Closed Bug 1480395 Opened 6 years ago Closed 5 years ago

[Ubuntu] The right border fields inside the "Saved Logins..." dialog appear as cut off


(Toolkit :: Password Manager, defect, P5)




Tracking Status
firefox61 --- wontfix
firefox62 --- wontfix
firefox63 --- wontfix
firefox64 --- wontfix
firefox65 --- fix-optional


(Reporter: cgeorgiu, Unassigned, Mentored)



(Keywords: good-first-bug, regression)


(3 files)

Attached image screenshot - issue.png
[Affected versions]:
- latest Nightly 63.0a1
- Beta 62.0b13
- Release 61.0.1

[Affected platforms]:
- Ubuntu 16.04 x64

[Steps to reproduce]:
1. Launch Firefox on a clean profile (don't maximize the browser window).
2. Access `about:preferences` page and click on "Saved Logins..." button from the "Forms & Passwords" section.
3. Inspect the "Saved Logins..." dialog.

[Expected result]:
- The Search field and the "Logins for the following sites are stored on your computer" table does not appear cut off at the right side of the dialog.

[Actual result]:
- The Search filed appear cut off at the right side of the dialog, as well as the "Logins for the following sites are stored on your computer" table.

[Regression range]:
- Last good revision: 21c3fcf333f6931e6b18c3c2d169f6081b2af2e1
  First bad revision: b59a30cbdbff45fb037451761289bc8e11800945


[Additional notes]:
- this issue doesn't occur while Firefox is maximized
- it seems that the issue happens only if the dialog is resized to its minimum size
- see the attached screenshot
Hi, I think the Layout component is a good place to start for this issue, please feel free to change the component if another is more appropriate.
Component: General → Layout
Product: Toolkit → Core
Component: Layout → Themes
Product: Core → Toolkit
Component: Themes → Password Manager
See Also: → 1425724
This is an annoying but doesnt break anything. Dao has pointed out a resolution to a possibly-similar issue in bug 1425724. I would be happy to mentor if anyone wants to take this on. You will need Ubuntu to test and verify a fix.
Mentor: sfoster
Keywords: good-first-bug
Priority: -- → P5
Can I get some more information related to this bug.
(In reply to Sahil Bhosale from comment #3)
> Can I get some more information related to this bug.

It needs someone to:
* Observe and confirm the problem in Nightly on Ubuntu
* Investigate the cause - likely using the Browser Toolbox (see ) Dao has suggested that the root cause for the content being cut off as described in comment 0 is similar to bug 1425724.
* Develop and propose a patch. 

You'll need to read bug 1425724 and the patch which fixed it, and study the CSS used in this screen and how it controls the column widths and wrapping (or not) of the content. 

To develop a patch you will need to be able to build firefox locally. A manifest build will be fine for this issue. If you have not already done this, follow the instructions on

I you have any questions at any point in this process, let me know - here on the bug, or via IRC in the #fxteam channel. We have a new worflow and tools for submitting patches. We you get to that point, I can help with that also.
(In reply to Ciprian Georgiu [:ciprian_georgiu], Release Desktop QA from comment #0)
> Created attachment 8996987 [details]
> screenshot - issue.png
> [Affected versions]:
> - latest Nightly 63.0a1
> - Beta 62.0b13
> - Release 61.0.1
> [Affected platforms]:
> - Ubuntu 16.04 x64
> [Steps to reproduce]:
> 1. Launch Firefox on a clean profile (don't maximize the browser window).
> 2. Access `about:preferences` page and click on "Saved Logins..." button
> from the "Forms & Passwords" section.
> 3. Inspect the "Saved Logins..." dialog.
> [Expected result]:
> - The Search field and the "Logins for the following sites are stored on
> your computer" table does not appear cut off at the right side of the dialog.
> [Actual result]:
> - The Search filed appear cut off at the right side of the dialog, as well
> as the "Logins for the following sites are stored on your computer" table.
> [Regression range]:
> - Last good revision: 21c3fcf333f6931e6b18c3c2d169f6081b2af2e1
>   First bad revision: b59a30cbdbff45fb037451761289bc8e11800945
> Pushlog:
> pushloghtml?fromchange=21c3fcf333f6931e6b18c3c2d169f6081b2af2e1&tochange=b59a
> 30cbdbff45fb037451761289bc8e11800945
> [Additional notes]:
> - this issue doesn't occur while Firefox is maximized
> - it seems that the issue happens only if the dialog is resized to its
> minimum size
> - see the attached screenshot

There is no such problem in my firefox nighty.
Attached image Screenshot
see this screenshot
Ciprian, can you reproduce this with a modern version of Ubuntu?
Flags: needinfo?(ciprian.georgiu)
Yes, I can reproduce it on Ubuntu 18.04 x64 too.

