Closed Bug 143557 Opened 23 years ago Closed 19 years ago

overlapping text at certain sizes


(Core :: Internationalization, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: ftang, Assigned: nhottanscp)




(Keywords: intl, topembed-, Whiteboard: [adt2])


(4 files, 1 obsolete file)

I saw this with 0509 branch build on macos x reproduce procedure 1. go to 2. click preference 3. select trad chinese or simp chinese. (not sure about japanese or korean) 4. click ok 5. now search any word expect result: all the text display correctly actual result: the red highlight text overlap with normal text in the search result This somehow only happen when the the size set to the follow value in the preference (the default for both chinese is 16) regardless I select Serif or Sans Serif size 8,12,13,14,16 are bad other size, such as size 9,10,11,15,18,20,24 have no problem when I test the font set to trad chinese is LiGothic Median and Li Sung Light. I guess is the GetTextDimension code have some error round up differently with DrawString when we use bitmap font.
Assignee: yokoyama → ftang
Keywords: intl, nsbeta1
QA Contact: ruixu → kasumi
This page font size is 2 - one size smaller than the default standard size is 3.
look very bad on mac.
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
Blocks: 141008
Keywords: topembed
Keywords: topembedtopembed+
Summary: text overlay in cerntain size → overlapping text at certain sizes
I don't know how to fix this issue. need help from macdev This currently only happen on trad chinese and simp chinese. I cannot reproduce this for Korean nor japanese the problem is in the layout we call GetTextDimension per line break point and sum the width up together. and when we draw text we draw the whole string. I put printf on the GetScriptTextWidth and DrawScriptText, it turn out that when we call GetScriptTextWidth with one Chinese characters (two bytes), it return 12, and when some time it called it with two chinese characters (4 gytes), it return 24. The sum of that whole string is 12+12+12+12+12+12+12+25+12+12+25+12+25+25+12+12+12+25+12+12 = 305 but when I call DrawScriptText and call TextWidth with all of them it return 324. I think this is a round down error between the fraction and integer. I print LMGetFractEnable() , it is 0. I set CharExtra(0.0f) and SpaceExtra(0.0f). Could this a bug on MacOSX for QuickDraw with Chinese font ?
this is NOT a regression. We have this bug in n6.2. But when we ship n6.2 Apple have not ship MacOS X 1.4 with chinese yet. So we didn't hit this problem. IE in the other hand do not have this problem.
I'm running 10.1.4 and with a recent daily build, I can't reproduce this on my system. Do I have to install additional language support on my Mac? Which fonts are you using for the Serif and Sans Serif settings? Strangely enough, the google preferences won't stick for me, google somehow thinks cookies are turned off in all my browsers, and yet they aren't off since I can log into bugzilla and stay logged in.
patrick- have you visit the attachement ?
naoki: I am really out of option for this bug. I think a fresh eye could help. Please try to fix it. Thanks
Assignee: ftang → nhotta
Whiteboard: [adt2]
>3. select trad chinese or simp chinese. (not sure about japanese or korean) chinese only so far, I don't see the problem with Japanese ( and Korean ( But Korean and Japanese search results do not use color unlike the Chinese results.
I have a result of text width using the attached test case (25 Chinese characters). FractEnable was off (the result was the same even it was on anyway). ::TextWidth 324 (one call for 25 characters) ::TextWidth 300 (25 calls for 25 charcters) ::DrawText 325 (one call for 25 characters) ::DrawText 325 (25 calls for 25 charcters) So the current code which is calling ::TextWidth per character and estimates smaller width than the actually drawn character width. That causes the text overlap.
nhotta, can you hack a stand along app that can show the problem so we can send ot apple?
standalone test using the same text as the attached HTML #include <stdio.h> #include <Carbon.h> int main() { // 25 Chinese text in GB2312 unsigned char text[] = "\xC7\xEB\xCA\xE4\xC8\xEB\xCB\xF9\xD0\xE8\xB5\xC4\xD0\xC5\xCF\xA2\ \xA3\xAC\xB5\xE3\xBB\xF7\xA1\xB0\xC8\xB7\xB6\xA8\xA1\xB0\xBD\xF8\ \xD0\xD0\xA1\xA3\xC3\xBB\xD3\xD0\xD7\xA2\xB2\xE1\xA3\xAC\xC7\xEB\ \xCF\xC8"; ::TextSize(13); short font = ::GetScriptVariable(smChinese, smScriptAppFond); ::TextFont(font); short width1 = ::TextWidth(text, 0, 50); short width2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i+=2) { width2 += ::TextWidth(text, i, 2); } printf("Measure Chinese text \(GB2312\) \nusing ::TextWidh, text size 13, application font for smChinese.\n\n"); printf("1 TextWidth call for 25 characters: %d\n25 TextWidth calls for 25 characters: %d\n", width1, width2); return 0; }
There is no width inconsistency by changing TextSize from 13 to 12. In Mozilla, if I use 15 pixel for Chinese instead of 16 pixel then I don't see the overlap problem and the text drawn nicer too. I wonder why we get 13 point from 16 pixel instead of 12, 72 / 96 * 16 = 12. Anyway, we can change macprefs.js and set the default value for Chinese to 15 instead of 16.
The patch changed Simplified and Traditional Chinese font size from 16 to 15 pixel for both proportional and fixed. That fixes the problem for the attached test case and, Yuyin, could you try other Chinse pages and see they are okay with 15 pixel? You need to change the sizes from 16 to 15 pixel using pref dialog. Please try both MacOS X and MacOS 9. Let me know if you have questions.
