Bug 153749
Opened 23 years ago
Closed 23 years ago
Embeded Windows Media Player won't play media/ plugin seems to be not recognized!
(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect)
(Not tracked)
of bug 151772
(Reporter: janmenn, Assigned: rubydoo123)
(Keywords: qawanted)
this was seen on Windows98SE (discribed in bug 66015 which discribes another bug
and some others)
and on linux (bug 152574 and others)
mozilla trys to find a plugin for application/x-oleobject.
the plugin defined by most sides will fa<il to download, and if you do it
manual, you will get an cab file containing an inf file (don´t know what to do
with it, i do not believe it will work anyway!
different to other wmp plugin bugs, this does not this only happens on the trunk.
just try the url above...
Summary: Embeded Windows Media Player won't play media → Embeded Windows Media Player won't play media/ plugin seems to be not recognized!
Assignee | ||
Comment 1•23 years ago
the testcase loads fine for me: Shrir?
tested using win build on winXP, 20020624 build
take a look at the screenshots I've attached to bug 66015...
you'll see what is happening...
Comment 3•23 years ago
Hm...loads fine and WFM too on WinXP.
What platform(s) do you see this problem on?
This could be caused by a certain plugin intalled, can you copy/paste the output
from about:plugins here?
Keywords: qawanted
so here we go:
Java Plug-in
Java Plug-in 1.4.0 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-java-vm Java Virtual Machine for Netscape 6.x Yes
Shockwave Flash
Shockwave Flash 6.0 r21
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-shockwave-flash Macromedia Flash movie (*.swf) swf Yes
application/futuresplash FutureSplash movie (*.spl) spl Yes
QuickTime Plug-in 6.0
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\npqtplugin.dll
The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in
Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/sdp SDP stream descriptor file (*.sdp) sdp Yes
application/x-sdp SDP stream descriptor file (*.sdp) sdp Yes
application/x-rtsp RTSP stream descriptor file (*.rtsp,*.rts) rtsp,rts Yes
video/quicktime QuickTime Movie (*.mov,*.qt) mov,qt Yes
video/flc AutoDesk Animator (FLC) file (*.flc,*.fli) flc,fli Yes
audio/basic uLaw/AU audio file (*.au,*.snd,*.ulw) au,snd,ulw Yes
QuickTime Plug-in 6.0
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\npqtplugin2.dll
The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in
Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
audio/mid MIDI file (*.mid,*.midi,*.smf,*.kar) mid,midi,smf,kar Yes
audio/x-midi MIDI file (*.mid,*.midi,*.smf,*.kar) mid,midi,smf,kar Yes
audio/midi MIDI file (*.mid,*.midi,*.smf,*.kar) mid,midi,smf,kar Yes
audio/vnd.qcelp QUALCOMM PureVoice audio file (*.qcp) qcp Yes
audio/x-gsm GSM audio file (*.gsm) gsm Yes
audio/aiff AIFF audio file (*.aiff,*.aif,*.aifc,*.cdda) aiff,aif,aifc,cdda Yes
QuickTime Plug-in 6.0
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\npqtplugin3.dll
The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in
Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
audio/x-aiff AIFF audio file (*.aiff,*.aif,*.aifc,*.cdda) aiff,aif,aifc,cdda Yes
image/x-macpaint MacPaint image file (*.pntg,*.pnt,*.mac) pntg,pnt,mac Yes
image/pict PICT image file (*.pict,*.pic,*.pct) pict,pic,pct Yes
image/x-pict PICT image file (*.pict,*.pic,*.pct) pict,pic,pct Yes
image/png PNG image file (*.png) png Yes
image/x-png PNG image file (*.png) png Yes
image/x-quicktime QuickTime Image File (*.qtif,*.qti) qtif,qti Yes
QuickTime Plug-in 6.0
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\npqtplugin4.dll
The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in
Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
image/x-sgi SGI image file (*.sgi,*.rgb) sgi,rgb Yes
image/x-targa TGA image file (*.targa,*.tga) targa,tga Yes
image/tiff TIFF image file (*.tif,*.tiff) tif,tiff Yes
image/x-tiff TIFF image file (*.tif,*.tiff) tif,tiff Yes
Mozilla Default Plug-in
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\npnul32.dll
Default Plug-in
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
* Mozilla Default Plug-in (*.*) * Yes
RealJukebox NS Plugin
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\nprjplug.dll
RealJukebox Netscape Plugin
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
[*] RealJukebox NS Plugin File (*.*) * Yes
RealOne Player Version Plugin
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\nprpverplug.dll
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
none RealOne Player Version NS Plugin (*.*) none Yes
Copas Tiny PlugIn
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\NpTin32.dll
Copas Tiny Template
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-TOI-Tiny-Template Copas Plugin Template (*.tin) tin Yes
RealPlayer(tm) G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit)
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\nppl3260.dll
RealPlayer(tm) LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin RealPlayer(tm) as Plug-in (*.rpm) rpm Yes
RealOne Player (32-bit)
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\npreal32.dll
NPReal32, LiveConnect-Enabled Plugin