Sahil, are you using a VM? try to resize the "Saved Logins..." dialog to its minimum size - please see the attached screencast.
Flags: needinfo?(ciprian.georgiu)
Yes, the problem is there when we try to reduce the size of the "Saved login" dialog box while minimising the browser window. 

Some minor part of the text box at the right hand side gets hidden when we reduce it to a maximum extent. 

Can we use media queries here like if the size of the dialog box window reduces to a particular size we can assign a margin to the right side of the text field.

Is this possible in a web browser?
Flags: needinfo?(sfoster)
(In reply to Sahil Bhosale from comment #9)
> Yes, the problem is there when we try to reduce the size of the "Saved
> login" dialog box while minimising the browser window. 
> Some minor part of the text box at the right hand side gets hidden when we
> reduce it to a maximum extent. 
> Can we use media queries here like if the size of the dialog box window
> reduces to a particular size we can assign a margin to the right side of the
> text field.
> Is this possible in a web browser?

We could do a media query, but I'm not sure it is necessary. You can also "fix" the issue also by giving #filter a non-zero margin-right, but then it doesnt line up with the other right borders below. 

But, I'm looking at the markup at and I don't think that hbox is doing anything except introducing a rounding error here. Can you try removing it - i.e. making textbox#filter a direct child of #savedsignons? You'll want to check the spacing around the #filter isn't changed. Ideally in all platforms, but if it checks out on your platform, post a patch and we can check on the others.
Flags: needinfo?(sfoster)
> But, I'm looking at the markup at
> content/passwordManager.xul#70 and I don't think that hbox is doing anything
> except introducing a rounding error here. Can you try removing it - i.e.
> making textbox#filter a direct child of #savedsignons? You'll want to check
> the spacing around the #filter isn't changed. Ideally in all platforms, but
> if it checks out on your platform, post a patch and we can check on the
> others.

Yes, I will try this and will see whether it will work or not.
Updating tracking flags as we get closer to the 64 release.
Is this problem fixed? I can't reproduce this on the 65.0a1 nightly.

Hi, Can I work on this?

Flags: needinfo?(sfoster)

(In reply to mariahajmal from comment #14)

Hi, Can I work on this?

Sure, read the previous comments for suggestions on how to diagnose and fix the problem. You'll need to be testing in a linux build to reproduce and confirm a fix. When you have a patch ready let me now. It would be good if you could post a patch to phabricator, see our docs at to get set up.

Flags: needinfo?(sfoster)

(In reply to mariahajmal from comment #14)

Hi, Can I work on this?(In reply to Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) from comment #15)

(In reply to mariahajmal from comment #14)

Hi, Can I work on this?

Sure, read the previous comments for suggestions on how to diagnose and fix the problem. You'll need to be testing in a linux build to reproduce and confirm a fix. When you have a patch ready let me now. It would be good if you could post a patch to phabricator, see our docs at to get set up.

Is mariahajmal still working on this issue? It not then I would like to work on this Sam.

I tried reproducing the steps in ubuntu and it's not showing the bug given in this. Is this issue fixed ?

Has this issue been fixed or assigned to anyone? Can I work on this? I am an outreachy applicant.

Flags: needinfo?(sfoster)

(In reply to lekhikadugtal from comment #17)

I tried reproducing the steps in ubuntu and it's not showing the bug given in this. Is this issue fixed ?

Yeah, I can't reproduce this either anymore. I'll try mozregression to figure out what fixed it - to satisfy my own curiosity but I'm closing this as works-for-mean for now.

Closed: 5 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(sfoster)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME

I can't reproduce this on Ubuntu 18.04 going back to 2017-12 before the patch that was fingered as causing this issue in comment 0, which makes me think it was perhaps fixed in-between Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.

:ciprian_georgiu, can you confirm this does not reproduce on current LTS version of Ubuntu (18.04)?

Flags: needinfo?(ciprian.georgiu)

(In reply to Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) from comment #20)

I can't reproduce this on Ubuntu 18.04 going back to 2017-12 before the patch that was fingered as causing this issue in comment 0, which makes me think it was perhaps fixed in-between Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.

:ciprian_georgiu, can you confirm this does not reproduce on current LTS version of Ubuntu (18.04)?

Yes, it doesn't reproduce for me anymore on latest Nightly 67.0a1 running Ubuntu 18.04 x64 LTS.

Flags: needinfo?(ciprian.georgiu)
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