Open Bug 1633657 (fx-l10n-ckb) Opened 4 years ago Updated 3 years ago

[ckb] Firefox release tracker Central Kurdish


(Mozilla Localizations :: Other, task)


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: flod, Assigned: jwtiyar)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


This is a tracker bug for releasing Firefox ckb.

Your team's dashboard should be up on The dashboard displays your project's status and helps you (and us) determine what's left to do. Follow it closely to track your Firefox localization progress. You will see this bug listed as part of your dashboard. This helps us to track your project's progress and provide visibility to your work.

The "bugs" here are tracking individual items of work. Some of those will depend on the localization team driving them to completion, while others are for infrastructure that will be handled by Mozilla staff. I'll indicate who is responsible in each bug.

We'll also be using two terms for interacting with version control. That's commonly mercurial, or hg, in short. "commit" is used when talking about the actual 'hg commit' command, adding changes to the local version history. "landing" means to commit something and to use 'hg push' to push it from your local version history to the one on, mozilla's server. That's when your changes are public, and make it into the builds Mozilla generates, and puts on ftp.

If you're unsure what any of the terminology means, feel free to ask. Good places are or #l10n-community. Ask in public, you shouldn't assume that you're the only one with the question.

Thank you francsesco
Edit the name from kurdisch to kurdish :).

(In reply to cwtiyar from comment #1)

Thank you francsesco
Edit the name from kurdisch to kurdish :).

Ouch, copied and pasted from Pontoon, and somehow managed to leave that c behind.

Summary: [ckb] Firefox release tracker Central Kurdisch → [ckb] Firefox release tracker Central Kurdish
Depends on: 1633709
Depends on: 1634579
Depends on: 1634631

Can you provide the native name of the language? For example, Spanish in English, Español in Spanish itself.

en-US: Central Kurdish
ckb: ???

No longer depends on: 1634631
Flags: needinfo?(jwtiyar)
Depends on: 1634631
No longer depends on: 1634579

Thank you Francesco
The name is "کوردیی ناوەندی:

Flags: needinfo?(jwtiyar)

Thank you guys, now Kurdish is available in main website to download as nighlty.

Best Regards

See Also: → 1637279
Assignee: pmo → jwtiyar
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