Closed Bug 1600798 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

[Experiment] Pref-Flip Experiment: Unimplemented Window API use counters in beta Fx 72.0 to 73.0 Beta


(Shield :: Shield Study, task, P3)


(firefox72+ fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox72 + fixed


(Reporter: experimenter, Assigned: tdsmith)




User Story

Delivery Type: Pref Flip Experiment

    What is the preference we will be changing


    What are the branches of the experiment and what values should
    each branch be set to?

- Control disabled 50%:

Value: false

Collection disabled
- Treatment enabled 50%:

Value: true

Collection enabled

    What version and channel do you intend to ship to?

2% of Beta Firefox 72.0 to 73.0

    Are there specific criteria for participants?

Countries: all

Locales: all

    What is your intended go live date and how long will the experiment run?

Dec 10, 2019 - Dec 17, 2019 (7 days)

    What is the main effect you are looking for and what data will you use to
    make these decisions?

What is the main effect you are looking for and what data will
you use to make these decisions? What metrics are you using to measure success

n/a; data collection study

Do you plan on surveying users at the end of the experiment? Yes/No.


    Who is the owner of the data analysis for this experiment?

    Will this experiment require uplift?


    QA Status of your code:

Not started.
Signed Off as GREEN, for more information please see

    Link to more information about this experiment:

Unimplemented Window API use counters in beta

Enable use counters for unimplemented HTMLDocument properties

Experimenter is the source of truth for details and delivery. Changes to Bugzilla are not reflected in Experimenter and will not change delivery configuration.

More information:

[Tracking Requested - why for this release]: I plan to launch this experiment in beta 72.

Thanks for the heads-up.

Assignee: nobody → tdsmith

Window API use counters
Firefox Beta 72.0bx

We have finished testing the [PI-398] Window API use counters experiment.

QA’s recommendation: GREEN - SHIP IT


  • We haven’t found any issues during testing.

Testing Summary:

  1. Normal browsing:
  • Verified that the “dom.missing_prop_counters.enabled” pref can be set to “true” value.
  • Verified that the “dom.missing_prop_counters.enabled” pref doesn’t reset to its default value after restarting/reopening the browser.
  • Verified that the “USE_COUNTER2_WINDOW_CHROME_PAGE” histogram is generated after visiting and closing the page provided in the Testing Instructions.
  • Verified that the specific histogram changes its value after visiting and closing the page provided in the Testing Instructions using the following actions:
    -> “Close tab” button
    -> “Close Other Tabs” option from the context menu
    -> “Close Tabs to the Right” option from the context menu
  • Verified that the specific histogram changes its value after visiting and closing the page provided in the Testing Instructions on a New Window.
  • Verified that the specific histogram changes its value after reloading the page provided in the Testing Instructions.
  • Verified that the specific histogram changes its value after closing 2 duplicate tabs with the page provided in the Testing Instructions.
  • Verified that the specific histogram starts counting from 0 after restarting/reopening the browser.
  1. Private mode browsing:
  • Verified that the specific histogram changes its value after visiting and closing the page provided in the Testing Instructions on a New Private Window.
  1. Performance:
  • Haven't noticed any slowdown in browser starting or while loading several websites.

Tested Platforms:

  • Windows 10 x64
  • Ubuntu 16.04 x64
  • macOS 10.14.5

Tested Firefox versions:

  • Firefox Beta 72.0b3 (en-US, de, es-ES)
User Story: (updated)
Summary: [Experiment]: Pref-Flip Experiment: Unimplemented Window API use counters in beta → [Experiment] Pref-Flip Experiment: Unimplemented Window API use counters in beta Fx 72.0 to 73.0 Beta
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
User Story: (updated)
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