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin RealAudio(tm) as Plug-in (*.rpm) rpm Yes
Java Plug-in
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\NPJava11.dll
Java Plug-in 1.4.0 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.1 Java Applet Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.1.1 JavaBeans Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.1 Java Applet Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.1 JavaBeans Yes
application/x-java-applet Java Applet Yes
application/x-java-bean JavaBeans Yes
Java Plug-in
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\NPJava12.dll
Java Plug-in 1.4.0 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-java-applet;version=1.2 Java Applet Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.2 JavaBeans Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.3 Java Applet Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.1.3 JavaBeans Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.2 Java Applet Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.1.2 JavaBeans Yes
Java Plug-in
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\NPJava13.dll
Java Plug-in 1.4.0 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-java-applet;version=1.3.1 Java Applet Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.3.1 JavaBeans Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.4 Java Applet Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.4 JavaBeans Yes
Java Plug-in
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\NPJava32.dll
Java Plug-in 1.4.0 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-java-applet;version=1.3 Java Applet Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.3 JavaBeans Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.2.2 Java Applet Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.2.2 JavaBeans Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.2.1 Java Applet Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.2.1 JavaBeans Yes
Java Plug-in
Java Plug-in 1.4.0 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.4 Java Applet Yes
application/x-java-bean;jpi-version=1.4 JavaBeans Yes
Shockwave for Director
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\np32dsw.dll
Macromedia Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 8.5
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-director Shockwave Movie (*.dir;*.dxr;*.dcr) dir,dxr,dcr Yes
Java Plug-in
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\NPJava131_02.dll
Java Plug-in 1.3.1_02 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.3.1_02 Java Applet Yes
application/x-java-bean;jpi-version=1.3.1_02 JavaBeans Yes
Java Plug-in
Java Plug-in 1.3.1_02 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-java-vm Virtuelle Java-Maschine für Netscape 6.x Yes
RichFX Installation Manager 3.10.0581
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\nprfxins.dll
RichFX Installation Manager
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-rfx-install RichFX Install Unit (*.exe) * Yes
RichFX Player 3.10.0581
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\npvpg005.dll
RichFX Player
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-wgs005 RichFX Walk-Graph Segment (*.wgs) wgs005 Yes
application/x-wgm005 RichFX Walk-Graph Map (*.wgm) wgm005 Yes
Adobe Acrobat
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\nppdf32.dll
Adobe Acrobat Plug-In Version 5.00 for Netscape
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/pdf Acrobat (*.pdf) pdf Yes
Microsoft (R) DRM
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\npdrmv2.dll
Network Object Plugin
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-drm-v2 Network Interface Plugin (*.nip) nip Yes
Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\npdsplay.dll
Npdsplay dll
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/asx Media Files * Yes
video/x-ms-asf-plugin Media Files * Yes
application/x-mplayer2 Media Files * Yes
video/x-ms-asf Media Files (*.asf,*.asx) asf,asx,* Yes
video/x-ms-wm Media Files (*.wm) wm,* Yes
audio/x-ms-wma Media Files (*.wma) wma,* Yes
audio/x-ms-wax Media Files (*.wax) wax,* Yes
video/x-ms-wmv Media Files (*.wmv) wmv,* Yes
video/x-ms-wvx Media Files (*.wvx) wvx,* Yes
Microsoft® Windows Media Services
File name: C:\PROGRAMME\MOZILLA.ORG\MOZILLA\plugins\npwmsdrm.dll
Windows Multimedia Services DRM Store Plug-In
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
application/x-drm DRM File (*.dnp) dnp Yes
Headspace Beatnik Player Stub V1.0.0.1
Headspace Player Stub for Netscape Communicator
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
audio/rmf RMF (*.rmf) rmf Yes
audio/x-rmf RMF (*.rmf) rmf Yes
happening on Win98SE German with WMP7.1
also reported on linux, using crossoverplugin => that might be another bug, but
behaviour seems to be identical...
(by the way: testcase doesn't work with moz1.0 for me aswell.)
Comment 5•23 years ago
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 151772 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Comment 6•22 years ago
mass duplicate verifications . For filtering purposes, pls use keywd
Updated•3 years ago
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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