Bug 1511668
Opened 6 years ago
Closed 6 years ago
The format-source extension sometimes skips some changesets that should not be skipped
(Developer Infrastructure :: Lint and Formatting, defect)
Developer Infrastructure
Lint and Formatting
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: emk, Assigned: andi)
(1 file)
39.71 KB,
Details |
Steps to reproduce:
1. Import changesets from <>
2. Run `hg rebase -k -b . -d 138f65958545`
Actual result:
$ hg rebase -k -b . -d 138f65958545
rebasing 502778:3abcfaa0a77a "Bug 1411609 - Remove nsIChannel::AsyncOpen. r?mcmanus"
file 'netwerk/base/nsSecCheckWrapChannel.cpp' was deleted in other [source] but was modified in local [dest].
What do you want to do?
use (c)hanged version, (d)elete, or leave (u)nresolved? d
file 'netwerk/base/nsSecCheckWrapChannel.h' was deleted in other [source] but was modified in local [dest].
What do you want to do?
use (c)hanged version, (d)elete, or leave (u)nresolved? d
merging dom/ipc/TabParent.cpp
merging dom/jsurl/nsJSProtocolHandler.cpp
merging image/decoders/icon/win/nsIconChannel.cpp
merging modules/libjar/nsJARChannel.cpp
merging modules/libjar/nsJARChannel.h
merging netwerk/base/SimpleChannel.cpp
merging netwerk/base/nsBaseChannel.cpp
merging netwerk/base/nsBaseChannel.h
merging netwerk/base/nsIOService.cpp
merging netwerk/base/nsNetUtil.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/about/nsAboutCache.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/about/nsAboutCache.h
merging netwerk/protocol/data/DataChannelChild.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/file/FileChannelChild.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/ftp/FTPChannelChild.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/ftp/FTPChannelChild.h
merging netwerk/protocol/ftp/FTPChannelParent.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/http/HttpBaseChannel.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/http/HttpBaseChannel.h
merging netwerk/protocol/http/HttpChannelChild.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/http/HttpChannelChild.h
merging netwerk/protocol/http/HttpChannelParent.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/http/InterceptedHttpChannel.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/http/InterceptedHttpChannel.h
merging netwerk/protocol/http/NullHttpChannel.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/http/TrackingDummyChannel.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannel.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannel.h
merging netwerk/protocol/res/ExtensionProtocolHandler.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/viewsource/nsViewSourceChannel.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/wyciwyg/WyciwygChannelChild.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/wyciwyg/WyciwygChannelChild.h
merging netwerk/protocol/wyciwyg/WyciwygChannelParent.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/wyciwyg/nsWyciwygChannel.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/wyciwyg/nsWyciwygChannel.h
merging netwerk/streamconv/converters/nsMultiMixedConv.cpp
merging uriloader/exthandler/ExternalHelperAppParent.cpp
merging uriloader/exthandler/nsExternalProtocolHandler.cpp
rebasing 502779:d9790a93fec0 "Bug 1325897 - Unship some Universal CRT DLLs. r?glandium"
rebasing 502780:62f6afb9120a "Disable remote XUL in tests"
rebasing 502781:9498bfba7583 "1342659_utf8_download"
merging xpcom/io/FileDescriptorFile.cpp
merging xpcom/io/nsLocalFileUnix.cpp
merging xpcom/io/nsLocalFileUnix.h
merging xpcom/io/nsLocalFileWin.cpp
merging xpcom/io/nsLocalFileWin.h
rebasing 502782:24667320d17c "Stop enabling followsymlinks"
merging dom/base/StructuredCloneHolder.cpp
merging dom/events/DataTransferItem.cpp
merging dom/file/FileCreatorHelper.cpp
merging dom/filesystem/Directory.cpp
merging dom/filesystem/FileSystemBase.cpp
merging dom/filesystem/GetDirectoryListingTask.cpp
merging dom/filesystem/GetFileOrDirectoryTask.cpp
merging dom/filesystem/GetFilesHelper.cpp
merging dom/filesystem/GetFilesTask.cpp
merging dom/html/HTMLInputElement.cpp
merging dom/plugins/base/nsPluginDirServiceProvider.cpp
merging dom/plugins/ipc/PluginModuleChild.cpp
merging extensions/spellcheck/hunspell/glue/mozHunspell.cpp
