Closed Bug 1404581 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | tests/mozmill/composition/test-drafts.js | test-drafts.js::test_remove_space_stuffing_format_flowed


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)

Thunderbird 58.0


(Reporter: jorgk-bmo, Assigned: ehsan.akhgari)



(Whiteboard: [Thunderbird-testfailure: Z all][Thunderbird-temporary-fix])


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

First seen: Sat Sep 30, 2017, 1:48:57 M-C last good: cd9c8c48e4b3ded47a776f757008f3dcf5 M-C first bad: 57f68296c350469d73d788eb3695a89894 Could be related to bug Bug 1393140 or bug 1404106 since there are editor changes in those bugs. On the various platforms there are different sets of failing tests. Linux 32: 1) composition/test-drafts.js | test-drafts.js::test_remove_space_stuffing_format_flowed Linux 64: 1) composition/test-drafts.js | test-drafts.js::test_remove_space_stuffing_format_flowed 2) composition/test-image-insertion-dialog.js | test-image-insertion-dialog.js::test_image_insertion_dialog_persist (regular failure??) - bug 1246094 3) composition/test-send-format.js | test-send-format.js::test_msg_convertibility 4) composition/test-image-display.js | test-image-display.js::test_cid_image_compose 5) content-tabs/test-about-support.js | test-about-support.js::test_send_via_email_public (regular failure??) - bug 1373809 6) content-tabs/test-about-support.js | test-about-support.js::test_send_via_email_private (regular failure??) - bug 1373809 Windows: 1) composition\test-drafts.js | test-drafts.js::test_remove_space_stuffing_format_flowed 2) composition\test-forwarded-content.js | test-forwarded-content.js::test_forwarded_subj 3) composition\test-image-display.js | test-image-display.js::test_cid_image_compose 4) composition\test-image-insertion-dialog.js | test-image-insertion-dialog.js::test_image_insertion_dialog_persist 5) composition\test-multipart-related.js | test-multipart-related.js::test_basic_multipart_related 6) composition\test-send-format.js | test-send-format.js::test_msg_convertibility I'll have to run those tests locally to see which one really fail and which failures are a consequence of earlier failing tests. Aceman, a lot of work here.
Flags: needinfo?(acelists)
OK, trying to see how much is really broken: 1) mozmake SOLO_TEST=composition/test-drafts.js mozmill-one fails with test_remove_space_stuffing_format_flowed EXCEPTION: Something went wrong with space stuffing at: test-folder-display-helpers.js line 2918 assert_true test-folder-display-helpers.js:2918 11 test_remove_space_stuffing_format_flowed test-drafts.js:268 5 I can see that instead of having three lines NoSpace OneSpace TwoSpaces I only see two lines NoSpace OneSpace TwoSpaces when the draft is edited again. I guess that can be reproduced manually. Looks like something went bust in Core::Editor. L2)W4) composition/test-image-insertion-dialog.js passes. L3)W6) composition/test-send-format.js passes. L4)W3) composition/test-image-display.js passes. L5) and L6) are normal failures. W2) composition/test-forwarded-content.js passes. W5) composition/test-multipart-related.js passes. So it's really only composition/test-drafts.js that fails and drags the others down :-( I'll disable this for now until we have time to investigate this further.
Keywords: leave-open
Summary: TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /builds/slave/test/build/tests/mozmill/composition/test-drafts.js | test-drafts.js::test_remove_space_stuffing_format_flowed and others → TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | tests/mozmill/composition/test-drafts.js | test-drafts.js::test_remove_space_stuffing_format_flowed
Whiteboard: [Thunderbird-testfailure: Z all][Thunderbird-disabled-test]
Attached patch 1404581-temp-disable.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Basically there is nothing we can do here in TB. When we get the content of the draft and hand it to the editor, something goes wrong.
Flags: needinfo?(acelists)
Pushed by temporarily disable test-drafts.js::test_remove_space_stuffing_format_flowed. rs=bustage-fix
You can see the problem locally. Prepare a plaintext draft with NoSpace OneSpace TwoSpaces then edit the draft. There first two lines are glued together.
Blocks: 1393140
Jorg, do you mind testing this patch to see whether it fixes the test failures (and also whether it unbreaks Thunderbird when actually using it)? Thanks!
Attachment #8914432 - Flags: feedback?(jorgk)
Comment on attachment 8914432 [details] [diff] [review] Fallback to the slow path if we're in Thunderbird's plaintext editor Thank you Ehsan, this works fine with manual testing and in the automated test.
Attachment #8914432 - Flags: feedback?(jorgk) → feedback+
Attachment #8914432 - Flags: review?(masayuki)
Note for the review, this just changes the conditional for the last child to check for AsHTMLEditor() and moves the two sides of the if branch, so there isn't as much code change in the patch as it may appear from a first glance. :-)
Attachment #8914432 - Flags: review?(masayuki) → review+
Pushed by Fallback to the slow path if we're in Thunderbird's plaintext editor; r=masayuki
Keywords: leave-open
Pushed by Backed out changeset 007e4cf39ff4: re-enable temporarily disabled test. a=jorgk
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Thunderbird 58.0
Whiteboard: [Thunderbird-testfailure: Z all][Thunderbird-disabled-test] → [Thunderbird-testfailure: Z all][Thunderbird-temporary-fix]
Assignee: nobody → ehsan
Comment on attachment 8913949 [details] [diff] [review] 1404581-temp-disable.patch Patch was backed out with #c11
Attachment #8913949 - Attachment is obsolete: true
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