For fixed width, 16 looks better than 15, we don't want to change that. We need MacOS 9 result for propotional 15 pixel setting.
Yes, on Mac OS X, size 15 for proportional will fix the problem in this bug, but size 16 is better than 15 when load a fixed width page. And I couldn't find a good size combination for both proportional and fixed. On Mac OS 9, seems there is not much difference between size 15 and 16 for fixed, but size 15 is a little bit better than 16 for proportional.
The patch to change the default font sizes won't help those users who have changed their font sizes in the prefs, will it?
>------- Additional Comment #18 From Simon Fraser 2002-06-24 10:51 >The patch to change the default font sizes won't help those users who have >changed their font sizes in the prefs, will it? No, and those users could change their font size again to make it work. We know this is not a good solution. But that is the best one can got so far. The root of the problem is really inside QuickDraw. You can try nhotta's program and see the inconsistent error round down between the whole string and the sum of substring. It won't be a big deal if the whole string round down char by char.
Attachment #88564 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 89145 [details] [diff] [review] Change Chinese proportional font size default to 15. r=ftang simple and safe work around before we can find out fix for complicated issue deep inside QD and mac gfx.
Attachment #89145 - Flags: review+
nhotta, please make screen shot to show the problem on Mac. and show the screen before and after your work around.
Comment on attachment 89145 [details] [diff] [review] Change Chinese proportional font size default to 15. sr=sfraser But we need a bug to stay open, since the problem still exists if the user changes their font sizes in the prefs.
Attachment #89145 - Flags: superreview+
checked in to the trunk
relnoteRTM, this is not going to 1.0.1 branch We need to watch if the next MacOS X release produce better Chinese fonts.
Keywords: relnoteRTM
I filed a bug in Apple's bug system at Problem ID: 2985882 - Chinese text overlapping problem at certain sizes with Netscape 7.0 PR1
Blocks: 157673
A similar problem happens also with Japanese fonts/OS. If attachment 83127 [details] is seen using "Heisei-kaku-gothic W5" (Adobe) for Japanese font(14px), the linked text overlap with previous text at the time of text zoom 90% and 140%, on 2002071608-trunk/Mac OS J-9.2. Original report in Bugzilla-jp(Japanese):
The problem is seen with Chimera. Simon, have we switched to use ATSUI in Chimera? Or Chinse text is still drawn by QD?
Chimera is using QuickDraw text rendering (with the smoothing bit turned on). But note that Chimera is being built off a branch, so won't pick up trunk changes.
Yes, I know that. I thought if we plan to switch gfx to ATSUI then not much make sense to workaround the QD specific problem (at least of MacOS X). Do we have a bug to default gfx to ATSUI?
The ATSUI bug is bug 121540. The patch in there has bitrotted somewhat. Now that we have anti-aliased text rendering from QuickDraw, I'm not sure whether we want to go to ATSUI. ATSUI does render some text better, but is slower, and needs code written for all the fallback logic. In addition, we're really abusing the ATSUI API (which is designed for paragraph-level layout). It really would require some changes in the text layout code (nsTextFrame etc.) to make proper use of ATSUI.
> It really would require some changes in the text layout code (nsTextFrame etc.) to make proper use of ATSUI. I gave this kind of comment to apple to express our difficulty several years ago. I heard that they have now ATSUI low level which provide closer what we need. maybe we should look into that kind of thing. Does Apple give more low level ASTUI (or AAS) api for text rendering in macos x now ?
hum... apple does have low level atsui- but that is not what we need. see
does the SwapQDTextFlags() call in widget/src/mac/nsToolkit.cpp have any impact on this bug ?
>I saw this with 0509 branch build on macos x The original report was filed on 5/10 that is before the quartz rendering was turned on. But we can try to turn it of and see if related.
Additional comments on Japanese pages showing this bug can be found in Bug 185503 (Sorry about the dup). Something that might be related to this bug is the fact that underlined Korean links have their underline drawn inside the text. This only seem occur with small serif fonts and all sans-serif fonts. Example of sans-serif: Example normal and small serif: Korean pages does not, however, seem to have the overlapping-bug.
remove topembed+ This is really a bug inside MacOS X. Not a mozilla bug.
Keywords: topembed+topembed
EDT triage: this works for me on a trunk build from 2/12/2003 on OX 10.2.4, minusing topembed nomination.
Keywords: topembedtopembed-
*** Bug 185503 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
remove nsbeta1+ This is really a bug inside MacOS X. Not a mozilla bug.
Keywords: nsbeta1+nsbeta1
QA Contact: kasumi → marina
i18n triage team: nsbeta1-
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
With 10.3.3 with Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113 & Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.7b) Gecko/20040413 Firefox/0.8.0+ Uisng the "overlay test page" both browsers render the page as showen in "screen shot after the fix" Can this be closed?
No problem too using Firefox 1.5 on OS 10.3.9. Marking WFM. Please reopen if I was wrong.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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