Closed Bug 1525997 Opened 6 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Please add a way to label perfherder compare pages


(Tree Management :: Perfherder, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ehsan.akhgari, Assigned: onegru)



(Keywords: good-first-bug, meta, Whiteboard: [lang=js])

When you have 10+ tabs with URLs like open, it can be very time consuming to remember which one of your tabs is which comparison. It would be nice if it were possible to add a label to the comparison somehow, e.g. by adding a &name=foo in the URL such that foo would then show up in the page somewhere prominent to make the pages easily distinguishable from each other.

Whiteboard: [lang=js]
Priority: -- → P3

Hi, I am PhoeniX, participant of current Outreachy round.
If this is something a newbie can do, I would like to take this up for contribution with some help.

Hi PhoeniX, this part of the application is currently undergoing a conversion from Angular to React (see bug 1509216) and it might be a bit tricky to coordinate. Is there another good-first-bug you'd be interested in working on instead? (If you do not have another bug in mind, myself or Ionut (igoldan) would be happy to help you find one.)

(In reply to Sarah Clements [:sclements] from comment #2)

Hi PhoeniX, this part of the application is currently undergoing a conversion from Angular to React (see bug 1509216) and it might be a bit tricky to coordinate. Is there another good-first-bug you'd be interested in working on instead? (If you do not have another bug in mind, myself or Ionut (igoldan) would be happy to help you find one.)

Hi Sarah, thanks for the update.
I do have a few bugs that I can contribute to and can be done fast enough.

  1. This is a good styling issue that I would like to take up and work on.
  2. 1525244 is a documentation bug, but in case the document is already being updated this can be skipped.

If these can't be assigned for some reason, please help me find a suitable bug :)
I am new to contributing to open-source, so I might need help starting up and understanding things initially.

(In reply to PhoenixAbhishek from comment #3)

  1. This is a good styling issue that I would like to take up and work on.
  2. 1525244 is a documentation bug, but in case the document is already being updated this can be skipped.

If these can't be assigned for some reason, please help me find a suitable bug :)

I can see from the comments on the first bug that you've already been assigned a few bugs, which is great! It's generally better to start with one at a time so when you're ready to start on the second one, you can comment in that bug and someone from the Devtools team can assign it to you.

Yes, thank you.
I'll get back to them when my current bugs are done.

Blocks: 1570944
Assignee: nobody → airimovici
Depends on: 1585966
Depends on: 1585969
Keywords: meta
Assignee: airimovici → onegru

Moving to Q4/2019.

Blocks: 1582756
No longer blocks: 1568462
No longer blocks: 1570944
No longer depends on: 1585969
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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