Open Bug 1354264 Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

[meta][userstory] Ship v1 of Pre-populated topsites in Awesome Bar


(Firefox :: Address Bar, enhancement, P5)





(Reporter: javaun, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug, Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: meta, Whiteboard: [fxsearch])

User Story

As a user, I want Firefox to be immediately useful in navigating as soon as I download it

* Users see top sites for their country as they type. 
  ** Eg: When a user types “G” they start to see autocomplete for Google. F for Facebook, etc. etc. based on their country
* Pre-populated URLs either expire after a time duration or as they are replaced by actual user visits, in which case those URLs are now in history.
* The list is localized. Users in EN-US, EN-CA DE-DE, etc. see a list tailored for their country. 
* The feature only works for locales/languages where we ship a tailored list. If a user is in a country where we don't yet bundle a list, they don't have this feature 
* Users do not see adult sites, illegal sites, or non-user facing sites as suggestions (i.e. ad network domains, url shorteners, CDNs)
      No description provided.
Blocks: 1340663
User Story: (updated)
Depends on: 1354268
Depends on: 1354329
Whiteboard: [fxsearch]
Priority: -- → P5
Depends on: 1347271
Depends on: 1373624
Javaun, I guess we can close this bug now, right?
Flags: needinfo?(jmoradi)
Keywords: meta

Throwing this one to Mconnor. We had a working prototype of this functionality, but didn't have the mult-locale list (and didn't finish the implementation. NI mconnor (we can also WONTFIX)

Flags: needinfo?(jmoradi) → needinfo?(mconnor)
Flags: needinfo?(mconnor)
Points: --- → 8
Severity: normal → S3
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