viewBox‘ attribute. (value.x, value.y) is the offset of viewbox in mTargetFrame coordination, so this offset is required. And yes, I do have a test case to verify it(clip-path-geometryBox-1i.html), I will update a version with non-zero origin later. > It looks like the spec doesn't say what to do when there is no viewBox="" attribute specified, but I guess this is the sensible thing to do. Can you file an issue on the spec about this? Spec says: Uses the nearest SVG viewport as reference box.
Comment on attachment 8786008 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 4. Handle stroke-box. > I think you should read the spec to mean: > > * "graphics element without <use> or <image>" is handled the same way as "an <a> element with a text content element" > > * "a container element" is handled the same way as "<use>" > > i.e., just like "case" statements in a "switch". > > Also, note that the wording there about "graphics element without <use> or <image>" means "any graphics element, except <use> or <image>". > > > I believe this section was added to the Masking spec before the SVG 2 spec got a definition for stroke bounding box. So for a more complete definition you can see: > > > > The result of that is that you should do something with nsSVGUtils::GetBBox(nsSVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeFill | nsSVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeStroke). See SVGTransformableElement::GetBBox, which is the implementation of the DOM getBBox() method. Arr, I see(like switch). Will update a new version.
Comment on attachment 8786009 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 5. shape-box reftest for elements with associated CSS layout box. > I'm a bit confused. If I understand correctly, the <div> should have: > > border/padding box: (10,10) -> (110,110) > content box: (50,50) -> (70,70) > > and then the basic shape, "circle(farthest-side) content-box" should define a circle with radius 10 positioned at the centre of the content box, i.e. at (60,60). > > But the reference file has a circle of radius 50 positioned at (100,100). > > What am I missing? border/padding box: (x=10,y=10) -> (w=180,h=180) content box: (x=50,y=50) -> (w=100,h=100)
Comment on attachment 8786009 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 5. shape-box reftest for elements with associated CSS layout box. > border/padding box: (x=10,y=10) -> (w=180,h=180) > content box: (x=50,y=50) -> (w=100,h=100) Ah, I overlooked the fact that the width and height properties were exclusive of the padding.
Blocks: 1299876
Comment on attachment 8786008 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 4. Handle stroke-box. > Arr, I see(like switch). Will update a new version. I filed another bug(Bug 1299876) to keep tracing this issue. nsSVGUtils::GetBBox works fine except two special cases.
Attachment #8787220 - Flags: review?(cam)
Attachment #8787311 - Flags: review?(cam)
Comment on attachment 8786008 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 4. Handle stroke-box. ::: layout/svg/nsCSSClipPathInstance.cpp:76 (Diff revision 4) > // For SVG elements without associated CSS layout box, the used value for > // content-box, padding-box, border-box and margin-box is fill-box. > switch (mClipPathStyle.GetReferenceBox()) { > + case StyleClipPathGeometryBox::Stroke: { > + // XXX Bug 1299876 > + // The size of stoke-box is not correct if this graphic element has "stroke-box" ::: layout/svg/nsCSSClipPathInstance.cpp:78 (Diff revision 4) > switch (mClipPathStyle.GetReferenceBox()) { > + case StyleClipPathGeometryBox::Stroke: { > + // XXX Bug 1299876 > + // The size of stoke-box is not correct if this graphic element has > + // specific stroke-linejoin or stroke-linecap. > + gfxRect bbox = nsSVGUtils::GetBBox(mTargetFrame , Nit: drop the space before the comma.
