Closed Bug 1645176 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Please create a new ldap group: `scm_firefoxci`


(Infrastructure & Operations :: Infrastructure: LDAP, task)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tomprince, Assigned: jabba)



Please create a new ldap group scm_firefoxci . It will be used as the owner of hg repositories, so it needs to be mirrored as a POSIX group to the hg servers in MDC1).

It will be used to restrict access to the ci/ci-admin and ci/ci-configuration as those will be deployed automatically on push.

The members of the group should match the releng and team_relops groups.

I've created the group as a posix group, similar to the other scm_* groups we have. The new group has gidNumber 694, and should be available to the mercurial systems' ldap integration. After a bit, the group-mirror automation will run, which will add groupOfNames style groups that mirror the membership of this group: active_scm_firefoxci, expired_scm_firefoxci, all_scm_firefoxci. Those groups should be of no consequence to mercurial itself, but are what would be needed if someone were to re-use this group's membership as an ACL in a web property using auth0, etc.

Assignee: infra → jdow
Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 1645847
Blocks: 1649166
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