Open Bug 1400842 (refactor-referrer-policy-setup) Opened 7 years ago Updated 2 years ago

[meta] Refactor Referrer Policy setup


(Core :: DOM: Security, task, P3)





(Reporter: ckerschb, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: meta, Whiteboard: [domsecurity-meta])

At the moment we pass a referrerURI as well as a referrer-policy between frontend and backend. Code for figuring out what referrer to actually send with a request is duplicated. It would be nice to encapsulate all of that information into a class which you then can ask question like: * what is the full referrer? * what referrer should I send with that request (based on the policy) All of that could then happen in an 'security by default' like style to guarantee we have the same referrer premises for all of the loads.
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [domsecurity-backlog1]
Thomas had a lot of experience working on Referrer Policy. He might be able to help this.
Assignee: nobody → tnguyen
Summary: Refactor Referrer Policy setup → [meta] Refactor Referrer Policy setup
Whiteboard: [domsecurity-backlog1] → [domsecurity-meta]
Assignee: tnguyen → nobody
Depends on: 1513241
Depends on: 1490252
Depends on: 1517703
No longer depends on: 1517703
Priority: P3 → P2
Depends on: 1517703
Depends on: 1409602
Depends on: 1408263
See Also: → 1340694
Depends on: 1528695
Depends on: 1528697
Depends on: 1532318
Alias: refactor-referrer-policy-setup
Depends on: 1532794
Depends on: 1534681
Depends on: 1535795
Depends on: 1539408
Depends on: 1540119
Depends on: 1511225
Depends on: 1546334
Assignee: nobody → tnguyen
Type: enhancement → task
Depends on: 1554947
Depends on: 1560017
Depends on: 1554725
Depends on: 1566411
Depends on: 1566417
Depends on: 1556827
Depends on: 1554289
Depends on: 1520141
Depends on: 1557636
Depends on: 1265961
Depends on: 1567940
Depends on: 1423501
Depends on: 1428980
Depends on: 1572082
Depends on: 1505710
Depends on: 1576347
Depends on: 1585417
No longer depends on: 1535795
Depends on: 1584787
No longer depends on: 1540119
No longer depends on: 1585417
No longer depends on: 1408263
Blocks: 1490252
No longer depends on: 1490252
Assignee: tnguyen → nobody
Priority: P2 → P3
Severity: normal → S3
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