Attachment #8786008 - Flags: review?(cam) → review+
Comment on attachment 8786009 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 5. shape-box reftest for elements with associated CSS layout box. ::: layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/masking/clip-path-geometryBox-2a.html:20 (Diff revision 6) > + top: 0px; > + background-color: blue; > + width: 100px; > + height: 100px; > + padding: 50px; > + clip-path: polygon(0% 50%, 50% 0%, 100% 50%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%) content-box; Nit: remove one space before "content-box". For manual verification that this matches the reference, it would be nice if the order of the points matched the reference, i.e.: polygon(50% 0%, 100% 50%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%, 0% 50%) (Same for the other polygon-based test files.) ::: layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/masking/clip-path-geometryBox-2b.html:10 (Diff revision 6) > + <title>CSS Masking: clip-path: clip path border-box</title> > + <link rel="author" title="CJ Ku" href=""> > + <link rel="author" title="Mozilla" href=""> > + <link rel="help" href=""> > + <link rel="match" href="clip-path-geometryBox-2-ref.html"> > + <meta name="assert" content="Test checks whether clip-path border-box works correctly or not."> padding-box ::: layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/masking/clip-path-geometryBox-2c.html:10 (Diff revision 6) > + <title>CSS Masking: clip-path: clip path padding-box</title> > + <link rel="author" title="CJ Ku" href=""> > + <link rel="author" title="Mozilla" href=""> > + <link rel="help" href=""> > + <link rel="match" href="clip-path-geometryBox-2-ref.html"> > + <meta name="assert" content="Test checks whether clip-path padding-box works correctly or not."> border-box
Attachment #8786009 - Flags: review?(cam) → review+
Comment on attachment 8786010 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 6. shape-box reftest for SVG elements without associated CSS layout box. ::: layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/masking/clip-path-geometryBox-1d.html:10 (Diff revision 6) > + <title>CSS Masking: clip-path: clip path content-box</title> > + <link rel="author" title="CJ Ku" href=""> > + <link rel="author" title="Mozilla" href=""> > + <link rel="help" href=""> > + <link rel="match" href="clip-path-geometryBox-1-ref.html"> > + <meta name="assert" content="Test checks whether clip-path content-box works correctly or not."> Mention in the <meta name=assert> that this is for clip-path applied to an SVG element. (And maybe mention in the previous tests that they are testing clip-path applied to an HTML element.) ::: layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/masking/clip-path-geometryBox-1d.html:14 (Diff revision 6) > + <rect x="50" y="50" width="100" height="100" fill="blue" > + clip-path="circle(50%) content-box"> Kind of inverse of a previous comment: no SVG elements are "empty" tags, where you don't need to provide a closing tag (like HTML's <img>). So you should write either <rect ... /> or <rect></rect> here. Same for the other files added in this patch. I wonder if you might run into problems with anti-aliasing at the edges here? Since the edges of the blue rectangle coincide with the edge of the circle. If so, consider making the rectangle bigger and the circle() radius smaller. Also, let's add a stroke to the rectangle. That way the test will fail if the browser incorrectly treats content-box like stroke-box. Same for 1e, 1f and 1g.
Attachment #8786010 - Flags: review?(cam) → review+
Comment on attachment 8786185 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 7. view-box reftest. Same comments apply about <rect .../>. r=me if you add a test using a |clip-path: ... view-box| applied to an HTML element. ::: layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/masking/clip-path-geometryBox-1i.html:13 (Diff revision 4) > + <link rel="help" href=""> > + <link rel="match" href="clip-path-geometryBox-1-ref.html"> > + <meta name="assert" content="Test checks whether clip-path view-box with viewbox works correctly or not."> > + </head> > + <body> > + <svg width="200" height="200" viewbox="50 50 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 10px;"> Nit: The canonical spelling of the attribute is viewBox, not viewbox. (But we're parsing inline SVG in HTML so it will still work.)
Attachment #8786185 - Flags: review?(cam) → review+
Comment on attachment 8787220 [details] Bug 1289011 - Part 8. shape-box reftest for SVG outter element. Please add some tests for fill-box, stroke-box and view-box when used on an outer SVG element to check that they are treated like border-box.
Attachment #8787220 - Flags: review?(cam) → review+
Attachment #8787311 - Flags: review?(cam) → review+
Pushed by Part 1. Implement ComputeHTMLReferenceRect. r=heycam Part 2. Implement ComputeSVGReferenceRect. r=heycam Part 3. Handle view-box. r=heycam Part 4. Handle stroke-box. r=heycam Part 5. shape-box reftest for elements with associated CSS layout box. r=heycam Part 6. shape-box reftest for SVG elements without associated CSS layout box. r=heycam Part 7. view-box reftest. r=heycam Part 8. shape-box reftest for SVG outter element. r=heycam Part 9. stroke-box reftest. r=heycam
Pushed by Part 1. Implement ComputeHTMLReferenceRect. r=heycam Part 2. Implement ComputeSVGReferenceRect. r=heycam Part 3. Handle view-box. r=heycam Part 4. Handle stroke-box. r=heycam Part 5. shape-box reftest for elements with associated CSS layout box. r=heycam Part 6. shape-box reftest for SVG elements without associated CSS layout box. r=heycam Part 7. view-box reftest. r=heycam Part 8. shape-box reftest for SVG outter element. r=heycam Part 9. stroke-box reftest. r=heycam
Well, at least now you might be within 1 pixel of success. Backed out in for Android failures like
failures on Win8, Android failures like What I change between this two check-in is add fuzz prefix in reftest.list. Android test case works correctly in the first check-in... BTW, I will figure it out.
Blocks: basic-shape
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