merging js/xpconnect/src/XPCShellImpl.cpp
merging layout/forms/nsFileControlFrame.cpp
merging modules/libpref/Preferences.cpp
merging netwerk/protocol/file/nsFileChannel.cpp
merging toolkit/components/startup/nsAppStartup.cpp
merging toolkit/profile/nsToolkitProfileService.cpp
merging toolkit/xre/nsAppRunner.cpp
merging toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.cpp
merging uriloader/exthandler/nsExternalHelperAppService.cpp
merging uriloader/exthandler/win/nsMIMEInfoWin.cpp
merging widget/nsFilePickerProxy.cpp
merging widget/windows/JumpListBuilder.cpp
merging widget/windows/nsClipboard.cpp
merging xpcom/base/nsCycleCollector.cpp
merging xpcom/build/BinaryPath.h
merging xpcom/build/nsXPCOM.h
merging xpcom/io/SpecialSystemDirectory.cpp
merging xpcom/io/nsAppFileLocationProvider.cpp
merging xpcom/io/nsLocalFileWin.cpp
rebasing 502783:8cf5c5e386e4 "Templatize aFollowLinks"
merging xpcom/build/nsXPCOM.h
merging xpcom/io/nsLocalFileWin.cpp
note: rebase of 502783:8cf5c5e386e4 created no changes to commit
rebasing 502784:f4c18240fa8c "Bug 1365199 - Add an enablePrivilege specific pref and use it in Talos. r?jmaher"
merging js/xpconnect/src/xpcpublic.h
merging js/xpconnect/wrappers/WrapperFactory.cpp
rebasing 502785:666f85b8f3ca "Bug 1433179 - Add ReferrerUrl and HostUrl to the Zone.Information stream. r=Paolo"
rebasing 502786:cfd9c38f19b0 "Bug 1484186 - Remove broken addon check from WidgetEvent::PreventDefault(). r=masayuki"
merging widget/WidgetEventImpl.cpp
rebasing 502787:5050d50399b3 "rm_success_codes"
Changeset 502783:8cf5c5e386e4 has been lost even though it actually has changes to commit.
Expected result:
All changesets should be rebased successfully.
Comment 1•6 years ago
Rebasing the attached patch set from 4a3f88e36298 to 08e30fbc9ab1 in my case dropped *all* changed .cpp/.h files:
> $ hg pull central && hg rebase -s base -d central
> pulling from central
> searching for changes
> no changes found
> rebasing 449239:1fb6f5e795b4 "Bug 1478776 - Part 1: Define Visual Viewport event handlers. r?botond"
> merging dom/base/VisualViewport.h
> rebasing 449240:bf9d4be4863a "Bug 1478776 - Part 2: Initial Visual Viewport event infrastructure. r?botond"
> merging dom/base/VisualViewport.cpp
> merging dom/base/VisualViewport.h
> merging layout/base/PresShell.cpp
> merging layout/base/nsIPresShell.h
> merging layout/base/nsRefreshDriver.cpp
> merging layout/base/nsRefreshDriver.h
> note: rebase of 449240:bf9d4be4863a created no changes to commit
> rebasing 449241:9b221a251f07 "Bug 1478776 - Part 3: Add an event flag for dispatching to system group only. r?smaug"
> merging dom/events/EventDispatcher.cpp
> merging widget/BasicEvents.h
> note: rebase of 449241:9b221a251f07 created no changes to commit
> rebasing 449242:c05de1a32363 "Bug 1478776 - Part 4: Define internal VisualViewport resize/scroll events. r?botond"
> merging dom/base/VisualViewport.cpp
> merging dom/base/VisualViewport.h
> merging dom/events/EventNameList.h
> merging widget/BasicEvents.h
> merging widget/EventMessageList.h
> rebasing 449243:07d49ee7d2bb "SS debug logging"
> rebasing 449244:cfa9d6de02d5 "debug: test new events in mobile session store"
> rebasing 449245:ca98371cade1 "Bug 1498812 - Part n: Allow registering System event listeners through nsSessionStoreUtils. r?"
> merging toolkit/components/sessionstore/nsSessionStoreUtils.cpp
> rebasing 449246:e6c2b5abda14 "desktop ss test" (visualscroll)
I'm using the changes from bug 1511594 comment 7 in my mercurial.ini, too, in order to work around bug 1511594.
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•6 years ago
Can you please confirm that you have the latest vcs? You can do this by going ‘Mach bootstra’
Assignee: nobody → bpostelnicu
Reporter | ||
Comment 3•6 years ago
Yes, I executed `./mach bootstrap` again and agin during the test.
If same files are modified multiple times in the commit series, format-source would not presreve the change correctly.
Assignee | ||
Comment 4•6 years ago
This is because of the workaround from bug 151194. I will close this since this is just a side effect of the mentioned bug.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Updated•3 years ago
Product: Firefox Build System → Developer Infrastructure
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