Closed Bug 1574046 Opened 5 years ago Closed 4 years ago

A div containing floats and clear, fragmented into multiple columns, has unconstrained block-size


(Core :: Layout: Floats, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox-esr68 --- wontfix
firefox-esr78 --- wontfix
firefox77 --- wontfix
firefox78 --- wontfix
firefox79 --- fixed


(Reporter: TYLin, Assigned: TYLin)




(Keywords: regression)


(6 files, 1 obsolete file)

I follow this review comment to add an assertion in nsBlockReflowInput::nsBlockReflowInput that mConsumedBSize is not NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE, but this try run shows float-clear-001.html and a few other tests can trigger this assertion.

From the frame tree dump for float-clear-001.html, I can see that <div class="container">, which has floats & clear, and being fragmented to multiple columns, has unconstrained block-size.

Seems like there might be a behavior regression in those tests from bug 1569701, then, so we should probably fix this in the same cycle.

The behavior change from bug 1569701 (bug 1569701 Part2 specifically) should be in effect only when column-span is enabled. However, this bug can be observed on current release Firefox 68's devtool by inspecting <div class="container"> in float-clear-001.html, so this is not a recent regression at least.

From a quick debugging, I see that when reflowing the <div class="container">, nsFloatManager::ClearFloats returns nscoord_MAX, and later the nscoord max value is set on BlockReflowInput::mBCoord, which becomes the container's block-size when computing in nsBlockFrame::ComputeFinalSize.

David, do you recall why we return nscoord_MAX offhand? I have difficulty figuring out by reading bug 563584 patch 9 that added it.

One of the rules for placement of floats is that the top of a later float can't be higher than the top of an earlier float. So if we've pushed an earlier float to the next column, that means we can't try to fit any later floats in that column either. In some of those functions it handles that by telling the caller that a float won't fit at all -- but that's not the right thing if the caller wants to know what the right block height is to include floats. So probably either more information needs to be returned to the callers rather than just nscoord_MAX, or arguments need to be added to some of the functions (or functions split up).

Bugbug thinks this bug is a regression, but please revert this change in case of error.

Keywords: regression

Are you planning to fix this for 70?

Flags: needinfo?(aethanyc)

I can take a look at this later, but I don't have a plan to fix this in Firefox 70. I open float-clear-001.html in Firefox 39, and this bug was already there since we enabled float fragmentation in bug 1148104. I feel it doesn't worth tracking for current release.

Keywords: regression
Regressed by: 1148104
Assignee: nobody → mats

I'm just wallpapering over one effect of this bug that blocks bug 1602430.

Assignee: mats → nobody
Keywords: leave-open
OS: Unspecified → All
Hardware: Unspecified → All
Assignee: nobody → mats
Pushed by
Wallpaper the effect of this bug in nsBlockFrame::ComputeFinalSize.  r=TYLin

According to the description in the tests, "The orange line should be
halfway down the third column", I think they meant to fill the column
sequentially when fragmenting the float elements.

All the callers in nsBlockFrame call BlockReflowInput::ClearFloats(), I
don't feel we need to pass the DONT_CLEAR_PUSHED_FLOATS down to
nsFloatManager. Besides, I'll remove the flag in a later patch.

Depends on D74536

This change doesn't change the behavior yet. It just changes all the
callers by having them catch the ClearFloatsResults.

Some of the callers will be revised in next patch by utilizing the
returned results. Some of the return values are not being used, and may
produce warnings, they will be suppressed in the next patch, too.

Depends on D74537

The rule I use when replacing the block-dir coordinates comparison
between the one passing to ClearFloats() and the one returned by

  • If they are equal, check the result has BCoordNoChange.

  • If they are not equal, check the result has BCoordAdvanced or

We want to do this conversion because in the next patch, I want to stop
ClearFloats() from returning nscoord_MAX, which is equivalent to
checking FloatsPushedOrSplit.

Depends on D74538

This effectively makes ClearFloat() act like it always has
DONT_CLEAR_PUSHED_FLOATS. Thus, the flag is no longer needed.

We need to add an early return condition when the block cannot fit in
ReflowBlockFrame(). Because we now don't return nscoord_MAX when floats
are pushed or split, the availSpace.BSize(wm) might equal to zero
rather than negative in this case. It's needed for
layout/reftests/pagination/float-clear-003.html and

Depends on D74539

Attachment #9147044 - Attachment description: Bug 1574046 Part 1 - Add column-fill:auto to the multicol container in float-clear-* reftests. → Bug 1574046 Part 1 - Upstream float clear reftests to wpt, and add column-fill:auto counterparts.

Here a try run of my current patches.

Assignee: mats → aethanyc
Flags: needinfo?(aethanyc)
Attachment #9153670 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Pushed by
Part 1 - Upstream float clear reftests to wpt, and add column-fill:auto counterparts. r=dbaron
Part 2 - Move calling nsFloatManager::ClearContinues to BlockReflowInput::ClearFloats(). r=dbaron
Part 3 - Make BlockReflowInput::ClearFloats() return ClearFloatsResults. r=dbaron
Part 4 - Use BlockReflowInput::ClearFloatsResult to replace coordinate comparison. r=dbaron
Part 5 - Prevent BlockReflowInput::ClearFloat from returning nscoord_MAX. r=dbaron
Created web-platform-tests PR for changes under testing/web-platform/tests
Upstream web-platform-tests status checks passed, PR will merge once commit reaches central.
Closed: 4 years ago
Keywords: leave-open
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla79
Upstream PR merged by moz-wptsync-bot
Has Regression Range: --- → yes
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