Closed Bug 1543192 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Add Medium plugin to Wordpress to enable automated cross-posting of blogs


(Infrastructure & Operations :: Blogs, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: erenaud, Assigned: limed)


We want to repost Firefox Frontier content on the Firefox medium account to help get Firefox content to a larger audience beyond our site and organic search.

Medium has functionality that allows cross-posting of blogs without breaking SEO. Cross-posting is enable via the Medium plugin available for Wordpress.

Success Criteria:

  • The medium plugin is added to the Firefox Frontier Wordpress (Implementation)

  • Every Frontier blog is Cross-posted to medium (Testing the functionality is working as expected)

Craig - I put this in front if Infosec who stated that Risk is low, though that was not due to a review. I think we should simply move forward with this.

Flags: needinfo?(craigcook.bugz)
Assignee: nobody → limed

Ed - please let me know if you have this work schedule and, if so, for when.

Flags: needinfo?(limed)

The plugin requires an "integration token" (aka an API key) which we need to request from Medium. I believe Liz Hull holds the keys to the Medium account so I'll ask if she can get that ball rolling.

Flags: needinfo?(craigcook.bugz)
Flags: needinfo?(limed)

Liz - please let us know status on the API key needed from Medium.

Flags: needinfo?(ehull)

Hi Eric! Can I give someone access to the Medium to do this? I'm super swamped with Maura and Sierra gone but don't want to be a blocker!

Flags: needinfo?(ehull)

Craig - do you know if Liz can grant you the appropriate permissions to request (or access) said API key?

Flags: needinfo?(craigcook.bugz)

I can certainly try. We have to request the API key by filling out a form, and it's possible they would be suspicious of a brand new account making that request.

This is the form:

Flags: needinfo?(craigcook.bugz)

We got the API key (thanks Liz!) and I've configured the plugin. Posts from the Firefox Frontier should now automatically be cross-posted to Medium. I'll give MJ the heads-up and we can verify with the next post, whenever that is.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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