Closed Bug 1353601 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

XenServer install does not add UEFI application to boot list


(Infrastructure & Operations :: RelOps: General, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dividehex, Assigned: dividehex)



After installing xenserver on cartridge 3, I noticed it didn't boot directly to xenserver.  It looks like the install works and the UEFI partition exists with the grub UEFI app but it does not register the app with the UEFI boot list. Although, You can manually hit F11, walk the UEFI fs to the app and launch it.  You can also, launch it from the UEFI shell.

My attempts to add it manually to the boot list also fail.  I can add the application and save the UEFI settings but after a reboot the entry disappears.

At this point we may need to talk with HP on how to fix this.
A little help from HP and this is fixed.  Just needed to log into ILo and change the boot order from there.  The boot order will now attempt PXE and then M.2 storage.  All 3 cartridges fixed.

hpiLO-> show node options all

  c1: #Cartridge 1
    c1n1: #Node 1
      boot: PXE
      bootonce: N/A
      BSC: DISABLE #default
      WOL: DISABLE #default

  c2: #Cartridge 2
    c2n1: #Node 1
      boot: PXE
      bootonce: N/A
      BSC: DISABLE #default
      WOL: DISABLE #default

  c3: #Cartridge 3
    c3n1: #Node 1
      boot: PXE
      bootonce: N/A
      BSC: DISABLE #default
      WOL: DISABLE #default

hpiLO->set node boot pxe m.2 all

Boot Configuration Information:
  c1: #Cartridge 1
    c1n1: #Node 1
      boot: PXE, M.2

  c2: #Cartridge 2
    c2n1: #Node 1
      boot: PXE, M.2

  c3: #Cartridge 3
    c3n1: #Node 1
      boot: PXE, M.2
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 1366828
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