Closed Bug 1518930 (test-efficiencies) Opened 6 years ago Closed 5 years ago

[meta] Test Task Efficiencies Project 2019


(Testing :: General, enhancement, P3)

Version 3


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gbrown, Assigned: gbrown)


(Depends on 10 open bugs, Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: meta)

This is a meta-bug to associate bugs related to our 2019 efforts to improve test task efficiency in continuous integration. There is an initial project outline at

This project seeks to reduce inefficiencies in test tasks in continuous integration. These inefficiencies waste compute resources, directly increasing aws and other hosting costs. Indirectly, extra tasks and tests increase CI complexity, turnaround time, and sheriffing overhead.

Focus areas:

  1. Reduce redundant or low-value tasks
  • Unnecessary platform variants
  • Redundant tasks
  1. Reduce redundant or low-value tests
  • Tests that always fail
  • Tests for obsolete features
  • Duplicate tests
  1. Reduce task overhead
  • Can some tasks be combined?
  • Improve setup/teardown efficiency
  1. Reduce task timeouts
  • Ensure appropriate task max-run-time settings
  1. Fail faster
  • Investigate, resolve on-going hangs
Alias: test-efficiencies
Depends on: 1473368
Depends on: 1519171
Depends on: 1522111
Depends on: 1522221

:catlee - I understand we have similar interests! I just want to make you aware of this bug. I don't have much time for this in Q1 but am trying to at least collect ideas here.

Flags: needinfo?(catlee)
Depends on: 1522113

(In reply to Geoff Brown [:gbrown] (pto Jan 28-30) from comment #1)

:catlee - I understand we have similar interests! I just want to make you aware of this bug. I don't have much time for this in Q1 but am trying to at least collect ideas here.

Thanks for the headsup!

Flags: needinfo?(catlee)
Depends on: 1502372
Depends on: 1525734
Depends on: 1528121
Depends on: 1529777
Depends on: 1534396
Depends on: 1538759
Depends on: 1446554
Depends on: 1546452
Depends on: 1551632
Depends on: 1551695
Depends on: 1552052
See Also: → fastci
See Also: → 1573872
Depends on: 1583673
Depends on: 1585494
Depends on: 1593779
Depends on: 1601388

This project has run its course. We made some good improvements here, but didn't have nearly enough time to follow-up on all of our ideas. Let's leave remaining dependencies open and hope to resolve them in the future.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → INACTIVE

I'd like to suggest making a Task Efficiencies 2020 project and moving all the open dependencies onto that project. I believe it would be in line with our CI-A team goals for 2020 since Task Efficiencies is listed as one of the secondary focus item.

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