Closed Bug 139142 Opened 23 years ago Closed 16 years ago

QuickLaunch places first window too low on screen (below the windows toolbar)


(Core Graveyard :: QuickLaunch (AKA turbo mode), defect)

Windows NT
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: fredrikv, Assigned: law)





(6 files)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US; rv:0.9.9+) Gecko/20020419 BuildID: 2002041903 I usually set the height of the browser to fit nicely between the top of the screen and the windows toolbar. When the first browser window is started from the QuickLaunch after bot, it is placed too low. In stead of having the same size and position as the last window I closed, it has the right size, but is placed with its bottom alining the bottom of the screen. This way, the status bar in Mozilla hides underneath my Windows taskbar. The gap between the top of the screen to the Mozilla window is similar to the height of a the Mozilla status bar or a "single line Windows taskbar". If the Windows taskbar is expanded to two lines, Mozilla's mistake is still the same size. It behaves like if Mozilla forgets the placement of the window after reboot or re-login and tries to place it at "a little lower than top left". Any following Mozilla windows are placed correctly. If the windows taskbar is resized, the Mozilla moves nicely to where it should be. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Activate QuickLaunch (with a non-disappearing taskbar) 2. Manually maximize the Mozilla window to fill the vertical space between the top of the screen and the taskbar. (Do not maximize the whole window, only vertically.) 3. Close Mozilla. 4. Log out. Log in again. 5. Double-click the QuickLaunch icon to open a Mozilla window Actual Results: The window is placed some ~30 pixels below the top of the screen and is partially hidden by the Windows taskbar at the bottom. Expected Results: The Mozilla window should be placed from the top of the screen down to the top of the taskbar. Tested on two different Windows NT, SP6a, at 1024x768 and 1152x864.
I cannot reproduce here (NT and 2000) Window always comes up in same position as it closed
I can confirm this bug. It happens on Windows 98 too. Short summary: With non-maximised Mozilla windows *and* QuickLaunch enabled the first window created after a reboot is positioned wrong (under certain conditions). Steps to reproduce: 1. Enable QuickLaunch (if not already enabled) 2. Use a non-maximised browser window and adjust/move it so that its top edge is at the edge of the screen and the lower edge touches the Windows taskbar. I will attach a screenshot as an example. Note that the settings for the Windows taskbar (auto-collapsing or not) don't make any difference to this bug. However, it is important that the lower border of the browser window is very close to the taskbar, depending on your settings (whether it is only a thin line or the not-collapsing taskbar) 3. Close the browser window and restart Mozilla while QuickLaunch stays enabled. Note that the position of new browser windows is correct! 4. Close the browser window and reboot your computer. If you start Mozilla the first window is positioned wrong (like in the other screenshot attached below) If you manually move the window to the correct position, all further window are positioned correct, even if you close Mozilla and restart, and *even* if you close Mozilla, manually exit QuickLaunch ('Exit Mozilla') and restart, *until* you reboot your system. Only after a reboot/relogin the first window is placed wrong. I am not sure when this bug started to occur, but it didn't exist in the past (I *think* before 0.9.9), but it is present in RC1, RC2 and RC3 Note: - The settings for the windows taskbar (auto-collapse, hide etc.) don't affect this bug. - This only happens with QuickLaunch enabled and after a reboot or relogin, and only with a browser window streched to the borders of the screen (-> screenshots below) - This is not a dup of bug 86955 (that one is much older and happens all the time, not only with the first window after a reboot)
Ever confirmed: true
Attached image screenshot (correct)
Attached image screenshot (wrong)
screenshot of the first window after a reboot
Two more screenshots to show that it doesn't matter if the Windows taskbar is set to "auto-collapsing" (thin gray line on the bottom of the picture)
Note that browser window is now created out of the screen (at the bottom)
The last few days I have been able to repeat this bug without logging out from Windows. It probably appeared the last few days, because I would have noticed if it had been there for a long time. Now it happens so often (basically every start from QuickLaunch) that it is annoying. Basically, the bug is reproducible for me when I 1. Start Mozilla by double-clicking the Quick-Launch icon in the system tray. 2. Move the Mozilla window to a proper position so that it does not cross any screen or menu bar edges 3. Load another page than the home page. 4. Wait for the page to load. 5. Close Mozilla window. 6. Double-click Mozilla icon in toolbar to Quick-Launch it. I attach two test cases where Mozilla fails, with measurements to show the exact window sizes and positions. "Test 1: Start-reposition-load-close-restart" and "Test 2: Start-reposition-resize-load-close-restart"
Procedure, window sizes and positions for a simple case of this bug.
Procedure, window sizes and positions for another case of this bug.
I am able to reproduce in WIN2K and WINXP using mozilla and commercial branch builds. Up until recently it has only been reproducible when the browser was launched with -turbo (that's why a restart was required). However since the fix for 98673 landed this is reproducible even without using -turbo on the command line. That fix landed several days ago on the trunk and yesterday on the 1.0.1 branch, this would explain comment #7. In the 2002-05-31-08-1.0.0 branch builds, with quich launch enabled, this bug is visible every time the browser is launched, making it look like it's not remembering the last window position at all when the browser is closed.
I have the same problem on build 2002061304 (Win2K) -- it happens every time without having to log out. I've tried creating a new profile and removing the QuickLaunch registry setting at HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run manually.
I'm still seeing this on Windows XP with Build 2002091204. With Quicklaunch enabled, every time I open Mozilla the window is moved down. With Quicklaunch disabled, Mozilla windows open were they are suppost to.
*** Bug 154407 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I can confirm the appearance of this bug in all Mozilla versions > 1.0.0, on Windows XP Pro (1280 x 1024 resolution). Appears to be restart-independent on versions of Mozilla > 1.0.0 (i.e. it happens every time Mozilla is launched, either via shortcut or Quick Launch). This bug does not occur in Mozilla 1.0.0 or prior, to the best of my knowledge.
*** Bug 182297 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Quicklaunch/Turbo Mode is no longer supported in Seamonkey 2 and Seamonkey1.X is in the maintenance mode (fixing only security bugs)
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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